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How Do You Think Mankind Will Die ? Extinction Of Man

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Every day in the news, you hear of some species on the brink of extinction or a species that has been officially named "Extinct" (The Formosan Clouded Leopard was the latest to be added to the list). Every announcement leaves me asking the same question "How will our species end?"


My personal belief is that our extinction could happen due to a severe modification in the current ecosystem / web of life. Every ecosystem depends on each component as every component in an ecosystem has a specific role in the sustenance of all species. Basically, for any ecosystem to work like a well oiled machine, all parts need to be intact.


Extinction of species is uncontrollable since it has been proven that species go extinct with or without our intervention. However, we cannot deny upon Man's role in the extinction of a devastatingly large amount of flora (plants) & fauna (animals).


Mankind according to me will end the same way every other species did, a negative change in the environment creating problems in living, food & procreation .


Those who believe in Man living here forever are also welcome on the condition that you back it up with a proper reasoning.. Don't just add "Man will live forever because he is at the top of the food chain"

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There are way too many things that could go wrong to ever think mankind will last forever. Unless the end for this planet comes far in the future, when we have seeded the rest of the galaxy with humans. Then I would say it would be nearly impossible. But if we are all stuck on one planet, it could happen. Although it would be difficult to come up with a scenario that would completely wipe out all life on the planet. In most instances some humans would survive, like if disease spread threw the population, there are always those that for some reason have a resistance to disease and would survive. Even a major neucular holocost would leave some survivors, prevailing winds would spare at least parts of the planet.

While the enviornmentalists scream and cry about how we are killing ourselves, it would be a simple thing for earth to be wiped out by something we could have no control over whatsoever. Nuking a giant astaroid might make for a good movie, but in reality, it would be most likely beyond our abilities to change the trajectory or break up a really big one good enough to save us. Massive global volcanic erruptions could end us too, though there is some chance of a few survivors that way too, just not if the erruptions are global, leaving no sunlight anywhere on the planet. We could only survive underground as long as the food and water held out, because once it is gone, with no sunlight, there would be no more growing anything and if the ozone was damaged the water will also all evaporate. Or freeze. Maybe. I'm not a scientist, so not sure on that one. Either way it sure wouldn't be pretty.

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The beauty of mother nature is her ability to adapt. While it is true that many species are dependent on each other for survival, in most cases if one species goes extinct, mother nature adapts and continues on with what ever survivors there are. This is proven by the fact that all the huge old dinosaurs are now long gone, but the planet has survived quite nicely without them. I suspect thousands, or even millions of species have become extinct since the beginning of life on earth, but it just keeps rolling along as the remaining species learn to adapt to the new or changed living conditions. This is one of the subjects I take offence to the environmentalist who have such temper tantrums any time some slug, salamander, worm, or mouse's environment is threatened by something that is needed for human beings well being. Cutting off water to irrigate fields to grow crops to feed humans to save some worthless carp is a good example. Then you have our insane government officials who try to force a cattle rancher off his rented pastures to save a desert tortoise, but when the funding for the tortoise sanctuary runs out the same government kills over 2/3 of the animals it had been protecting. Now there's crazy for you!

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"Man will live forever because he is at the top of the food chain"

I agree. However, we could ruin the whole food chain, way under tons of litter. If we can't take care of our food chain, we could simply disappear.

Of course, if not, don't forget that our Sun has a lifecycle, which, at a given moment, will simply swallow the earth. It's late in the future, so I don't care about it, I think wasting our natural resources will lead to the end before that.

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Yes, there's a disaster I didn't even think of, the sun going out. I suppose it could burn up or blow up or just die somehow, again, I am not a scientist. Solar flares are already known to cause some problems, so that is yet another possibility for our extinction. As far as tons of litter, virtually nothing we now consider litter is not reusable/recyclable right now. We just need the will and the wear withal to take care of it. Metal can be recycled, many plastics, paper, glass, etc. I bet if they were made properly you could even compost dirty baby diapers. Placing more emphasis on renewable resources like wood and other plant materials would greatly slow our demise too.

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We humans have many ways of being able to extinguish. I think the most serious threat we have is one that would virtually wipe out all regardless of where we live nuclear war. Nuclear wars are our most serious threat, but the probability of a war breaks out these features today are few. The next cause of extinction of the human race could be the ecosystem devastation caused by a global overpopulation. Habemos today too human breathing. I am to be listening very misogynist what I just wrote, but it's true. The human race has never been so large and apparently the resources of this planet are being depleted rapidly due to overpopulation.

There are many useless people in this world whose sole job is to breathe, eat, eat and wait for death, which takes too long to arrive at certain times. The vast majority of us do not make any contribution to the progress of science for future generations. Practically we live to die waiting. So the only thing contributing to this huge mass of people is to give indirectly harm the global ecosystem.

Another way of extinction to which we have to give up is the impact of any celestial body with our planet as has happened before in the history of the Earth. Dinosaurs became extinct after the Yucatan meteorite impact. If we had been at the time he would have been the same. Our technology is very advanced today but against a threat how are you we could not do anything.

Well this is a very small list but I think they are the greatest threats to the human race is facing today. Another could be the disease, but as a doctor I am, it seems very unlikely a global epidemic because medical science has advanced greatly and in this case I believe that if we are prepared to defend our existence.


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