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Pros And Cons Of Protein Powder?

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I've recently started working out at the gym after the 1000th person called me thin :) OK it's not very recent - it's been two months since I started, and so far I've been on a basic workout, with the trainer making me work with seven different machines (of which the only machine whose name I can say in English is the bench press). Until now the result has been that I've become even thinner, perhaps losing around three kgs, but there's definitely been a significant increase in muscle mass, of which I'm proud of, but my trainer is not. The problem is that a well-balanced diet is required and my diet doesn't cover too much protein. I'm a strict vegetarian and so I won't eat any meat or even eggs (yeah some people say eggs don't come under 'non-veg', but I don't eat them anyway). So my trainer suggested that I use protein powder twice a day. But I've always been cautious about using any nutrition-supplement like that. Is using such powder dangerous? I did a quick google search and at least three websites suggested that using protein powder too much causes damage to the kidneys. I don't know if two spoons a day counts as too much. So could someone with experience help me out with this please? Should I start using the powder or better not risk it?

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I don't know if it is bad for you, but i wouldn't trust such scientifically generated material (i would expect your body having to attempt to filter out anything it doesn't need or whatever it has already used, which would involve the liver as well); if you have to take some kind of nutritional supplement, then you know you are on the wrong diet. For a vegetarian cow milk and eggs are pretty much your best sources for protein. But if you are not even willing to eat eggs, then i doubt you would even consider milk. Your only other sources would be beans and nuts (and probably some other things), though they can't compete with eggs. Vegetarian diets are often low on calories and fat (you will find that food high in calories are also high in fat, but not necessarily vice versa). Going to the gym because ''1000 people'' called you thin are not related to each other; you are thin because of your diet not because you lack exercise.They recommend protein because it is known to build and repair cells; perhaps the part on repairing cells is the more important one, though they may be more interested in gaining mass. But i have heard that protein also helps manage fat. I don't work out and i've never taken any protein shakes (powders), but i would expect the body to be better able to handle the real stuff rather than the synthetic stuff.

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Until now the result has been that I've become even thinner, perhaps losing around three kgs, but there's definitely been a significant increase in muscle mass, of which I'm proud of, but my trainer is not.

It seems that you and your trainer might be at slightly crossed purposes. If you were thin to start with then losing weight and replacing it with muscle is not really a massive improvement. Speak to your trainer and make sure you are both clear on what your objectives are. It would also be worth speaking to your doctor about your diet, who may also put you in touch with a dietary expert. They should be able to help you work out whether your diet really is balanced, and what foods are available to you as a vegetarian. The NHS have an excellent resource on vegetarian health that should help you with your diet.


Is using such powder dangerous? I did a quick google search and at least three websites suggested that using protein powder too much causes damage to the kidneys. I don't know if two spoons a day counts as too much. So could someone with experience help me out with this please? Should I start using the powder or better not risk it?


This is again something your doctor should be able to help you with. A balanced diet should mean that you don't need any supplements above and beyond what you're getting from your food. Finding impartial advice on protein supplements is surprisingly difficult - everything is either written by people selling them, or people absolutely against all forms of supplements.


The Iowa State University has the following to say on protein supplements:


For years, research studies have been studying their effects on muscle strength, and performance. The results of the different studies are conflicting with little to no data supporting the proclaimed benefits of protein supplements.

Source: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

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But if you are not even willing to eat eggs, then i doubt you would even consider milk.

I'm quite fine with milk - in fact I've stopped drinking tea and only drink milk. I also eat a lot of cream - anything that helps :)

Going to the gym because "1000 people" called you thin are not related to each other; you are thin because of your diet not because you lack exercise.

That actually makes a lot of sense; I'll start concentrating on my diet. In any case, I can't keep up with the gym schedule throughout the year so I'll start thinking about working out at home instead.

@rvalkass: Thanks a lot for the links; they were very interesting and helpful. I'll start taking care about my diet instead of running around powders :P

Thanks for the help guys!

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Nowdays the milk that we get home is full of pus and hormones and antibiotics.
I have now stopped taking milk in tea and reduced my milk consumption due to
the dairy industries inhuman treatment of cows and the amount of antibiotics
they inject in the poor cows system to produce more milk.
Not to mention the amount of adulterants that are put in the milk especially
in India that is scrwing up our system !

I get pimples when I drink milk and when i Stop they vanish.

Please see this report for milk.


We have done some seminars also against this industrial milk that we consume.
Shall do more and more to create awareness.

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Nowdays the milk that we get home is full of pus and hormones and antibiotics.I have now stopped taking milk in tea and reduced my milk consumption due to
the dairy industries inhuman treatment of cows and the amount of antibiotics
they inject in the poor cows system to produce more milk.
Not to mention the amount of adulterants that are put in the milk especially
in India that is scrwing up our system !

I get pimples when I drink milk and when i Stop they vanish.

Please see this report for milk.


We have done some seminars also against this industrial milk that we consume.
Shall do more and more to create awareness.

Hmm I've heard allegations like this before, and honestly don't know whether or not to believe them. I hope what you've pointed out isn't all true or a lot of people are in danger. In my case however, I don't consume industrial milk - I get it from a local diary which doesn't have the smarts required to use adulterants; so I'm assured the milk I get is pure. I shudder to think about people in the cities, though.
Edited by The Simpleton (see edit history)

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Hmm I've heard allegations like this before, and honestly don't know whether or not to believe them. I hope what you've pointed out isn't all true or a lot of people are in danger. In my case however, I don't consume industrial milk - I get it from a local diary which doesn't have the smarts required to use adulterants; so I'm assured the milk I get is pure. I shudder to think about people in the cities, though.

hey it is widespread and all companies do it. big and Small.
Maybe you are buying from a village place or guy who has still
stuck to non - use of antibitotics or other chemicals in
their system which come in the milk.

But rest of the places be it towns or small cities , it is mixed
always with some detergent to preserve it and cows are given
antibiotics which cause us pus and other problems.


this is happening in Canada where one expect good quality stuff
but in India look at the dirt and disease. Apart from the suffering of
cows is unimaginable.

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if you would want to start using proteins powders i would like to recomand you one that has vegetal protein not animal one it's said it's more healtyer it's also a Shake from a wellknown company allover the world, it have 30+ years and is in more then 130 countryes if you want more info send me a PM or enter my site is a site made of *BLEEP* it isn't made by my i bought it and i can't change almost nothing on it Posted Image


also here is some advice about

To build muscle you need tp eat at least 1g of protein per pound of body-weight per day. That is 300g protein if you weigh 300lbs.

Here is what a veg should eat to get proteins:

-Beans. Black, hummus, kidney, lima, etc..

-Legumes. Peas, peanuts, peanut butter, etc..

-Nuts. Walnuts, almonds, etc..

-Seeds. Sesame, pumpkin, hemp, flax, etc..

-Milk. Soy milk, almond milk, etc..

-Soy. Soy beans, tofu, soy cheese, etc..

-Whole Grains. Brown rice, breads, etc..

-Veggies. Broccoli, spinach,etc..

-Protein Powder. Soy protein, hemp protein, rice protein,


An example of what you could eat daily

* Breakfast. Whole eggs, spinach, orange.

* Snack. Mixed nuts, apple.

* Lunch. Tofu, legumes.

* Snack. Smoothie: whey, broccoli, berries.

* Post Workout. 1 liter milk, banana.

* Dinner. Soy burger, mixed beans.

* Pre bed. Cottage cheese, berries, ground flax seeds.


Edited by moderator (see edit history)

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I am drinking milk added with protein powder.My doctor prescribe this powder to boost my energy and power.I am very sick and ill.I am taking this milk from last 1 year..I think it works good..Protein powder gives strength and stamina.

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