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Need A Fb Crash Course

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Ok, bad as I hated to, I signed up for Face Book. I really missed my old buddies on my dog breeders board, I'd been on that forum for probably 10 years or so, as long as it's been online. But the software that ran it was outdated, so the owner moved it to FB.So far I'm not impressed. For starters I'm not thrilled about having my every move and other information all out there. I hope to keep the information about me down to the very bare minimum. I already see no way to keep my birthday from showing. It's nobodys damn business how old I am. And I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings, but I have no urges to have 100's of "friends" in some cases people I don't even know, just to see how many I can have, which seems to be the goal for many at FB. All seems so petty and shallow to me. I need to know if I can send messages on FB to people if I am not friends with them? My sister in law says I can if I have the address of their "wall?" I saw a couple peoples walls, but a few I wanted to send messages to I couldn't find the wall. Also, how do I set my preferences so I just read any messages when I log into FB? I do NOT need any more freaking emails in my regular email, I can hardly keep up with them as it is.

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There are privacy settings, if for example your not my friend, I don't allow to view my account or wall for you, I allow only to my friends or I can choose to show only to my friends friends, but if you want to send a message and you don't have permission to do it, you won't be able as fas as I know, even though I don't really use facebook to much, as you I just registered to have some friends around and blocked everything I could find in the privacy settings, so until I won't get a message that somebody wants to be a friend of mine, he can't send me anything.By default, I don't even know what kind of settings they apply, I guess moderate/recommended. So, as I understand, if you know his link to wall or his name or username, you can ask him to be your friend and only then send him a message, but that depends on his privacy settings.When using facebook, you can add friends and block some things separately and only see what is interesting for you.

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Thanks, that does seem to be the way it works. They sure don't make it easy for you to find any privacy settings, I looked all over the site and couldn't find a single way to set any preferences. I suppose since it is their business to share information, they don't want you to try to keep anything private. I did finally find a link on an email they sent me of a post made on a forum I joined so I could opt out of getting individual emails at least from the groups.

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Top right hand corner of your News Feed page,Down pointing arrow head.Click there.

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Thanks jlhaslip! Finally found that little sucker. They sure don't make that easy for you. But at least I got most of the emails stopped from coming to my inbox. However, yesterday when I went to check my breeders board and looked at my page, I saw where I now have 35 friends! I did NOT approve any of the new ones. I only had 3 that I approved when I started my page. I don't have any idea where all these came from. A lot of them were people I'd never even heard of. How the heck did that happen? I had trouble figuring out how to delete them, and the process is very slow and time consuming, so I'm really ticked off over that. Need to figure out how to keep that from happening anymore. And now it says I have 6 friends, but it only shows 5 pictures, so I guess I have a secret friend? And ok, at the risk of sounding completely stupid, (which, when it comes to computers I actually am) I have yet to figure out how to make a paragraph break when I am making a post at FB. Normally you just hit enter and it skips down a line, but in FB it enters the message.

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Ha! Thanks. I should of thought of something simple like that. Still haven't figured out where all those "friends" came from. And I wanted to add a page to my groups list, but couldn't get it to add. On the ones I already have on the list, FB added them automaticly when I applied to join and was approved. But this one is a Congressman's page I just wanted to read occasionally.

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I'm slowly gaining some insights into the workings of Facebook, but it's been a struggle for sure. You would think as long as I have been messing around on the internet stuff like this would be easy for me by now, but it just blows me away every time I try anything even remotly different. I nearly had a heart attack last week when Xisto was all different. I'm glad it's back to normal, let me tell you. I don't know if it's cause I'm getting old and my brains are getting soft and mushy, or what. Is it harder to learn when you get older? I'd think you could continue to learn throughout one's lifetime if you worked at it. Since I've gained a little confidence in FB pages, I have tried to play a few of the games on there. Talk about a money maker, they let you play a few levels of something free, and get to liking it and then want you to pay for extra lives or energy or upper levels of some games. No wonder the company is making billions of bucks! I am a little leary about their games though, I have heard you can pick up viruses and stuff playing them. Anybody know more about that?

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I am a little leary about their games though, I have heard you can pick up viruses and stuff playing them. Anybody know more about that?

Technically you can get viruses from anything. There have even been situations where popular sites get hacked and end up with malware.

With that said, I haven't heard any issues with playing FB's games, although I think anyone is able to create their own apps and upload them (I don't think they have any type of "quality assurance" testers before you can take your new apps live). To be honest, it isn't something I've really thought about/worried about...

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