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How Do You Calculate Your Age?

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well, maybe a lot think that it is a simple question, as i used to think before. but it seems it is not. because i used to calculate my age according to years not months. to be more specific, i used to calculate my age or any body's age according to the year he enters in, not the year he finished. but recently, i found out that many other government institutions don't do that. they collect the age of the person according to the year passed of his age. for example, schools or hospitals, they calculate the age of the person in months. so if someone is born in 1-6-2000, then according to the calculation of years he is now 10 years old. and in 2011 he will be 11 years old. but according to the calculation of months, in 2011, he is still 10 years old but we should say, 10 years and a half or 6 months. and he can't be assumed as 11 years old unless he passes 1-6-2011.now, the good news is, according to this way of calculation, i must be still in 32 till the next year :D. but however, i want to hear your opinion about that. what is the best way you think is the best? and why? and how do you collect the age? or how the age is collected in your country??

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I hear ya. Asians do this type of painful calculation to comlicate things. I don't care about them. I follow the exact age and not year +x months or so calculation. grr, i hate this type of stuff,especially when they make calculations more complicated and annoying.. :(Here in india, people have bad habit of calculating like, 32 completed 33 started and my eye-balls are like @_@. Just say 32 and that's fine why this 33 running or 32 years 5 months or so. :D I guess people sometime like complexity than simplicity and so they make things worse like this.

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In my country usually as I understand you're age is 10 even though if tomorrow you'll be 11.. For example, I can show a SQL sentence, which says who old are you and in all needed applications I've done for official government projects at my workplace was done by this method:

Part of Oracle SQL sentence:

trunc(months_between(to_date('2000.06.01'), usr.birth_date) / 12) age;

So if you're birthday is 2000.06.01, it will give your age.. So if Today you're 10 years and tomorrow you'll be 11 years, it seems that you're 10 years old and not differently..

It's the way seems to be done in my country, but it may be different somewhere else or even in a different institution..

for example, whenever I need to caculate how long a user is working or active somewhere, the algorithm is a bit different.. you count the days between two dates and those days can be converted to years, approximately a year has:

Again part of Oracle SQL sentence:

round((usr.days / 365.24219),2);

So it's not the exact number of days of that year, but it's the way it's done, at least I was told to do it like that as in my country they count this thing like this..

As I understand, age can also be written with one letter after the comma, for example: 10,5 years old, but it depends on the situation and what you need. :P

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Mercy Sakes! I have enough trouble remembering how many years old I am, if I had to change the number every month I'd never keep track. Fortunatly my old brain remembers the year I was born, so if I can't remember the exact age in years, I can just count it up right quick. If I had to figure it to the month I'd have to also remember what month is is, and how many months since my birth month and since math is not my strong point, I'd be hopelessly confused in nothing flat.

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i'm in facebook and there you can see your age :D so i don't even need any simple calculation because i see my age everyday.even here in Xisto you can see your age if you have entered your birthday. and i don't care about the month and days because only year is enough.

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thanks guys and girl ;) for replying, now i know it is not only me who suffers from this complication thing :).@mahesh, i used to calculate according to years in asia, but now i am talking about usa, they calculate by months. so they do the complication in here, but after thinking deeply, they are right, especially when the issues is related to school. that means they are so accurate to make sure that the baby enters the school in the exact age that allows him to be in school.

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The most accurate way is to start counting from the day of the birth of somebody. So on the birthday of somebody the person gets one year older. And everybody can calculate like that. So if a person wants to know the exact age of somebody the knowledge of the birthday is needed and the knowledge of the date of the present day. Then the date of the birthday of the person can be distracted from the date of the present day.And each year on the day and the month of the birthday the person gets one year older. And till the next day of the birthday the next year the age of the person is considered to stay the same.And counting the months and adding the months that are passed since the birthday of a person to the age in years can be done sometimes. It doesn't add much to the knowledge of how old somebody is and the age of a person though. It is nice to see how much months there are left till the next birthday and it is nice to count how many months are lived since the last birthday. But the amount of months added to the years somebody lived are not the most interesting things to know of a person.

Edited by velma
There is no need to put irrevelant pictures, I will add more to your warning if you do this again (see edit history)

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I calculate my age in years, as you get older you do not want to think about how many extra days or months you have. In my country we calculate the age in months but for babies until they are like 3 years old, after that you just lost count, and even if it is in babies, when you ask their ages and a proud mom says 17 months it kinds of take you a while (not that much time) but anyways, you start counting in your head until you get it, it is easier if you just say 1 and thats it. >_<

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Ughh, at my age who cares about a month or 9 months. When my birthday comes this year I will be another year older. Until that day I will remain the age I became last birthday. That is, unless my vanity allows me to start subtracting a year on each birthday. This way I can get younger by the year. :blush:


I do know in this country, the good old USA, that the government does count by the month. It is especially noticable when you try to collect any kind of government benefits such as Social Security. Good old Ronald Regan fouled things up with his progessive retirement age calculation. The younger you are, the longer you will have to work to attain Social Security retirement age until it gets to age (I believe it is)70. And if you choose to retire before retirement age, you are penalized by every month before that retirement age that you file. The government is always looking for ways to keep your hard-earned money. :(

Edited by Mich (see edit history)

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Ughh, at my age who cares about a month or 9 months. When my birthday comes this year I will be another year older. Until that day I will remain the age I became last birthday. That is, unless my vanity allows me to start subtracting a year on each birthday. This way I can get younger by the year. :blush:


I do know in this country, the good old USA, that the government does count by the month. It is especially noticable when you try to collect any kind of government benefits such as Social Security. Good old Ronald Regan fouled things up with his progessive retirement age calculation. The younger you are, the longer you will have to work to attain Social Security retirement age until it gets to age (I believe it is)70. And if you choose to retire before retirement age, you are penalized by every month before that retirement age that you file. The government is always looking for ways to keep your hard-earned money. :(


yeah, since i came to US recently, i shocked by this way. well, even it is a reasonable way to do things, especially for kids. but it stills a hard way :P . now i am counting my baby age in months, using my fingers every time i should to write her age in some papers. i even mistaken her age with a whole year a few days ago :D.

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