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No Talks About Inception?

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i'm surprised no one is talking about the movie inception over here! usually all new movies are ripped to shreds by our forum critics, right? :P a lot of people have been talking about inception at my college and while some of them are complaining that it was too complex, some can't stop saying how superb it is. i found it to be both - a complex and superb thriller and i knew that the ending would be left as a puzzle to the audience; it was something that i was expecting from the moment the "totems" were explained. on the whole the film was simply amazing and clever! has anyone here seen it? how did you think it was?

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I saw it. And I simply loved it!! The whole reason I didn't want to start a topic was that spoilers were bound to creep up, and I'm sure some of our overly curious friends will not be able to resist a peek :P And yes, the thing I liked best about the movie was that it beat my expectation everywhere. I would predict an event, and the movie will have an even better event happening. Now I'm not a director or anything but you've gotta agree movies have become way too predictable, but this one was good. Sure, there were a few "Oh ya ... that was obvious" but there were a whole lot more that were better. For instance, the whole "Is this real or is it a dream?" part was just awesome! He's given us enough reasons for both and showed us that its not your average movie. One other kick I get from the movie is when people come to me and tell me that they had trouble following the movie. I get to show off by explaining the things they don't understand to them :D Of course, there's this guy I know who was so clueless about the movie that he made me give up explaining the movie to people. But yes, if you want to post spoilers or poke riddles or wanna just discuss the movie, go ahead and shoot! It sure will be fun!

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Inception is good movie. The way christopher nolan directed it make it more interesting. If you're into psychological thriller or fantasy movies then you'll get the plot in few minutes. And even after knowing entire movie, you'll enjoy the story. The flow is so smooth it keeps you on chair till the end. That's very good direction. Though some people thought it like matrix but there was not much of like that. More of loose plot than matrix but much better and easy to understand. I don't know if it's in sci-fi but i found it like fantasy or psychological movie. Nice movie i must say.

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I was among the people who compared it to matrix too. But my comparison is not in the story or the concept. Its more of the out-worldness and its kinda hard to tell the genre of this movie. Having seen it really early, I had so many people asking me "Whats the genre" that I had to compare it to matrix to answer them without giving away any spoilers. Its not really your "Romantic comedy" or "Psychological thriller" movie. Its much much more!

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I basically heard two opinions of Inception among my friends, one is that it has quite a complex meaning that it really makes you doubt about what is reality; and the other is that it has such a complex meaning that they couldn't understand it.


Honestly, I saw it and I think it was not the big deal. This film is pretty eye-catching... ok, your eyes are glued to the screen most of the time and the effects ... well, the Academy Awards talk for themselves. But the message... mmm, I believe it's all part of the marketing that they began to roll and people bought it.

The idea of the plot is original, I agree, but the fact that its position on solipsism (the idea that nothing exists outside our mind) isn't quite clear is what I don't like of the ending, particularly because it's a film that talks about solipsism and about the distinguishing the boundaries of what is real and what is not.

Anyway, I'm not going to talk about that ending, because it's not a bad film after all, though not a comedy one to pass the time either.

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?Yo dawg ? we heard you like to dream, so we put a dream in yo? dream so you can sleep while you sleep!?If Inception had been directed by Xzibit, then that would have been the tag line. But instead, it was directed by Christopher Nolan and so instead of a rapper?s folksy wisdom we were instead treated to two and half hours of poorly-filmed shaky-cam fight scenes, four thousand lines of expository dialogue and the kind of weak narrative thread that wouldn?t hold together an elementary school Christmas pageant. You know how when you go to see a play, and it turns out that it?s really a play within a play within a play ? within a play? This is exactly like that, only it?s with dreams ? and it sucks even harder.The basic problem about making a movie about dreaming is that in dreams, you can do anything you want to do and it doesn?t have to make any sense at all. If you were to commit that concept to film, you would end up with some kind of David Lynch meets Darren Aronofsky monstrosity that wiped your brain clean of rational thought by the time the opening credits had rolled by. Or a movie directed by Renny Harlin.Nolan, however, thought he had a better way to approach a movie about dreaming: make it really, really boring. In fact, make it so boring that the audience is unable to tell if it is asleep or awake. Then, insert a completely wasted cast of A-list actors and tell them to read every line as though it were coming from a text book on How To Be Dull And Alienate People. As a final touch, include only two female characters, one of whom is dead (SPOILER ALERT!), so that audiences don?t catch on to the fact that you are incapable of writing for anyone without a y chromosome.Oh, and make sure to stretch the *BLEEP*ing movie out as long as *BLEEP*ing possible by including the kind of pointless action sequences that look as though they have been pulled straight from a generic first person shooter set on the ice planet Hoth. Seriously, there is a 45-minute segment of Inception where everyone wears white camo and gets a huge gun, and in between scenes of faceless enemies blasting away at our heroes on snowmobiles we are treated to a slow motion shot of a Ford van falling off a bridge backwards. I only wish that I were making that last sentence up, but this is a really pivotal part of the movie ? at least, I think it was ? because right after it ended, I lost control of my bowels. All that was missing was a Wampa and Jaws from the James Bond franchise and it would have been the perfect generic movie mind*BLEEP*.I really would like to be able to say that Inception was an innovative film about dudes stealing the dreams of other dudes and maybe getting frisky with some kind of sexy ?dream girls? along the way, but I can?t. Instead, I have to tell you that Inception is the reason I became a homeless heroin addict. Or at least one of the reasons. Because it was boring or something. I?m sorry, I left the part of me that cares back in that movie theatre.Oh, and as a side note, has anyone else noticed that DiCaprio will now only star in movies that allow him to exclusively wear 50?s-style clothing? What is up with that?

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Oh, and as a side note, has anyone else noticed that DiCaprio will now only star in movies that allow him to exclusively wear 50s-style clothing? What is up with that?

You're right! Catch me if you can, The Aviator, this one...
Anyway, you should let these movies move you so drammatically... :blink:

Instead, I have to tell you that Inception is the reason I became a homeless heroin addict. Or at least one of the reasons. Because it was boring or something. Im sorry, I left the part of me that cares back in that movie theatre.

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Dom Cobb is a skilled thief, the absolute best in the dangerous art of extraction, stealing valuable secrets from deep within the subconscious during the dream state, when the mind is at its most vulnerable. Cobb's rare ability has made him a coveted player in this treacherous new world of corporate espionage, but it has also made him an international fugitive and cost him everything he has ever loved. Now Cobb is being offered a chance at redemption. One last job could give him his life back but only if he can accomplish the impossible-inception. Instead of the perfect heist, Cobb and his team of specialists have to pull off the reverse: their task is not to steal an idea but to plant one. If they succeed, it could be the perfect crime. But no amount of careful planning or expertise can prepare the team for the dangerous enemy that seems to predict their every move. An enemy that only Cobb could have seen coming. Written by Warner Bros. Pictures

Yeah Inception made me feel great. That movie just simply can't be forgotten. How the whole conception of the movie is made. It's just amazing. I've watched Inception when it first came out in cinemas, and a awhile ago I bought the movie too :)) Epic movie is all I'm gonna say :) Edited by moderator (see edit history)

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That's an excellent movie. You need to see it more than once as you could easily get lost in the levels of dreams not knowing where you are.The visual effects are great and the story line is rich with characters and events.I haven't noticed that 50's style of DiCaprio, that's interesting. That was the same style in Shutter Island?

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