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Credits Donation

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Since everyone is worrying about their credits and about being away for more days than the credits they have, i suggest having a mod where a member could donate some of his/her credit to another member. sort of Cash Mod.The donor could ask in return some favors, like doing some scripts for him, an animated graphics perhaps, and even reputations.what do you think about that?

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It's ideally a good idea. But it would be used to cheat.For example, a person creates an account, spams to get lots of credits, then donates those credits to his true account.Therefore, it should not be implemented. Though in theory, it is a great idea.

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I agree.What if you ask someone to do some scripts for you, and when the job is done, you refuse to give him the hosting credits you promised to him?Reputations? A person can gain a good reputation by not doing anything! It's just not right!This is supposed to be free hosting, right?BTW: People CAN BE VERY greedy!

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although it is a good thought, i do not think it would work. you might have some people who are pretty active and get a bunch of credits. then lets say one of their friends wants to make a website. they one with a lot of credits could give them enough to host a website and the friend might hardly ever be seen on the forums.in my opinion, the best way to deal with being away a for a few days and worrying about your credits would be to have an 'away mode'. it could have something where you can enter the number of days you will be gone and your account would 'freeze' for that many days. this would mean that you would not lose credits but it could also be set so you could not log in and edit your site during that time. just a thought.

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It's a logical idea, but it is definitely flawed. If you want to be hosted here, you have to make a small personal commitment to the community. Your hosting credits reflect that. If all you do is reap them on someone else's behalf, it doesn't demonstrate that commitment.I think the system is best the way it is now...just my opinion, though.

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in my opinion, the best way to deal with being away a for a few days and worrying about your credits would be to have an 'away mode'. it could have something where you can enter the number of days you will be gone and your account would 'freeze' for that many days. this would mean that you would not lose credits but it could also be set so you could not log in and edit your site during that time. just a thought.


if there was an away mode, everyone would set it to away... that would never work. what's the point of hosting credits if you can simply set your status to awaay and have the credits not count down? what if i put in 100 days and never post for 100 days?? most people don't even have to edit their sites so it would be a perfect solution for them to remain inactive.

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if there was an away mode, everyone would set it to away... that would never work.  what's the point of hosting credits if you can simply set your status to awaay and have the credits not count down?  what if i put in 100 days and never post for 100 days?? most people don't even have to edit their sites so it would be a perfect solution for them to remain inactive.


well it was just a thought. guess i forgot about actually accessing the site ;) maybe their website could be down while they were in an away mode. but i guess it would be a lot of work. people will just have to post a lot before they leave :P

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Having a Credit Donation system is too risky, however, I have an idea that I think will work out very effectively, we should have a "member of the month prize", each month, mods and admins, and the members of the forum, will vote for which member who they thnk deserves to get a "prize credit" (say, 300 Hosting Credits ;) ). This would include how much they're posting, if they're a prominenet member, funny, cool, and helpful. And each month a new member gets voted, so, yes, hat wouldn't be so bad.

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I'm just going to be blunt aobut this, stop whining about the credits system. If you can't make it work go buy your hosting for a whole 10$ a year. I'm starting to get annoyed about all these posts trying to get around just posting. If you can't do it, tough. Go whine to your mother.

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I can do this.. But I think I will rather do it manually than creating an automated script for doing this. There is lot of scope for spamming here. But the idea is really good. A member leaving for a long vaccation can ask someone else to donate some credits to him so that he/she can have hosting account active. But I am thinking of a commision like system where 5 credits would be reduced in the total transaction and only transactions over 30 credits should be allowed or something.. So that I am not spammed with requests :)

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