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The World's Biggest Problems Identification and solution

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It sounds to me like anwiii is a paranoid fantasist. I haven't a clue who thenewguy is and why should that be any of my business? It isn't me, obviously, and I don't know if it is someone I know differently in another forum or not.* It seems to me like they raised a question about my consistency, which I thought I answered, and then anwiii started a bizarre sidetrack into accusing me of some foul play or other in not knowing thenewguy is a dodgy account...I'm putting the blocking facility to use, so I won't be replying either.* None of my business - if they don't want to tell me (and they haven't pm'd me) then that is their privilege. There is no prior knowledge on my part and I have no reason to believe it is anyone I know. They probably quoted my real name out of courtesy since it is in my signature quite clear for anyone to see.....

Edited by Bikerman (see edit history)

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  On 8/21/2010 at 7:54 PM, 'web_designer' said:

hahaa, very typical from you anwiii, now after all that arguing in here this is the funnest thing i read in this topic :P . good work anwiii, now i will reply and say the opposite. men are the biggest problem in the world, you can't live with them or without them :D hahaaa.

You know .. I couldn't agree more with anwii! Its probably worth a whole thread in itself! God, why were they ever created! No offense to you WD :P:)

And btw, Bikerman, good thread. I pretty much agree with you though you seem to be much more knowledgeable than me. And dont worry, you wont go to hell! If you had to, then I'd probably say that there'll be about a hundred people going to heaven every century and no more!

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  On 8/26/2010 at 3:11 PM, 'magnafrost' said:

You know .. I couldn't agree more with anwii! Its probably worth a whole thread in itself! God, why were they ever created! No offense to you WD :P:)


And btw, Bikerman, good thread. I pretty much agree with you though you seem to be much more knowledgeable than me. And dont worry, you wont go to hell! If you had to, then I'd probably say that there'll be about a hundred people going to heaven every century and no more!


LOL..this is one of those decisions, I think, when knowledge can help but not ultimately resolve the issue. Opinions can obviously vary. It is my opinion that decisions which are based on rational justification and are consistent as far as it is possible to be so are ALWAYS preferrable to decisions not based on such justification and/or require special pleading.


Anyway, I think I've said most of what I wanted to regarding the original point which summarises to:

a) Things are better than they have ever been for most people (in terms of life expectancy, leisure time, violence, autonomy and wealth) so lets not buy into a false premis to start with.


b ) Respect for the beliefs of others is not a good prescription because it is based on 2 demonstrably wrong assumptions:

i That all views are, in this respect (pun intended) equal

ii That no view is objectively wrong or morally repugnant

(Either that or you have to say that you respect views which you know are wrong....and I think that is a nonsense).


If we insert 'the right to hold' it all works. So instead of respecting views we respect the right to hold views, that is at the same time more rational AND more useful, since it protects everyone equally without some assertion of post-modernist relativity where nothing is wrong and all is equally valid. That is tosh and always was.


c) The right to free speech is paramount amongst rights. In the words of someone wiser than me:


"Free speech is the freedom I defend to the last - when all else has been sacrificed. The reason for this is that with that one freedom I can win back all the others."

Edited by Bikerman (see edit history)

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hmmmm i think i am going to make a few phone calles now. and see what THEY think....oh....my bad..... more than a few....riverside here i come!whatever i said about bikerman, i didn't deserve his last to posts against me....i will live with it! :)

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  On 8/27/2010 at 1:09 AM, 'anwiii' said:

hmmmm i think i am going to make a few phone calles now. and see what THEY think....oh....my bad..... more than a few....riverside here i come!
whatever i said about bikerman, i didn't deserve his last to posts against me....i will live with it! :)

That's Riverside College, Kingsway, Widnes WA8 7QQ
Tel : 0151 257 2020

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My post needn't need to be shown, just wanted to let you know how I feel :)Bikerman has his beliefs and so do Shahrukh and I do agree with both sides of opinions. As long as you don't hurt people, you do good it doesn't matter what religion you believe in. There is no so called truth in this world, it's all just people's perceptions of what is right/wrong. You can share your opinions, but do not expect people to accept them too.Shahrukh, I like you being humble and I can feel you really want to help make this a better place. You seem like a really down to earth person and you are mature. And I like that you are striving to make a change to your society. So any plans yet?Bikerman on the other hand knows alot about what's going on in the rest of the world. Really, ignorance is bliss sometimes. There indeed are differences between cultures and religions and places and one just have to accept that, and let society evolve by itself. Not comparing what is right or wrong, because there is no right or wrong.Solution: People just have to find the center,core, neutral side of things. Be aware that there are 2 sides of everything, that when you gain something, you will have to lose it at some point - With happiness comes sadness, with life comes death, with war comes peace (and vice-versa) - and find a balance between all these cycles. Know that nothing is permanent and always be ready and be prepared. That way you will find peace.Good arguments and debate here. Thanks so much both of you I learned quite a bit. Peace :)

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These ‘problems’ as you would like to call it have, it seems, since, been lost its significance as a matter to be paid immediate attention by humanity in order to bring about solutions to solve it. In the struggle to prove as the fittest to survive, the humans have lost their faculty of foresightedness by which they used to see the magnanimity of the problems that surrounded them form time to time. No body really cares any more. The problems are there and would continue to exist.


Natural resources. It is a heartbreaking fact that we are running out of natural resources. In fact we are not ‘running out of it’ - we are ‘out running it” may be the phrase that would be more suitable to it. The world is in the grip of a few thousand people who are not interested in the preservation of its natural resources which is the real ‘treasure’ and the gift by the God Almighty. These few thousands are not at all worried about it and are in mad rush to amass man made wealth for the upkeep of their generations to come. Come to think of it. What a pity it is. By the time these generations have arrived on the planet, their would be nothing natural left for them to live on but the man made wealth which are of no use to them without the firm support from the nature. There will be no ‘nature’ at all by the time. Everything will be artificial. And nothing to make them remain as human beings would be there. They will be living like people from the primordial times - almost beasts. The only distinguishable characteristics left in them as human beings would be their ability to stand erect on two legs.


Unequal distribution of finances. Why to bother. When there are no natural surroundings left, the human race would meet with its ‘natural’ end - extinction. Then what is the use of ‘Money’?


Dishonesty. The less talked the better about it. I doubt my own honesty as a human being who is nothing but mute spectator of the horrendous destruction of the natural resources around me by a handful of my own brethren.


Violence. It is a way of life for us. Earlier the religion was the way of life for human beings. Let us live with it. Is there any remedy? I don’t think. The advocates of violence are so powerful that it is their mercy that we, the non-violent ones, are allowed to live for one more day. As Sydney Sheldon says “Tomorrow never comes”. If by chance it comes make the best use of it.


In the mean time try to go by the rule “Live and Let live” rather than the “Live and Let die” policy. That way one may get to live through the time the All Merciful God has kindly allotted one on this planet without meeting with an untimely end. It, however, depends on the Grace of God though. One will have to really strive to be a recipient of it.

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Lack of unity of human beings is one.Human beings are easily influenced by others, by their surroundings, and by where and how they grew up... They have different experiences. They have different opinions. They use imperfect logic. They have difficulty making good decisions consistently.They cannot reach agreement to serve their own best interests on the majority of issues facing them.

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The worlds biggest problem is not being content or satisfied about anything. Because human tendency is such when they don't have something even a little of that thing which they so eagerly want will do. When they get what they want, they tend to expect for more of it and so the process goes. If we look back in the past years we can see that we as humans have achieved a lot. But though we have bought in the best out of everything we did, we have also destroyed a lot of important things that are essential to us but still the problem remains the same."Humans will always remain unsatisfied"

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I see that as a plus, not a minus. Imagine we all turned round and said - 'yep, that'll do, this is as good as it gets. Don't worry about starvation or children dying of easy to prevent disease - just leave it as it is'.Being unsatisfied is what gets people out of bed and doing things. The alternative is a lotus-eater utopia.

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While discussing world's biggest problems, I have found among my acquaintances that they restrict themselves to discussing about the problems that we usually face in India......there are a lot, :wacko:. Once when I asked a friend why do they specifically talk about India and not the world as a whole, he answered that India was a part of the world and the lack of love for one's motherland( he probably referred to me) was one of such problems. He was a true patriot indeed ;) (pun intended), simply cribbing about everything and himself being the reason of the mess. Like when it came to his sister's status in her in-laws place, he was as wise as possible, at the same time when it was about his wife, his policies turned upside down. We often blame the politicians for not discharging their duties, but as citizens, that may be of any country, how many of us actually make an effort ourselves to take care of our responsibilities, else there wouldn't be so many crimes across the world, though some might be consequences of circumstances or environment, there are many which are not. Also as some one else states that lack of contentment and not realising our responsibilities are tough challenges that the world faces.

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