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Gay Marriage

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@byrdhouseI agree with a lot of the things you wrote. In fact, in some of the posts, I talk about how the meaning of marriage has been change from the original meaning. Because marriage doesn't mean as much today, people say why not let gays do it? I say why allow it to degrade further?Also many many, posts say if they love each other then let them do it. Even if it's wrong? I put forth the "multiple" wives (or even husbands for that matter) and even incestuous love/marriage. apparantly many people who posted in this thread accept this as well.If there ARE indeed many people out there who are willing to support incestuous and other WRONG forms of love and marriage.. To support something that is wrong is actually worse than committing the wrongful act. Why not support serial killers? They obviously LOVE what they do. If they love it why not let them do it? Just because someone wants something or loves something doesn't mean they should get or do it.I would really hate to see what the world will be like in 100 years.

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I stand by my opinion that marriage should be a question of law, and that any religious ceremonies should be just that, religious ceremonies no more, no less. And I do really think that no religion should be allowed to monopolize the word marriage. It is so integrated into secular usage that I don't see how reverting it would be a good thing.In fact, I think it would be even more preferrable to have no marriage-by-law at all. But that's not going to happen any time soon.

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Whoa! I had so much to look through I just copied and pasted it all in a htm doc to make it easier for me to read it all! So, sorry I'm not putting in names and times, but it all goes from the beginning posts on page 1 to the end of the posts on page 5.


With all the people getting sex changes and falling in love within their own sex, don't you think the government should adapt to it instead of covering it up? What government is ashamed of its own people so much that it'll hide relationships between them to "save face".

I believe that the government won't do that because the main portion of them now that most of their funding comes from people with relatively conservative views...generally speaking. They can't risk angering their main contingency to do

what they may actually believe would work.


Marriage is between a MAN and WOMAN. If this is changed, it wouldn't be marriage anymore. I have no problem with gays getting the same legal rights as a married couple, just don't call it marriage... because its not. Changing the definition would be a bastardization of what its original meaning was.

I have a problem with people trying to insert things into rulings that aren't there in the first place. Until the Supreme Court and/or Congress passes a congressional amendment to the Constitution stating that, legally speaking, noone can say that. Yes, granted, many states have decided to state that that is the case, but that is a state by state mandate, not a national one. I believe marriage is a union where two people promise before witnesses (human or godly) that they promise to love, honor, cherish, and obey the other. What does it matter if it's John and Susie or Susie and Amanda??


Marriage was originally a RELIGIOUS ceremony defined as being between a MAN and a WOMAN. Part of our rights and freedoms is being able to practice any religion we like. The church says gay marriages are not acceptable. That is part of the religious beliefs that people are FREE to have. You are asking for a law that

FORCES people to CHANGE their religious system.

Wrong. Before religion was even codefied, people were bonding together as couples to provide for each other long before God even told Abram what to do and where to go. I believe that churches have the right to say that they don't want their constituents to allow that, but it comes down to freedom of choice. If Massechusetts wishes to allow it, it is up to the individual to decide what

he wants to do. The church merely helps guide people who wish to be guided.


Let me try again... (4th time). IF GAY MARRIAGE IS ACCEPTABLE BECAUSE THEY LOVE EACH OTHER, which was the original arguement, WOULD THAT NOT MEAN THAT INCESTUOUS MARRIAGES WOULD ALSO HAVE TO BE ACCEPTABLE? The point is this... IF a brother and sister love each other enough to want to get married, would you think that is OK? If a man has a wife already, do you think it is ok for him to have another? If a guy loves his dog, do you think he should be allowed to marry it?

See, this is what I find funny about people who are wholeheartedlty against gay marriage...They think that this is equated with other relationships that society abhors. In reality, the reason why people like that make that leap is because both

relationships are unnatural to them. Unless you know what it is like, you cannot say that gay marriage is the equivalent of people being in an incestuous relationship. It's like trying to compare apples and oranges.


The point is, if gay marriages are allowed by law.. it will open up the debate on gays RIGHTS by law to get married where ever they choose.

As someone else has already pointed out, the Constitution protects against people from being discriminated against based on color, race, creed, belief (religious or otherwise), sex, and sexual orientation. What the hell is wrong with people getting the same rights as others, whether they're gay, straight, or as confused as can be? What right as a nation do we have to tell people that just because they like the same sex that that's reason enough for their partners not to recieve any health benefits their company gives out because they're not married? Or that they cannot legally state that, as a partner of a deceased person, the bulk of the estate should go to the surviving member, which is the basic default for married couples in most states? Why is gays wanting the same rights so bad? Because it would show that they aren't second-class citizens, which is what it seems like people want to do? Didn't we get rid of this with the Civil Rights act, or even when Hitler's Germany was overthrown?


currently marriage isnt broken, gays are not allowed to marry and marriage works fine? so y fix something that isnt broken? gays can be together....... people are not against that but dont asked to be married.

This is the biggest load of bull I've read in this entire topic so far. Marriage not broken? What do you call all the domestic abuse cases heard in every county in the country every DAY?!? I think it's laughable that people think that marriage is great right now. The divorce rate right now is around 50%, and I know from some frineds of mine in alternative lifestyles that they have more of a chance to stay together.


I don't know why people make such a big deal about it. I mean, sure I think it's nasty when 2 guys like each other, but I don't make fun of them for doing so. They choose to, so let them.

Exactly. This country is about freedom of expression. I'm always sick and tired of liberals telling Christians that they can't shove their beliefs on other people, but then turn around and tell people that they have to believe that gay marriage is wrong. People that want to express their intense love for another person want to show the world...that's what marriage ceremonies are basically all about. It's two people telling the world that they love each other so much, they want to commit to each other for the rest of their lives. What does it matter what gender the two parties happen to have? If I remember correctly, back in the early 20th century, it was illegal in many states for a black and a white person to get married. Is that the same now? No. Society has changed and has understood that the color of the skin has no effect on the validity of the marriage. How far of a leap is it to say that sexual orientation shouldn't be given the same acceptance?


Okay, therein ends my....15 cents or so. Love to hear the feedback.

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Wrong. Before religion was even codefied, people were bonding together as couples to provide for each other long before God even told Abram what to do and where to go

typical of people to ASSUME that when I say religion, I mean christian or catholic.. or even GOD. There are other religions in the world that at are THOUSANDS of years older than the bible. They say gay marriage is wrong too.

As someone else has already pointed out, the Constitution protects against people from being discriminated against based on color, race, creed, belief (religious or otherwise), sex, and sexual orientation. What the hell is wrong with people getting the same rights as others, whether they're gay, straight, or as confused as can be?

I've already talked about this. Individual/group rights are not guarenteed if they impact OTHER people's rights. For example, I have a right of free speech but I may not at certain times when it is deemed that it is against the public good. In other words censorship. Are you telling me that KKK and hate propoganda is allowed because it is in the constitution that we have free speech? Get real.

I don't think you people understand how rights work in the legal system...

Unless you know what it is like, you cannot say that gay marriage is the equivalent of people being in an incestuous relationship. It's like trying to compare apples and oranges.

And you are the definitive expert on the comparison/definition between gay marriges and incectuous relationiships... There are people out there that WOULD marry family. Let's not go as far as brother and sister... what about cousins? Happens all the time. To say that this is comparing apples to oranges is totally wrong. The principle is the same, you argue that they love each other and that society just doesn't accept it (which they should). Well, that would imply that the next step is for society to accept ALL forms of marriage. It would be the NATURAL progression of your thinking.

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This "issue" always seems to be brought up somewhere. And quite frankly, I really don't get the big deal surrounding gay marriages. "Ohh big deal, 2 women or 2 men want to get married" - When someone makes a valid point about how this is a big deal, let me know - I'm still waiting.Byrdhouse,I respect your beliefs. I'm a catholic, but not a very good one. In fact, I don't go to church, I do drugs, I drink alcohol, I party most weekends, I have sex with other women, I have sex with men (some times, not often), I swear but at the end of the day, I'm as loving, loyal, honest and caring as I can be. I don't believe in "God", I don't have faith in words written by someone I don't even know, I can't see, hear, touch, smell etc.... I grew up in a world where men took advantage of me when I was young, so naturally I turned to the softer gender and started developing feelings for women.Am I gay? Am I bi? Am I just doing this because I had a *BLEEP* child hood? I don't hold the answers, none of us do. But at the end of the day, we lead our own lives, with our own choices to make. A gay person, doesn't have those same free choices everyone else gets. Neither did "black" people, or people who weren't considered the 'norm'. We live in a world filled wit contradicitons all because their are too many people out there saying "No, this is what is right and that is what is wrong". Instead of people actually saying "Hey, we're all the same. We all bleed red. We all have feelings. We all have emotions. We all have a heart." Too many chiefs, too little indians.You quoted Genesis 1:27-28. "be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it." Meaning "have kids." Well, what about those women out there who cannot bare children? How are they to be "fruitful and increase in number"? Considering this is "Gods Word", I guess God forgot to write about that one - huh? So take a "normal" heterosexual couple who cannot increase in number and then what do you call them? Are they sinners?As I said, whoever wrote the bible sure must have been bored enough to write a book filled of contradictions.But hey, that's just my opinion. I still stand for freedom of choice.

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Hi ! I don t know if we must authorize the gay marriage but I know that we don't must base our decision on a ideology but on economic context ! It's a human right to have a different sexual orientation !Otherwise It's proving that a child of a gay couple won't become necessarly also gay...Bye !

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Hi, I would probably support gay marriage just because of the fact that if you love someone, then you can't help it. It doesnt matter if its the opposite sex or not. As long as you love somone you should be allowed to marry them. It makes no sense that people tell other people who to love and who not to love.

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I don't approve of gay marriage, it's a sin, and it actually disgusts me. Yea, to some people it's acceptable, but what the hell do christians think when they're gay? It says it's a sin in The Bible, but there are Christians who are gay. What would your kids think if you were gay? I'd be humiliated.

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I agree with a lot of the things you wrote.  In fact, in some of the posts, I  talk about how the meaning of marriage has been change from the original meaning.  Because marriage doesn't mean as much today, people say why not let gays do it?  I say why allow it to degrade further?


Also many many, posts say if they love each other then let them do it.  Even if it's wrong?  I put forth the "multiple" wives (or even husbands for that matter) and even incestuous love/marriage.  apparantly many people who posted in this thread accept this as well.


If there ARE indeed many people out there who are willing to support incestuous and other WRONG forms of love and marriage..  To support something that is wrong is actually worse than committing the wrongful act.  Why not support serial killers?  They obviously LOVE what they do.  If they love it why not let them do it?  Just because someone wants something or loves something doesn't mean they should get or do it.


I would really hate to see what the world will be like in 100 years.


All I can say is THANK YOU for your comments and AMEN!


Byrdhouse ;)

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typical of people to ASSUME that when I say religion, I mean christian or catholic.. or even GOD.  There are other religions in the world that at are THOUSANDS of years older than the bible.  They say gay marriage is wrong too.


I've already talked about this.  Individual/group rights are not guarenteed if they impact OTHER people's rights.  For example, I have a right of free speech but I may not at certain times when it is deemed that it is against the public good.  In other words censorship.  Are you telling me that KKK and hate propoganda is allowed because it is in the constitution that we have free speech?  Get real.



To be perfectly honest, from reading your other posts in this thread, I don't think that you have any genuine interest in doing anything other than inciting people to anger, since you constantly are insulting people who wish to take opinions that differ from yours. You keep saying that there are other religions older than the bible that prohibit gay marriage...if that is the case, show me where I can find such information and I will gladly conceded to your expertice. If not, don't go shoving vague assertions in my face.


You asked if the KKK and hate propaganda is allowed- yes it is. It's not something a lot of people like, but free speech is free speech. What do you think Farenheit 9-11 was if not hate propaganda against the President? It's allowed because this country was built on allowing ANYONE to talk about ANYTHING regardless of how others feeling. Now, when you talk about it not being allowed for the public good, yes, cases such as extremists picketting abortion clinics is monitored to make sure they don't overstep their boundaries. But, as is mentioned in this month's That's Outrageous section of Reader's Digest, there is a guy who posted security problems (in photos and text) that were present while the Republican National Convention was in NYC. Was that dangerous? Yes Was that wrong? Many would think so Was that something that was not free speech? Technically no...New York State said they cannot take it down unless there is clearly definied danger....so, that means people have the freedom to say what they want.

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This "issue" always seems to be brought up somewhere.  And quite frankly, I really don't get the big deal surrounding gay marriages.  "Ohh big deal, 2 women or 2 men want to get married" - When someone makes a valid point about how this is a big deal, let me know - I'm still waiting.




I respect your beliefs.  I'm a catholic, but not a very good one.  In fact, I don't go to church, I do drugs, I drink alcohol, I party most weekends, I have sex with other women, I have sex with men (some times, not often), I swear but at the end of the day, I'm as loving, loyal, honest and caring as I can be.  I don't believe in "God", I don't have faith in words written by someone I don't even know, I can't see, hear, touch, smell etc....  I grew up in a world where men took advantage of me when I was young, so naturally I turned to the softer gender and started developing feelings for women.


Am I gay? Am I bi? Am I just doing this because I had a *BLEEP* child hood?  I don't hold the answers, none of us do. But at the end of the day, we lead our own lives, with our own choices to make. 


A gay person, doesn't have those same free choices everyone else gets.  Neither did "black" people, or people who weren't considered the 'norm'.  We live in a world filled wit contradicitons all because their are too many people out there saying "No, this is what is right and that is what is wrong".  Instead of people actually saying "Hey, we're all the same.  We all bleed red.  We all have feelings.  We all have emotions. We all have a heart."  Too many chiefs, too little indians.


You quoted Genesis 1:27-28.  "be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it."  Meaning "have kids."  Well, what about those women out there who cannot bare children?  How are they to be "fruitful and increase in number"?  Considering this is "Gods Word", I guess God forgot to write about that one - huh?  So take a "normal" heterosexual couple who cannot increase in number and then what do you call them? 


Are they sinners?


As I said, whoever wrote the bible sure must have been bored enough to write a book filled of contradictions.


But hey, that's just my opinion.  I still stand for freedom of choice.


Swank, thanks for your comments, unfortunately I'll have to address them when I have more time, ok?


Take Care,


Byrdhouse ;)

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What would you kids think of you if you're a narrow minded bigot?  Kids want one thing in life - and that is something any person can give a child, despite that person's sexual orientation, colour, etc...


Bigot's disgust me.


ignorance disgusts me. to call people a bigot because they hold opposing views is simply wrong. Most people who are against gay marriages are not against gays. You don't seem to understand that. So, if I am a man and I want to play in the WNBA, should I be allowed to? According to you, I should... otherwise it is bigotry. Don't bother considering that the organization is for women only...let people who couldn't make the NBA go play in the WNBA. The people in the WNBA must be bigots.


arguing with only insults doesn't make much of a conversation. And don't even talk about kids in a gay relationship. that is a whole other conversation.

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To be perfectly honest, from reading your other posts in this thread, I don't think that you have any genuine interest in doing anything other than inciting people to anger, since you constantly are insulting people who wish to take opinions that differ from yours.  You keep saying that there are other religions older than the bible that prohibit gay marriage...if that is the case, show me where I can find such information and I will gladly conceded to your expertice.  If not, don't go shoving vague assertions in my face.

I am not insulting their opinions. I am razzing on their ability to hold a conversation. There is a difference. I can't help it if people don't know how to conduct a proper arguement instead of saying the same damn thing over and over again. How many times has the stupid arguement of LOVE been used in this thread?? Besides, this is the damn VENT.. don't read it or post here if you are offended.


As for the religion thing, you go look for it. I am not here to educate you. Judasim and Hinduism are against gays and older than christianity and catholicism.


It's allowed because this country was built on allowing ANYONE to talk about ANYTHING regardless of how others feeling.  Now, when you talk about it not being allowed for the public good, yes, cases such as extremists picketting abortion clinics is monitored to make sure they don't overstep their boundaries. 


first you capitalize and bold your statement about how anyone and anything can be said. Then you go on to say that you have to make sure you don't overstep your boundaries.... LOL... having boundaries clearly indicates that complete freedom of speech DOES NOT EXIST.


But, I am not here to argue freedom of speech. My original point was that rights are not automatically granted to people if they infringe on others rights.. Your right to freedom of speech is not a given if you step on other peoples rights while you excersise freedom of speech. You yourself agree that this is true. So, I don't see how you writing all that crap is an intelligent reponse to the discussion.

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I'm most definitely for gay marriage simply because it's how they feel.. Who can say heterosexaulity is the only right way to live? God gave us free will to do as we wish. We only think hetersexuality is the right way of life because that's the norm for us...Some people have different tastes...Those differences distinguishes how diverse our culture is in the world. I hope when people decide if gay marriage should be allowed they base their decision on not their preferences ot belief in right or wrong..but on another person's happiness. I hope that makes sense.

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