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Anxiety Panic Attacks HOW TO COPE

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Hello im a 31 yr old female who about 5 months ago started having anxiety /panic attacks. I am not even sure how they started i think it was when my daughter had a seizure and stopped breathing i wouldnt sleep in fears that something bad was going to happen to her. Also during that time my step son was acting up and my hubby and i had slight problems then i ended up getting sick as well so im not really sure . When i first started getting my attacks they scared me i thought i was dying the drs. told me i had many different things pnemonia lime diesease you name it then come to find out they say i was misdiagosed;-( . Im not sure if my fear is of dying cause along with my attacks ive been sick to where i wake up everyday with my body in pain my bones hurt my chest thightens up cause my muscles and my head is so congested which makes me feel light headed and like the back of my head is congested ive had headaches for months now. I have had test dont mris ct scans you name it and i guess im not sure my fear right now is that im going to die . There are days i dont sleep cause i feel like im not going to wake up no matter if the drs tell me im fine :-( i thought i was starting to deal with them then the other day it happened again i cryed and what not cause my chest hurt and after a few mins it passed. I guess what im looking for is someone who knows what im going through and can maybe help me . I have my hubby but he doesnt really seem to uderstand and gets upset when i have them. Then to top it off my hubby is in the army and he deploys again for the 4th time i dont know what to they did give me meds which i cant really take cause im a full time mother we just moved to where we are at and dont really have anyone if ayone can help me or at least give me advice on how to deal with whAT IM going through i would truley appriciate it ..

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hello. i suggest you get some help with your paranoia. you seem so wound up about everything and you're making things up in your head that isn't true. do you know the difference between anxiety and panic? if not, you need to start researching and start informing yourself about what you are going through. until you know exactly what you're going through, you can't obviously get any help. medication can help. you would have to go to a psychiatrist for that. maybe also talking to someone on a regular basis about what your going through might help...either a counselor, group therapy, or a good friend.usually when people do this to themselves, life isn't at all as bad as they are making it out to be. please understand this because just knowing this can help you. i would try to get help for this right away though. it's very easy for a little paranoia to get way out of hand very quickly. listen. it doesn't make you crazy or a bad person either. just sounds like you care too much which is making you worry a lot more than other people.when you feel them coming on, try deep breathing techniques. breath in slow and deep through the nose, hold it for a couple seconds, and breath all the air out threw your mouth. do this continuously. turn on some soft and soothing music. think of something that can take your mind off whatever you had your mind on before even if it's subconscience. you need to take yourself out of the environment that you were just in when about to have an anxiety or panic attack. i highly recommend the breath exercise as the attacks will make it harder to breath when you're gonna feel like you're having a heart attackoh i just read you are refusing to take meds because you are a full time mother? i don't suggest you make excuses for the help you need. i don't think this is the right time when you're husband should be leaving. he should be able to stay home while you are going through what you are going through or things might get worse. i can already feel you stressing about it so this isn't a good thing. there has to be a way he can stay, and you can stabalize on some medications that will work for you(yes....i said medications....more than one). i really hope your husband realizes what he's doing by leaving right now. and yes, he has a choice. he needs to inform people of your medical condition and ONLY leave when you are stable. you can't be able to take on everything by yourself right now.the reason why you are feeling sick is because of all the mental strain you are putting on yourself. the body is reacting to it nowcan i ask some questions?1: how old is your daughter?2: how old is your stepson?3: how old is your husband?4: how long have you been married?5: do you get depressed a lot?the reason for those questions is that something caught my attention and it would help if i can just piece some things together because i feel there is more going on here....

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I can certainly see where you were misdiagnosed, it actually does sound just like Lymes disease. Did they treat you for that by any chance? The cure is pretty simple, 30 days of tetracycline, a cheap antibiotic. I think you need to learn to relax. Didn't all these symptoms come on at once, because from your post it sounds like that is what happened. I'm thinking that the attack your daughter had triggered you to fall into some bad habits, and you've just fallening into a rut that just keeps getting deeper and deeper. Your natural rhythems are all screwed up. First you were afraid to fall asleep, that started almost an avalance of bad habits and health destroying habits.

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You know I have a friend who also suffer that kind of sickness. I know you really want comfort and somebody who can assure you that everything will be alright and that he will take care of you but it's hard to rely on other person, whether a relative or not. What you should do is to help yourself. Calm yourself and trust in God, pray every night to have a good night sleep and pray to God to take care of the people you love when all of you are sleeping and after praying, trust Him that He will listen, so take away all your worries and sleep peacefully.

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