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Best Final Fantasy?

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I only played 3 final fantasy's in total (ff7, ff8, ff3) and i think Final Fantasy 7 is the best final fantasy ever! it has a great story, it has great characters and it has a good play lenght. i also think the music in the game is verry good. the tunes stay in your head fot a long time! so i think that final fantasy 7 is the best final fantasy ever buil it is good it is fun it is THE final fantasy game that you have to play!!!!



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The best graphic ever for FF is FFX2 though I hate its story its almost comedy and drama combined... not like FF7 its has a good story even if the graphics is stinky... I agree with you about FF7 the best game I ever played in PS2!!! :ph34r:

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The best ff? Damn that is a pretty hard question. My favourite would probably have to be either 9 or 10. I've played the ffs on the gba/sp, the ps1 and the ps2. I've got 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10-2(worst one ever), 11 and tactics advance. I don't have 3 because the damn makers haven't released it in english :D then again, I could always get the emulator again... :ph34r: The best story is probably 7, i just love the story and the advent children movie will be well good. The best graphic is 10-2 but is the worst one of them all, and the best system is 9 or 10, I just love their systems. I think that my favourite is probabloy 9, its a classic and was the first ever ff that i ever played. Console wise, the best one on the gba is tactics advance, the best one for the ps1 is ff9 and the best one for the ps2 is ff10. I think I've played ff for about 5 years now lol. i like the games mainly because they are rpg and the first rpg I ever played...according to my memory. Also I love the easy controls and I think a 7 year old can play the game, after all, I started when I was seven as well. I love the story of everyone of them(apart from 8 and 10-2).

I love the music and the areas/scenery in the game, they are just amazing. Nobuo Uematsu (main music composer of ff1 - 10, maybe 11 and definitely not 10-2) is amazing, I would really like the meet him, lol, you can download ff midis off Nobuo Uematsu, I've got the soundtrack for ff9 but they got midis from 1-9 at least, you should check it out if you love ff music.


i tottaly know what you mean this game really is cool to play! but what are you playing right now than? still playing on only two consoles? let me know man!

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I've played most of the Final Fantasy's, Im working through 1-2, and I've played most of 6.I own 7,8,9,10,(Played 10-2, its not even worth the money)11, tactics. WEll any the three following are the oens I think are teh ebst and here are the reasons whyFinal Fantasy 7-Its has a very good overall story, very epic, the story devlepmont is great and its wonderful the way the character development (Of cloud and Spehitorth in paticular) interwine with the story so much. For the time the graphics were more than good (Not the sprites) but all the prerendered backrounds definetly went way above teh standard for 3d gaming at that time. And the Materia system allowed for almost endless, litterly, magic combonations, I myself had cloud doing four attacks with triple slash and counter.W-summon ans W-magic, and double slash were some of the best Materia.Final Fantasy 9-Its a dead tie between FF7 and FF9, Why? Because Final Fantasy 9 has a very epic storyline, and its execution is everybit as good as final fantasy 7's, but,there very little character development, the most character development you see is between Princess Garnet,Vivi and Amarant(Amarant has SO LITTLE development is almost not worht mentioning, and Zidane has very little to but it happens towards at the end of the game and is very important to the storyline. The graphics were better than ff7 because of the artstyle and the prerendred towns and backrounds were amazing for then, they cutscene qaulity was the the best to that point in the series, but the system wasnt as good as the Materia system but it did allow your characters to gain so much immunity to status effects and elemental attacks that you could make yourself litterally invincable(Or freakin close)Final Fantasy8-I cant quite see whether this game is better or jsut as good as ff10,The love aspect of the game really fit well. The game Cutscenes were simply amazing, every cutscene was perfectly intergrated into gameplay(No can argue that one)the Junction system was a play off the Materia system but modified enough that it really didnt resemble it, it had a lot of flexability for elem attacks and defense and hp upgrades or attack upgrades. Just as much as ff7 did. The character development of Sqaull was extremly good! The best i've seen. It was better than clousd character development. the Critical hit system allowed for some more flexability in battle but not much. the Draw system was definetly a good route to take (As it saved anyone who's played that game many times)The character development of the love story between Sqaull and Rinoa was Extremely good,(You can tell they pushed for good character development in this game). The story line was a bit vauge, The fact that you didnt meet (Spoiler sort of) Ulticema until the end kind of put a damper on how epic the end was. But the final battle is INCREDIBLY TOUGH VERY VERY FREAKING HARD, really it makes you use a hell of a lot of tactics and not just brute strength to win(Unlike what took to take down sephiroth's one winged angel form)The end wasnt as epic as Ff7's due to the fact again that you didnt meet Ulticima until the actual final battle. But was cool to finally meet her at the end.ff10-Theres no getting around the fact that this game's battle system rocked, switching out characters and such, but, it had the same black mage,white mage ,warrior, theif. classes that ff9 did,(But ff9 just did it way better) The story development here wasnt as good as ff8's and especially not as good as ff9 and ff7's. the character development wasnt as good as ff7 or ff8 but it was just as little as ff9's. The voices of ff10, yea some of them werent good, but the majority of the was acting was good, keep in mind they had to translate from japanese which is very different. And im out of time in conclusionFinal Fantasy 7 and 9 are the best they tie.Final Fantasy 8 then final fantasy 10 simply because of the cutscene intergration.

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I would have to say FFXI is the best MMO for the series, but FFVIII is awsome both games I think offer alot of addictiveness to the us gamers. I currently Play FFXI I have to say that its the best game of the series next to FFVIII.

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yes, best Final Fantasy's how vague, but anyways, I'd have to say FF7, best storyline i've ever encountered, wicked and frustrating optional bosses (you know 'em) and don't forget the insane Sephiroth

I have to agree, although the graphics weren't as good as they are now, they were prettty godd for it's time. I own 2 copies of FF7 and have beaten the game at least 10 times over. Right after I finished 7 I started 9, but it really didn't compete well, the story, although good, was still lacking in a few areas. The story is one of the best I've ever seen. Also, fighting the weapons were quite fun, although very difficult. So far I have played and beat all FF games except for FF1 and FF8, my friend owned a copy, but it never quite made it to me without being scratched too bad to play, and of course FF11, since you can't beat it.

The movie was excellent too. I watched is in Japanese, and could only understand every other word because they talk to fast most of the time, so I changed it to English dub and I absolutely loved it. It had great story, just like the game, all the original characters were there, which always makes movies better since they have the original cast(or in this case, characters). I want to buy it but I have no idea of the release date. I have heard last year, I have heard this spring, summer and fall, so I have no idea, anyone know?

While on the subject of FF, who is going to buy Dirge of Cerebus when it comes out? I think I'm gonna rent it, and if it's real good I might buy it.

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it hard to say which is best as the tech. changed between each one wich shifted the look of the game dramatically. i would say that FF's 7-9 were the best. FF7 was hard and all around the best, But FF8 had awesome gameplay and graphics etc. FF9 was a good mix of what we know as the FF Universe, But Thats Just My Opinion

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I have played and beaten many Final Fantasy video games; I have played them all from the first one all the way to eight, except for three and including Final Fantasy Tactics. The best of all the Final Fantasy video games I have ever played has got to be Final Fantasy VI.You get throughout this game to have up to twelve different characters, to choose from these twelve characters four to make a team, and there are times in the game where you have to make more than one team and then utilize almost all of your characters. The video game has the mysterious Shadow, the ninja class character who works for money as a mercenary and is one of the most complicated video game characters of all time. Every time you hear his theme music play, you know something big is going to happen. The main villain Kefka is a tragic being whom because of an accident became an insane megalomaniac intent on bringing destruction upon the world. Kefka is one of the best villains of all time. The storyline deals with quite a lot of adult issues, including loneliness, love, death, suicide, addiction, greed, and more. This is the most adult Final Fantasy video game of them all.The music of the game is a beatiful symphony of emotions and who can ever forget the opera sequence.

Edited by iancovenant (see edit history)

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Which Final Fantasy is the best?Best Final Fantasy?VIII!It has the best of everthing, and even though the VII compilation is great and X is so much fun, I loved junction and I really liked the characters and the music, and the story in VIII was just fantastic.It wins hands down!-reply by Not important

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this is a close one. 7 was amazing, however i think 10 and tactics are great too. i would say 10 but the sequal qhich was supposed tie together the lose ends really sucked. tactics is a great storyline but i hate the slow load times for each battle. i would have to say 7. it's amazing. however

The boss underwater that you reach with the submarine is impossible. send that mofo at sephoroth, i havn't beaten him has anyone??


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I'm going to have to vote Final Fantasy 7 as the best out of all. I've played all of them ranging from the NES to PS2/3. The only other one that I think can even compare to FF7 was Crisis Core, but technically those are both "Final Fantasy 7."FF9 was pretty decent, and 10 had great graphics. As for FF8, I just didn't like the whole play style. They killed the game with it. There became no reason to grind on mobs, or to work ahead of yourself. Not to mention the magic system sucked.FF12 was by far the worst. The whole style in general of it was just bad. Crisis Core somewhat relates to it, but with Crisis Core at least it still has the feel of the FF series.

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Really difficult question. For Playstation, I'd have to say the best version I've played is FF7, probably because it was the first final fantasy game I'd ever played and I was blown away by the awesome characters and cool story. As for GBA I really enjoyed FF3. I think its definitely a classic.Tactics advance is also pretty good, different from the other games but I enjoyed the 'tactics' aspect of it. The story was also really interesting.The newer final fantasy's for DS (which I've recently played e.g. revenant wings, crystal chronicles) have better videos/graphics but overall I still like the old games better.Having said all that though, I don't think there's a final fantasy game out there that I've played and haven't enjoyed.

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Although it has been a long time since I finished playing Final Fantasy XII I would have to say that that Final Fantasy II for the Nintendo was the best, Final Fantasy VI for Super Nintendo was the best, Final Fantasy VII for the Playstation, and Final Fantasy XII for the Playstation 2. Obviously when Final Fantasy XIII games come out its going to be tough and odds are when Sony makes a PlayStation 4, there will be some hard choices to make which Final Fantasy will be the best since it will be very long time till Playstation 4 comes out.

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Best Final Fantasy?Best Final Fantasy?

I will have to say Final fantasy X /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley1.Gif even if I really didn't like the ending, but overall it has

1. Good graphics

2. Amazing music

3. Creative Characters

4. the original random battle gameplay

5. GREAT story

6. And it's a long game that will take you hours to beat

Final fantasy XII had amazing graphics, but the story was like "You go here, then here" Like a self-help book. Final fantasy 7 was pretty close to increadible, but the sequel after sequel made me not like it as much. Final fantasy 8 was ok... The graphics were most likely as far as PSX could go, but it was a contant love parts and "Whatever" that got me annoyed. Final fantasy 5 and 6 I think in my OPINION was better than Final fantasy 7 and 8 combined, The music was fresh, characters were amazing, good grapfics (For the SNES), and story made since and you had to think on where you are going.

-reply by Gamemaster13

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Best Final FantasyBest Final Fantasy?

Look guys, FF7 is great, no doubt.  Personally Tactics annoys the hell out of me and I was unable to play it, 10 was, worth a single playthrough, but my hands down favorite FF has got to be FFIV, back on the SNES, and I'm not talking about FF2 US I mean the original Japanese FFIV played with a translation, epic story, great characters and the only FF character who got laid on a regular basis, I haven't beaten FFV or FFVI, so I can't testify faithfully but, to my limited knowledge, thats my opinion

-reply by Heion

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