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The Viacom Deal The Sneaky Company Thats Behind the Curtains

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As you may have heard, Viacom and YouTube have been having a little tift lately, in the form of a major lawsuit by the former over copyrighted material posted on the video portal. It's a lawsuit that, according to YouTube, will cause such video sites to "cease to exist in the current form" -- but more importantly, it's a lawsuit that leads to some rather hilarious behind-the-scenes details. Here's a really juicy one that the official YT blog published today by Chief Counsel Zahavah Levine. Word has it that Viacom had hired over the years at least 18 different marketing firms to inconspicuously upload content. We can't really say it better than the posting:
"[Viacom] deliberately "roughed up" the videos to make them look stolen or leaked. It opened YouTube accounts using phony email addresses. It even sent employees to Kinko's to upload clips from computers that couldn't be traced to Viacom."

Wait, it gets better. According to Levine, Viacom's tactics were so good that the company itself didn't even know which videos it had uploaded, prompting multiple occasions where it would demand a clip removed, only to later ask for its reinstatement. "In fact," she claims, "some of the very clips that Viacom is suing us over were actually uploaded by Viacom itself." Hit up the source link for all the details. Honestly, we can't wait to see what else is dug up in these proceedings.

Update: Of course, that's not the whole story. Also revealed in court documents today was discussions by Viacom to -- get this -- purchase YouTube before News Corp.'s Rupert Murdoch got the chance to do it himself. Let's be thankful for that judge's decision to unseal all court documents, shall we?

Thats so BS done by Viacom. Thats the worst(effective too :P ) way to do some business. I mean, who would have known that all those TV shows that i watched on You tube was uploaded by Viacom. And actually make up this plan and PERFORM IT? That is some serious tactics used by the company (i wonder who agreed this). 'Roughed up' videos, -- :o . Who knows how many companies, other than Viacom are doing this, I can say maybe WMG and other companies like Hulu and maybe Fox (i don't really know, don't blame me if I'm wrong, or right :angel: ). WMG is the one probably also doing it because they take so much effort into banning and forcing audio swap on copyrighted content. I think that Youtube should be sueing them instead, they are just hating on Youtube because no other video site can compete against them. And seriously, Viacom wanted to be BUY Youtube? Thats bullcrap, Viacom is probably rich but its still the old fashioned out-of-luck group I've heard, and especially now, there are deep in trouble. I wonder whats going to happen to them now, maybe get sued and go bankrupt. :D What do you guys think?

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well it is not just Youtube that is being effected but other sites such as Ustream Livestream and JustinTV, so many are using copy written items, be it music to recorded TV Shows and sports. Myself I use UStream and there so many that rebroadcast things such as sporting events that it takes up more space than anything. So I see why Viacom is raising hell over it. They are losing so much money to people that are doing this. You do not see near as much copy written things on Youtube as you used to though. and I have so happy of that. When Youtube was put online it was for people to place there "own" videos and not things that have been copy written or have royalty fees. I for one am very happy to see this happening. True it will have a downside, such as you will not be about to see that big game, or the TV Show you missed the other night. But it will keep places like that Free to the public to use and enjoy.

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I disagree. People uploading their videos on youtube and putting background music should be completely OK. In fact, I see no reason why it would harm the company or the artists. You know why? I have seen people ask "what's the name of that song" in the comment section a couple of thousand times!And there comes WMG and makes youtube mute the audio track and all the comment section is filled with is "f*** WMG".People don't also go on and listen to their favorite music on youtube. They're just checking it out. That's why so many bands have their own channel where they publish their music videos and/or songs.I'm talking about the WMG and other useless companies that employ a bunch of loser-CEOs who were apparently bullied as a kid. All they want is money. So by going on and banning these audio tracks on youtube, they eat up the artists' money AND make it harder for people to find their music. And this is how they keep their jobs... Using music as a background track in a youtube video is in "Fair use", at least it should be.Besides, why do they even care of the (max 10 minute) clips on youtube? People that watch that crap wouldn't buy it anyways.

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