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My Theory About Computer Hacking

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I was thinking last night while trying to go to sleep. A computer and any antivirus looks at hundreds of files and watches what they do. They also do the same with programs. You are constantly getting files from the internet too (how do you think the PC is able to show the things you see now?).I thought that if you somehow got someones IP address or know where they are on a network if applicable, could you hack a PC to retrieve files without the owner knowing? Could you disguise yourself as a harmless file? Force the OS into thinking that you (a file) is supposed to do something like disable the firewall. Make the OS to not show any signs of the firewall being disabled. Then go back into the PC disguised as a program. Force the antivirus into thinking the OS is trying to do something, something that's supposed to happen. Go get the files/info you need. Re-enter disguised as the pre-mentioned file. Undo everything you did. Make it seem like you was never there.You could act like a network packet. Shouldn't the OS be the only thing that knows what to do with the packet?

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Is this your theory or your question because i found every sentence ending with question mark so i'm a little confused about your theory. anyway what you have written is what some spywares does, they get into your PC and get interested information from you but i haven't seen any spyware to leave your computer in most of the times they stick to your computer till you do something about removing them otherwise they will be there, but i have seen some trojans that have built to do a specific job and after that they will delete themselves and get everything back to normal but again cleaning all of their footsteps is really a hard work because if you use a hardware data logger then every opened port and every single bit transferred from your pc to any other thing in the world will be logged and this is why it is not very easy to being unknown when you hack someone or something .I know about something called "iStealer" it is a combination of keyloggers , trojans and many other harmful softwares that are going to steal your data like passwords you enter in your browsers (they will even find those you have entered a year ago) and they will keep sending all of your important information to the author of the program using some ways like ftp , e-mail and in more professional ways like sending your data to another computer which is still a victim and then sending from it to another victim and by doing this process they will decrease the chance of getting known. anyway iStealers are known for being undetectable so they don't need to deactivate anything like firewall or antivirus they attach to something else to do what they want like an application that you have installed, they even get their required privileges from you by getting behind another trustable software and by doing this they can do everything they want and you will not find out because they seem like friendly softwares you use everyday but with a harmful thing attached to it.So author of these softwares will think about how to make their software undetectable not to make it disable antivirus and show it enabled to you or something like this because it is a lot easier to be undetectable rather than trying to force antivirus to not detect you. "You could act like a network packet. Shouldn't the OS be the only thing that knows what to do with the packet? " i can not understand what do you mean by this sentence, what do you mean by acting like a network packet ? are you getting your self in wire to see what is in someones PC :D ? i can't use my imagination to imagine that scene but i think if you can act like a network packet then firewall will check you to see if you are harmful or not and if you where not a harmful code then you can get into that PC other wise you will be blocked.

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Most of those questions are statements put into question form. The thing about viruses/trojan/malware etc., is that you have to program them for a specific OS and to do a specific task. What I'm saying is that you go into the PC and do all the hacking yourself. You know what to do if you can't find the file; keep looking, whereas a virus will give up.

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I don?t know but I think that you are new in the computer world because your theory actually is a practice... basically is the main way to hack a computer with a internet connection. The basic process is getting some Ip addresses with a proxy to don?t expose your real Ip if you are the hacker. Once you get the Ip addresses you send a file to the computer you want to hack like a trojan or a virus and get the control of the computer with the possibility of disabling the hardware, disabling the task managet and get full control of the computer remotally. I am not a hacker. But I am a computer user since a lot of time ago and I had been victim of hacking processes like virus and trojan and once a guy could reset my computer like 5 times and make me format my computer because any virus could desinfect my computer.So I am happy for you because your imagination is good. But this is not a theory this is the practice nowadays.Regards.

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