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Oil Consumption Of Countries.

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Energy use / person (In Gallons of Oil Equivalent)
India:.......0.26 Gallons/Day
China:......0.53 Gallons/Day
Germany:.3.44 Gallons/Day
USA:........7.11 Gallons/Day

USA is 4% of the total World population and consumes 25.4% of total World oil

If each Indian starts to live like an American, we would need 6 planet earths.

Chart: facebook.90

Source: United Nations
From Crude Impact: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

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Hummmm...... maybe next time some natural disaster strikes some foreign country we should stay at home to save gas. :) Let China and India and Germany come to the rescue.

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My first visit to the forum shows me a topic that seems quite negative towards Americas consumption habits,on the bottom of the page is an add bashing Obama on the left and several topics meant to instill hysteria on the right.

As i thought this forum was about The Secret and laws of Attraction i'm seeing a big negative already :)

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Source: United NationsFrom Crude Impact: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

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china and India are growing like any thing , in very few years they will consume more , where from oil is going to come ,

what u all say ?

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Yeah i have seen these statistics in the newspaper.This is alarming for the world and yes India although may have the largest population but we have been taught to be frugal and to save.Most of the people still use public transportation.Energy consumption of any sort is more in the developed countries and should take it seriously and avoid wastage.I think they should shift their focus from not only making unnecessary discoveries like..making a man n all which are not so important.First save the world by saving the nature and the natural resources.Consumption of all sort of energy is to be reduced which needs individual efforts.Government can only play a different role of commanding but people themselves have to work unitedly

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I'm wondering how legitimate the statistics are. Anyone can claim anything.I find it a little weird that we would be using so much more than others in the world but maybe it relates to our way of life. I mean we pollute constantly -- we waste energy, etc. And why? Because we have the money to do so.I personally do what I can to lower the damage I am doing (enough that it does not affect my ability to live) but the simple fact is that most people don't. And they don't because it's not worth their time.Regardless, I think the statistics there are off because it says "per person," meaning even babies are included. If it was 7.1 gallons a day for the working-class I could understand that. I personally use about that to get to school during weekdays!

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Quite an interesting bit of study that is! What I have mostly seen is that Indians use a lot of oil in their food, really if ours was the consumption of that sort, scientists would be busy with work. :P

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