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Does The Way You Dress Reflects Your Character?

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When in social gatherings,the ones that you need to attend with your family,I have often found that there would be someone who would prefer to go out of the way and dress in a manner that by no means conforms to the purpose of the occasion. I mean like if it is a religious gathering,wearing a dress that refuses to extend below the thighs would undoubtedly raise quite a few eyebrows and there are some who wouldn't hesitate to conclude that the person can never possess a desirable character. At least I have seen this happen in the Indian society that way, but that doesn't mean I believe in doing so and have disagreed with people of such thought process.The reason one's character is linked to his/her dressing style might be that the tastes of that person are exhibited which supposedly hold some relevance to the person's personality. Now I need to state why I disagree, because two people who dress alike do not bear the same attributes. Moreover, people who have been found to dress according to the occasion, are simply displaying a social image, for eg.everyone at a funeral dresses like the family of the deceased does, yet they don't feel the loss of the person with the same intensity, so how do thoughts related to the character get influenced by the way of their dressing? It may be important while pursuing career,also I wouldn't totally rule out that any social activity does maintain a dress code and abiding by that makes it easier for everyone to be comfortable, but directly assuming about someone's character simply based on the way of dressing doesn't convince me....... <_< What's your opinion?

Edited by ritu (see edit history)

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The human mind is far to complex to put much more than a general clue as to the personality of the wearer of any clothing style, whether it is done in a manner somewhat unfitting to the circumstances or just completely outlandish. For example, someone might come out to a religous gathering, say easter sunday, wearing all black, when the custom is to wear light colored clothes to celebrate the rebirth of spring time and a new season. Now that person wearing black on such an occasion's personality could reflect any number of things. From a personality that is depressed, or rebelous, or it could just mean that they have no sense of style or knowledge of proper attire or fashion sense. Many people are not really aware of social customs. They could be the sweetest person on earth or a real tyrant. So no, I don't think clothes are the best indicator of a persons personality. But in a lot of cases, they could give us a real good clue. Just not every time.

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Different people wear different clothing for different reasons. Notice a trend there? Everyone is different.Some may, for example, wear things that other's don't just to set themselves apart so they can be noticed. Others may do it so they can start a new trend. Others many do it because they just don't care.There are many different cases like this (such as replicating someone else's style), and everyone does it for different reasons.So to answer the question as to whether or not it is a sign of one's "character," I guess I have to go with "yes." While the answer as to HOW it shows someone's character remains unknown, the styles in and of themselves are definitely a representation. Even if people don't care what they wear, that's still a personality (character) trait of that person.

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The way you dress reflects your character... I would say Yes! to some extend. Because when people see you for the first time they do not know you. So the first thing they notice about you is your attire and the way you carry yourself. So I feel 40% of your character is judged by what kind of an attire you have worn. And I feel a person's attire can say a lot about him/her.For eg: if a person has worn a crumpled dress people would judge the person as lazy or if he/she has worn a dress which looks dirty and not washed people would think that person is untidy and not clean. So The kind of dress you wear will surely leave some kind of an impact on people. And like the phrase goes, though in some cases it won't prove right but still is very important "First impression is the last impression"

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The way you dress up reflects the approach one has towards life. Many questions regarding a person's character can be answered by just viewing his dressing up sense.There are people who really don't know which dress to wear in which place. If someone happens to visit a village where the rural people dress up in too simple manner and there if someone's dress up happens to be like the one visiting a proper metro city. That is something that depicts that the person concerned is truly unadaptable and can't adapt with changing situations.Over simplified dress up makes one getting truly ignored in situations/places where we come across with people in truly fashionable manner.So regarding dress up there goes the golden rule that says when you are in Rome try to be a Romanian.That doesn't mean you have to break your own rules /taste of dressing up.

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don't know which dress to wear in which place. If someone happens to visit a village where the rural people dress up in too simple manner and there if someone's dress up happens to be like the one visiting a proper metro city. That is something that depicts that the person concerned is truly unadaptable and can't adapt with changing situations.


I completely disagree with this. The ability to adapt and the desire to are two very different things. If people are doing something wrong and you don't want to do it as well, you're not unable to, you simply choose not to. In many cases, people just flat out don't care. If it's not a big concern to someone, that's still not an inability, but rather a choice.

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