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Us Abolishes Teen Death Penalty

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That is good that it got abolished for teenagers. However, I think it should be removed completely. The death penalty is pointless. There is no reason that anyone should be killed by the government. One reason that it should be gone is because of all the false accusations. There have been way too many cases where someone was sentanced to death and then they discovered he was innocent after he was already dead. The only way to prevent this is to just get rid of it completely.

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I'm against the death penalty in general, especially for teenagers, as I'm a teenager. I don't know what I'd do if I was charged for something I didn't do, especially now seeing as I'm so young. I think the death penalty, if it has to be used, should only be for over 18s. Then you truly are responsible for your own actions.

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If a persons deserves to die or not depends mostly of the things he did and how severe were them. If someone kills another by accident.. he shouldn't be punished like a guy who killed a whole family just to have fun.There are many sick freaks out there on this world that deserve to die but get away with it. If u seen the movie Law Abbiding Citizen you know what I'm talking about , sometimes it better to make yourself justice. That guy remains alone after some fat prick killed his familly and unfortunetely got away with only 5 years. He goes after him, catches him.. and kills him in an.... original way :P).Im not saying that's the right thing to do.. but sometimes Death Penalty is motivated.As far as if the death penalty is applicable to teens this is uncertain. To take a good decision in this matther the juries must really have a clear definition of TEEN , and not just based on his AGE but by the way he thinks ,acts and how constient of his actions is the individual.There's another topic about some 12-13 kid who slaughter his grandparents , now could that be considered a completely sane "teen" ? I think NOT.That's why .. in this cases it's gonna be a hard decision if to send or not a kid/teen to DEATH!.And then again it's the problem with the religion , if we think about it.. or.. those who belive in a higher power(aka GOD) , Who are we , or a Judge to decide if a person deserves to live or die ? If we're all made by god then no other human beeing should have the power to decide another one's faith.It's a vast subject with alot of aspects.

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