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Do Education Works For Something? I am thinking...Not

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Well yesterday I was reading the Robert Kiyosaki "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and in this book he exposed that people who sacrifice studying a lot only have aspirations to get in the "rat race" where all of them start to fighting for a job when they get graduated. He says that education is important but it can?t better your life very much because if you are poor and you are studying, in the future you will be a modern slave when you have to work and work and work and sell your work strength to people who can fire you in anytime and have more power than you. I read this book three years ago and I have to say that it changed my mind. I am in my country?s medical school. But since I read this book I am losing motivation to study because for example in my country a medician have to earn at least $1,200 at month. But foreign investors come to the country with some medical programs to the people and how is a private company and don?t have the capacity to pay this amount to the medicians and there is a lot of medicians without job, the medicians have to accept a little salary of $400 at month. Once I understood all this I saw that I am studying to be a slave of the system, at least I would work with the state, where the medicians are paid like they deserve.Kiyosaki says that you don?t have to think "study to work for a great company", you have to work for "own a big company". All this class of thinkness from him(useful of course)maybe is the cause to the reducing of my class average and I am losing the entire interest in the classes and I am losing a lot of classes because everytime I enter to a classroom I only can see in the doctor who teach me, like an slave caugth in the "rat race" and everything he does and the false respect that he pressumed to have is only cheating himself. Maybe my thinkness is wrong and this ia a cause to open this topic because I want to read opinions of people that maybe have small companies or actually world in another countries and help me to see if I am wrong believing the Kiyosaki?s books and phrases or if he is rigth and I have to maybe quit the classes to start to study business and try in the future to own a big company.Maybe this change of mind was caused by my really motivation to study this career. I was atracted to study medicine, because is the best-paid career in my country. But once I see how almost all the doctors are in the "rat race" living a slave?s life(some of them work more than 15 hours a day)I totally lose the motivation to continue studying.And I am now a internet addict obsessed with the online marketing sells and I want to start a company in the internet selling some books and software, but I am totally lost with my classes and something I think about if is correct to think to make money or to study a career.Please can you leave your opinion to help me with this complicated situation.

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You shouldn't choose a career because of the money -- you should choose it because you enjoy it. The more you enjoy something the better you'll be at it, and the more successful you'll be.Case in point -- there are people who are paid $20+ million a year to drive a car in a circle (Nascar). Why? Because they love it and became the best, above all others.You are excellent at something; you need to worry more about that and less about the money.

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Leaving everything else behind, you do have to earn money to support yourself and your family.With that said, you can choose how to earn the money: by doing a job or by opening a business.If you want to do a job, you have to study and be better than the other interviewee.If you want to start a business, you have to have leadership skills, innovation and capital and/or partners.If you have what it takes to start a business, you can own that big company in the upcoming years.If you have education, you can work in that big company.If you have neither, money-making will be hard.

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Education does work. You understand environment much better if you take education. That way you learn to be a inch skeptic and curious about the place where you live and do things. You get many answers to your question which are unanswerable for you in position when you don't take education. Discipline and good habits can be learned because of education. Education teaches you not to do plagiarism. Still like this we do many things. But it all ends when we end up choosing to go with way of education or going against it. With education you can move head and can secure better place.

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Education does help you in life a lot but not with every thing...I do not know about other country's but in India i feel that education is just a competition here and every thing is forced on you...Ive seen many Mba's and Bca's and lots off people with different degrees but some off them are way to dumb to even cope up with simple life, They get cheated, Bullied.....My point is that education is important but not the only aspect of life you should consider.... There are other things to consider too, Like fun lol ....

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