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Poor Moderators!

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I am really starting to feel sorry for the moderators of these forums. I have been here for nearly 2 years and and I have never seen such a mass of spam hitting the forums like what we have had in the past week! What on earth is going on? Where are all these idiots coming from? You poor moderators have really had your work cut out for you. I hope for your sake that they see it isn't working and will soon go away. Until then, hang in there guys!

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Well, sheepdog,
do not feel too sorry for the moderators (or at least the admins).
The reason why there is so much spam on the forum, with all the other problems that come with that, is because some of the admins have simply turned their backs on this forum.

And it certainly is not only spam which is annoying visitors here, it is also the fact that this forum has become incredibly slow.

I am obviously not going to start copying and pasting here (against regulations), but if you want to see a topic that goes into the matter a bit deeper, have a look here.

In that particular topic there is a discussion going on, not only about the spam issue, but also about the ho, who, why and what of things.
Fortunately there is also a mention of some possible solutions, if only the powers that be would listen and take heed now.

Then there is a further topic, which can be found here, far less technical, and far less detailed, but it shows that other visitors here are getting quite anxious or fed up (don't know yet which category to class myself in).
(It also seems like the last post in the topic looks suspiciously much like spam).

So, if you have anything to add, or want to put some possible solutions or suggestions forward, feel free to join the topics I mentiond, and help us in the fight to give this place a least some of its former glory back.

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Well I have almost 5 months without posting any post in here because I cancelled my internet connection for economic problems but now I am here again to make good quality post to rich this fantastic forum. I fell sorry for this new I have no idea about this type of invassion of spammers to knowledsutra where the point is to make good quality post... Well but be a moderator has never been easy so I pressume that all the moderators are ready to attack these spammers and delete or report all those post that qualify like spam... So I have a great challenge because I have a debt of $53 in my xisto billing account so I have to post to recover a little of the debt and practice to write a lot of time and also think to make good contributions here...So please give me good luck to make my challenge and recover all the functions of my Xisto host account.

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Opaque abandoned this forum and is now looks like desert. He did this intentionally or not is beyond my thinking capability. Basically he reduced the mycents earning capability to get rid of members and he never made posts for last 8 months or so. He talks about office and other busy stuff all the time when we contact him but you can atleast take 1 minute for the forum if your sole work involves hosting, web design business. He never sorted out slow mycent issue on this forum and so this was quite intentional to boot members out of the network. Now he can get newbies to post on this forum all day with that low amount and can earn from the content on this forum in autoblog/forum style. Sorry but i see no positive from opaque last few months and have to break it down like this.

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well i agree 100% that opaque abandoned things here. so did buffalohelp and so did the mods. heck, even the old members abondoned this place. i think it started with opaque and spiraled down from there.

now as far as opaques intentions. how do you know his intentions? did he tell you this? i am curious where you are getting your information. i just want to know if you know what you are really talking about or if they are assumptions and ignorance speaking. because if it IS assumptions and ignorance, then your credibility is just getting worse and worse. why say worse and worse?

you were one to always have a problem with the old credit system and how the mycents were distributed. according to you, you weren't getting enough or weren't getting as much as you should have been getting. well, ever since the new credit system, i have never had that problem. even today when the admins and mods abandoned this place. i still at the very least, $2 a week which is over $100 a year and i don't even post as much as i did before. you claimed before that the mycents system was partially run manually, but since everything has been abandoned, that argument is not valid anymore. in fact, very few people complained about the distribution and your still on that point. now if you have something to say supported by what you were told or by facts that you can prove, then let's see and hear that information. if not, and you want to speak from assumptions and ignorance, then yes, your own credibility here will get worse and worse where eventually anything you have to say will not be believed.

now i am with you in not liking how things went down. i was the biggest complainer i believe. but i didn't complain just to complain. i wanted people held accountable. i wanted to keep people in check. i can't do that now. i know there is no HEART in Xisto(formally known as Xisto) anymore. no heart. no blood line. nothing to keep it breathing. no life line. no determination or vision anymore for this place. almost like the dream is gone.

what i DO know is that Xisto is posted in the new office. opaque made Xisto a part of it. this tells me one thing. that when the time allows, KS will be back. it will be hard to recover after the decisions opaque made and the more important things that needed to be done first, but i believe it will be back.

is that an excuse not to take 5 minutes to update users from time to time? no. there is absolutely no excuse to ignore ks members completely. also, if i was opaque, i would be afraid to come back after this long absence because i know i would be getting a lot of crap. that's exactly what he's going to get too. a lot of crap when he comes back unless some miracle happens. he has a lot of explaining to do. BUT! the mycents system IS working and everyone is still getting paid like usual. there has still not been an interruption in getting credited for hosting needs so obviously opaque and his team haven't abandoned this place fully.

Opaque abandoned this forum and is now looks like desert. He did this intentionally or not is beyond my thinking capability. Basically he reduced the mycents earning capability to get rid of members and he never made posts for last 8 months or so. He talks about office and other busy stuff all the time when we contact him but you can atleast take 1 minute for the forum if your sole work involves hosting, web design business. He never sorted out slow mycent issue on this forum and so this was quite intentional to boot members out of the network. Now he can get newbies to post on this forum all day with that low amount and can earn from the content on this forum in autoblog/forum style. Sorry but i see no positive from opaque last few months and have to break it down like this.

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Good grief, $53 in the hole!? I'm not sure I could ever get caught up from that far behind! I wanted to get at least $30 ahead before kidding season started and I feel like I typed my fingers to the bone and never even got close to that! Actually, I didn't know you could even get in the hole here. I thought if you ran out of mycents your site would be removed.

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