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This Is A Cool Category, I Only Wish It's Used Properly

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How do we have the same goals as animals? If you mean to survive I guess sort of. But I mean overall are goals differ from animals so so much. I really want to see you explain how are goals are even similar.

The goals of all living things are the same, when speaking of the whole humankind and all animals. First of all, we all have to survive. Two, reproduce and keep our kind going on and on, so we don't become extinct. That's what all things, plants and animals do. But only on a higher level, i mean, if you goal was to get a cheeseburger, its gotta differ from a monkey (probably, i wanna banana).

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How do we have the same goals as animals? If you mean to survive I guess sort of. But I mean overall are goals differ from animals so so much. I really want to see you explain how are goals are even similar.

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you wish this catagory was used properly? maybe we should all post 1 1/2 lines. is that using it properly? what does praying spiritually have to do with animals and insticts and goals?

to answer your question that may or maynot have been used properly in this catagory, NO. i don't think humans and animals are the same. we DO have many differences. our insticts are different, our goals are different, and our desires are different. hunger? are you talking about food or were you just repeating yourself and talking about desire again.

to me, this thread is about spirituality and praying. spirituality to me means you do believe in a god or goddess or higher power, but don't invite organized religions in to your relationships with any higher power or even a connected energy you feel close to. it's more of a personal religion that includes self and even life awareness

praying obviously means talking with deep though. so this thread is combining those two aspects and i have no idea what you were trying to prove by writing how you wished other people could use this catagory properly when i didn't understand a word you said that had anything to do with this catagory.

The essence of the this category is SELF REALIZATION.
For example have you ever thought that we are no more different than that of animals, we have the same instincts, same goals, same desires and hunger.

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The goals of all living things are the same, when speaking of the whole humankind and all animals. First of all, we all have to survive. Two, reproduce and keep our kind going on and on, so we don't become extinct. That's what all things, plants and animals do. But only on a higher level, i mean, if you goal was to get a cheeseburger, its gotta differ from a monkey (probably, i wanna banana).

I disagree completely. Lots of species of animal has to reproduce if they don't they go extinct. I think the human race could benefit greatly from ceasing reproduction for a while. The world is running out of space / resources. One of human's goals is not to reproduce we are over-killing on that one.

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I feel, Self Realization, if possible, would be only possible by human beings. Therefore, Self Realization has been a primordial goal for most humans. Praying is a very powerful tool in spiritual evolution. “Be not a traitor in your thoughts. Be sincere; act according to your thoughts; and you shall surely succeed. Pray with a sincere and simple heart, and your prayers will be heard.”Sri Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

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My personal vision is that maybe this is an unapropiated category because the religion is a very controversial theme and this can be transformed in a battle camp because all the people have different points of views about god and all the religion. I think that. Maybe the administrators have good intentions with this category but I have fear or make a new topic here because I can get banned if I expose all the doubts and thougths that I have about the religion. I am not an atheo or something like that but I have my question and maybe this forum is so censurable for the admins and moderators that is not good idea post here some thougths that i have. Maybe a moderator can pm me and say me that I can post here all related with religion but that maybe is not gonna happen. So proof of that is this topic where a member is saying that this a cool category and he expect that this be used properly and maybe doing an advise about the consequences of post here your real thoughts and that maybe alert me more to avoid this category and pay more attention to the other forums where I can?t post any of my thougths but there are more liberty. So maybe all of we are here because the category about spiritually catched our attention and we maybe thougth that this category you will can talk about religion with all the liberty that any person needs to talk about it. So please can a moderator or the admin say us if this category is free of prejuices? That answer maybe make me post here a lot of ideas or never comeback to this category. Until then I will keep away of this category bye.

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i think deep down the essence of life is the same what ever it is. The difference is how we interact with our environment. Dont take this as a dig at other races or minorities but look at history. What was the difference between an Aboriginee and and a gorilla ( please dont read to much into this i used Aboriginees becaue they were undeveloped and most people know how unciviliated they were in the near past) A gorrilas prime was to hunt and feed its family and to make shelter to live same with cave men and africa before civilisation. But now we feel supperior to animals because we interact better with our planet than they do. but what about before we did. we were just predators preying on animals for food like lionsd preying on giraffe or buffalo for food. Remmeber we humans think a certain way but we have no clue if birds talk amongs each other saying what undeveloped creatures they cant fly. before civilisation there was the barter system where people exchanged goods how do we know that birds dont do this. we are not birds and just like birds dont realise we have tv's and cellphones maybe bees technology is million times better than hours but we have no idea how to recognise of interact with it. Kinda like how we wouldnt know how to interact with aliens from another planets space ship. we think we know it all but i think we dont. Maybe gorrillas hide or send minature ants into our homes with recording equipment to watch how humas live and they have their own discovery channel with planest of the humans as a documentary on humans. You never know. I know you thinking we are better than birds cause we made an aeroplane but then angel are a supreeme being and they are better than us but i havent heard of an angel using a bus to travel. they dont need a bus cause they can fly or teleport but humans need a bus cause they are slow. remeebr we adapt cause of need. We hated goignto the river to get water hence pipes were made to bring us the water. Maybe animals enjoy walking to the water. Hence dont need the pipes. We think we are superior to dogs. But dogs dont walk behind us picking our poo, we pick up their poo. Its possible they thinking like a gold digger bimbo i'll pretend to be nice and that i love him so i get all his sh*t and they do get our homes and everything they need without paying a dime. so Whose the smart superior one. Remeber just because your in control of a large co-operation and make all the decisions doesnt mean the company is your, there may be a board of directors that can still fire you.Also the workers are in more control but they just dont know it. if the manager left the company can survive without one. but if the workers left the company can be brought to its knees even witha manager. SO who really in control Humans who think theya re earths bosses or the animal workforce.

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Human beings and animals are not the same. Some say humans evolved from monkeys, which evolved from fish, which evolved from some sort of prehistoric slime when it was struck by lightning or whatever the latest theory is. My personal belief is that we were created independently from other creatures, and that creatures were created independently from each other as well. Many argue the similar bone structure between dinosaurs and birds, or again, people and apes. There are other explanations, however, which are ignored by most "scientists." As a Christian, my belief is that God merely used a framework for us, similar to that which was used for the apes. Why? Because with some adjustments, it has everything we need to create, to express ourselves, to be fully aware of the wonderful world God created for us, and to fully appreciate it. I know most of you do not share that belief, and that is your prerogative, but I think there are other things that separate us from the animals.Some of you have argued that humans desire the same things that animals do. Self-preservation. This is false, and I can tell you why. We will start with self-preservation. If this is true, how can a human being risk their life for another? How can a human commit suicide? How is it that so many humans do drugs knowing full well that they may very well kill them? How is it that there are so many humans all over the world who give so much and expect little to nothing in return? No one wants to die, this much is true, but there is something drastically different between humans and animals in this department.Another place where animals and humans differ is the realm of creativity. Animals are built for the survival of their species, and humans are as well, but for more than just that. You see, humans are the only "creature" on earth with a sense of art. Some can argue that animals create art as well, but these can usually be explained; they are often used for attracting a mate, or for luring prey, and for other various reasons. Art has nothing to do with self-preservation; it is not used for attracting mates (generally speaking, of course), not for warding off predators, not for luring prey, it is merely something we do to share with other people, and to glorify our creator. Art cannot be explained by a scientist, nor can it be explained through the primary scientific theories, evolution, the big bang, etc.One who claims that humans and animals are one and the same is being ignorant of the many qualities in humans that separate us from the animals. Animals serve their purpose, and we serve ours, but another thing that differentiates humans from animals is that we determine our own purpose. Animals are born with their life all laid out for them. Humans, on the other hand, decide for themselves how they're going to live their life.

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I agree with the thread starter.Humans ARE animals, and if you think otherwise you have to ignore either the definition of the word, or all genetic evidence and common sense.Of course there are similarities and differences between the human species and other animal species... for there are similarities and differences between each species and indeed between individual organism that has ever existed on this planet, if there weren't they would not be called individuals and they would not be called species.The similarities that humans share with at least one other species of animal are far greater than the differences between us. Here is a partial list of our similarities with other animals, there are MANY more:We are biological organisms.We reproduce using genetic recombination.We have two sexes.We are a hierarchy of structures (atoms, molecules, cells, proteins, amino acids, DNA, organs), all of which are similar to that of other animals.We respirate, inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxideWe consume nutrient and excrete waste.We have a system for the intracellular circulation of said nutrientsWe have a system for the transmission of sensory signals from our appendages to our brain.Our genetic sequence is 98% identical to that of chimpanzees.We have two ears, two eyes, four appendages, each with many digits, one nose, two rows of teeth, one tongue, finger and toenails, hair, skin, a heart, lungs, a liver, intestines, a stomach, a brain, bones... which are all shared by other animals.We compete for resources.We have relationships.We have familial units.We have fears.We play.We fight.We love and help each other.We use tools to solve problems.We have disagreements.We feel pain.We enjoy recreation and relaxation.We protect our loved ones at risk to our self.We are attracted to certain aspects of the opposite sex.We can appreciate beauty.Now, some distinct differences between us and any other animals. These differences distinguish us as a species.We create technologyWe explore the nature of our reality through scienceWe have a sense for art.We have a more developed brain, capable of higher order thought (this explains the other three differences)So you see... the ONLY thing that separates us from other animals is that our brains are slightly more developed....Humans are more intelligent than other animals, but that is not to say humans are the only animals that possess intelligence. Things are not as polarized as a lot of people seem to think they are, what I mean by this is that intelligence is not something that either is or is not, it is much more complex than that and there exists many different levels of intelligence within the animal kingdom. Many animals fashion tools to accomplish specific goals, many animals have complex systems of communication, many animals exhibit all of the emotions that humans feel, and some animals have even learned to use our technology for their own means, such as a chimpanzee typing on a computer.In fact, it is this archaic way of thinking that has been expressed in this thread by many of you that has lead to the terrible treatment of animals in our society and in other societies. Other animals, especially higher order mammals, feel fear, love, pain (both emotional and physical), hope, and sadness in the same way we do as humans and the way that humans treat and have treated these animals is deplorable and is based on the ignorant notion that humans are inherently better than other animals are given "dominion" over them by god. If god can accept the suffering of dogs, cats, and other animals being experimented on and even operated on while alive and without anesthetic than I want nothing to do with him/her/it.

Edited by CodeX (see edit history)

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