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What Do You Think Of My English Language?

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Is TOEFL one of those exams where you get to decide the date? That's a very convenient system :) Anyway, here's wishing you all the best for when you take the exam! Give it your best :D

no, there is a schedule for TOFEL exam in the whole world. the questions are unified for each exam. when i want to take it i should choose a date, that suits me and register for
the exam before minimum two weeks. all that is done on line, in the TOFEL official site. and thank you for your nice wishes :) .

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ok.... you know what wd- just wait for your test results to see how good your english is. if you pass it, you know your english is up to par. if you don't pass it, well, then you can come back here and post about how your english sucks :)

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ok.... you know what wd- just wait for your test results to see how good your english is. if you pass it, you know your english is up to par. if you don't pass it, well, then you can come back here and post about how your english sucks :)

I'm sure she'll pass - it's not too hard IMO. I've seen a lot of people feeling nervous before the exam but they always tell me later that it was nothing too big at all. Just takes a little effort to finish it.

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thanks for the encouragement guys :) i know i can pass it. but i am worry if i can't get the scores i want which it should be not less than 440, or i will be wasting my time and i should repeat the exam again. 440 is the minimum scores required from any college or university for computer science department. and i want to take an extra courses in computer science and i can't do that if i don't get 440 scores in TOFEL exam. this is my whole problem in here :) .

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To be very honest , you had many posts with trivial grammar mistakes... I can totally understand you , but you write somehow wrong - using incorrect phrases.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tempus rhoncus erat, vestibulum ultrices enim vehicula sit amet. Phasellus interdum turpis quis velit vehicula at sodales mi mollis. Integer feugiat vehicula pellentesque. Cras convallis, odio id dictum malesuada, est nulla cursus leo, placerat fermentum enim sem at purus. Curabitur accumsan, massa at fermentum facilisis, tortor tortor scelerisque tellus, in fringilla mauris velit quis enim. Sed orci nibh, pretium eu euismod eget, ultrices nec lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec justo urna, pellentesque sed viverra in, ullamcorper in nibh. Donec tempor faucibus tincidunt. Aenean eget urna nec ipsum dictum rhoncus. Nulla est nulla, tincidunt in congue non, facilisis ac dui. Praesent ultricies ipsum ac turpis pretium pretium. Quisque massa nisi, volutpat eu mollis sed, lacinia eu arcu. Suspendisse potenti.
Nunc sed sem sit amet lectus rutrum imperdiet vitae sit amet lorem. Aenean dapibus est ut eros tempor at volutpat ipsum porttitor. Curabitur ultrices arcu id est euismod ac varius lectus pulvinar. Praesent eu ultrices lorem. Aliquam nec ligula lorem, vitae commodo tellus. Duis eget fringilla dui. Nunc luctus purus dapibus sem mollis sed tincidunt lorem eleifend. Vestibulum ut vestibulum turpis. Etiam ipsum sapien, mollis sed commodo id, fringilla eget ligula. Nullam a rutrum libero. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed sit amet ultricies diam. Cras sit amet sollicitudin ligula.

Yeah , kidding. Your English is pretty well.

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I would say that your English is intermediate which could easily develop to advanced. The fact that you can talk about a variety of topics with aq language that people understand qualifies you to that level I mentioned.We all as non-native speakers of English need to acquire the skill of self-correction. That helps a lot in developing accuracy.Using the language a lot in a free way to expree yourself would help your fluency.

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