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God Cares For You ! So do not loose heart

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Many a times in life, when faced with a tough situation we tend to think,Where did God disappear? Here is an instance to show how God deals with us in such situation.
After Sep 11th 2001, one company invited the remaining members of other companies who had been decimated by the attack on Twin Towers to share their available office space. At a morning meeting, the head of security told stories of why these people were alive. And all the stories were just the LITTLE things. As you might know, the head of the company survived that day because his son started kintergarten. Another fellow was alive because it was his turn to bring donuts. One woman was late because her alarm clock didnt go off in time. One of them missed his bus. One spilled food on her clothes and had to take time to change. Ones car wouldnt start. One went back to answer the telephone. One had a child that dawdled and didnt get readysoon as he should have. One couldnt get a taxi.

The one that struck everyone was the man who put on a new pair of shoes that morning, took the various means to get to work but before he got there, he devloped a blister on his foot. He stopped at a drug store to buy a Band-Aid. That is why he is alive today.

Now when I am struck in traffic, miss an elevator, turn back to answer a ringing phone. All are little things that annoy me. I think to myself, this is exactly where God wants me to be at this very movrment. Next time your morning seems to be going wrong, the children are slow getting dressed, you cant seem to find the car keys, you hit every traffic light, dont get mad or frustrated.

God is at work, watching over you.!!!! Gods waiting to build your life. He hasnt disappeared from your situation.We should always remember, when God brings you to it, He will stay beside you to take you through it provided you dont forget Him in the course of journey. Gods strength is sufficient for us, for His strength is made
perfect in weaknessess.

Never give up..!! God hasnt disappeared, He cares for you.!!!!

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat ordrink; or about your body, what you will wear.
Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than

Look at the birds of air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns,
and yet your heavenly father feeds them.
Are you not much more valuable than they ?....

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God really doesnt care for me... Well, the christian religion doesnt anyway, i would be considered a sinner and evil on so many accounts.Please stop preaching... I honestly dont care for your god or religion, IMHO it's all a lie and mostly based on religions which you and your friends now term devil worship etc...And hoe many kids all over the world take ages to get ready for school and end up late? Millions. How many people get blisters? Millions. I could go on but I wont. If god was truly there then it wouldntve happened in the first place. This is the point where you tell me it is part of his grand plan, I've heard it all before and none of it makes even an iota of sense.

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I know God cares for me, God will not do the things for us, we need to help ourselves and trust in him, and sometimes he give the responsibility to other people to take care of us :)

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Please stop preaching... I honestly dont care for your god or religion, IMHO it's all a lie and mostly based on religions which you and your friends now term devil worship etc...

Offtopic/even if you don't care, someone else might. That is why we have spirituality and other loco stuff subforums. And I don't think you have the necessary rights to shut people up for posting non-spam posts. Anyways, that 'devil worship' itself has no ground to stand on anyway, so why even mention? Yes they copied almost everything, who cares?

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God really doesnt care for me... Well, the christian religion doesnt anyway, i would be considered a sinner and evil on so many accounts.
Please stop preaching... I honestly dont care for your god or religion, IMHO it's all a lie and mostly based on religions which you and your friends now term devil worship etc...

And hoe many kids all over the world take ages to get ready for school and end up late? Millions. How many people get blisters? Millions. I could go on but I wont. If god was truly there then it wouldntve happened in the first place. This is the point where you tell me it is part of his grand plan, I've heard it all before and none of it makes even an iota of sense.

We are respecting your beliefs about this and its in your decision if you don't want to believe about God, We don't also care about it, and also respecting our beliefs will make us happy too :D. So why not just sit down there and respect us?
We want to preach because we have faith in him and we believe in him no matter what, As said in the book
many people will deny the true God, many will not believe in him (Atheist). He cares for us and also to you even if you don't care about him, he gave his only son and sacrifices his life in the cross for us even people keep pushing him away :)

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It wasnt off topic actually....According to that classification "off topic" means any post that goes against god.


Anyways, that 'devil worship' itself has no ground to stand on anyway

I will assume you mean that paganism has no ground to stand on? History and historic records (and in fact christianity) would say otherwise, but fair enough. It is, however, relevant in that it asks how can a god care for me if his followers brand me evil for not doing as they do?

Or perhaps it is christianity at fault, for if god is infallible then his followers are simply wrong. I would bring up the ten commandments, homosexuality, love thy neighbour and the abuse of women and children at the hands of the church... But then the whole world knows that a fair number of catholic priests and other high ranking members who organise and run services are homophobic sexist paedophiles so i guess i dont need to elaborate. But then again im sure im off topic again for going against god.

We are respecting your beliefs about this and its in your decision if you don't want to believe about God

I would disagree, in general christians who preach are extremely annoying, and i feel sorry for you being associated with them.
I would never preach any belief to anyone and try to get followers. If people are interested in what i believe in then i will tell them and if they wish to learn more i will point to the path, however i would not post adverts on behalf of any religion of belief system.

Yes they copied almost everything, who cares?

Well the pope for one (oh by the way guys, the pope was part of the hitler youth who were sworn to follow hitlers orders and generally kill homosexuals, jews and anyone else they didnt like, often by painful methods and with no remorse. Sorry for bringing his halo crashing to the ground but as im sure many christians would say, the truth will set you free. While we are on the subject, he has a really nice gold country there, i bet god didnt pay for that....

And for the record, you will see that i use "IMHO" quite extensively, it means "In My Humble Opinion" everything i post is my opinion and belief (well apart from the historical facts) and should be treated as such.

I am happy that you have found a religion that gives you something inside, and i would never try to take that from you. However, that doesnt mean ignorance should be accepted in the face of blind faith. Question everything, if you are still satisfied with your beliefs then i am happy for you.

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It wasnt off topic actually....According to that classification "off topic" means any post that goes against god.
I will assume you mean that paganism has no ground to stand on? History and historic records (and in fact christianity) would say otherwise, but fair enough. It is, however, relevant in that it asks how can a god care for me if his followers brand me evil for not doing as they do?

Or perhaps it is christianity at fault, for if god is infallible then his followers are simply wrong. I would bring up the ten commandments, homosexuality, love thy neighbour and the abuse of women and children at the hands of the church... But then the whole world knows that a fair number of catholic priests and other high ranking members who organise and run services are homophobic sexist paedophiles so i guess i dont need to elaborate. But then again im sure im off topic again for going against god.

Well the pope for one (oh by the way guys, the pope was part of the hitler youth who were sworn to follow hitlers orders and generally kill homosexuals, jews and anyone else they didnt like, often by painful methods and with no remorse. Sorry for bringing his halo crashing to the ground but as im sure many christians would say, the truth will set you free. While we are on the subject, he has a really nice gold country there, i bet god didnt pay for that...

You seem to assume that I'm a christian. Ironic... By saying paganism itself has no ground to stand on I didn't mean that christianity does.
No historical record has ever proven paganism (or whatever) to work. Neither do we have empirical evidence linking to that(like voodoo and other bs).

I didn't say you went offtopic, by "offtopic/" I meant I'm writing offtopic stuff. I wouldn't tell you went off topic by text and a weird slash on one line, so chill.

Were you going to continue "well the pope for one), because I don't see any closing for that "("? All I see is some ranting about how the christian values are bull and nothing to actually explain why the pope would care. Apparently the pope already knows. Maybe he just has gone a little cucu after all those years.

I meant it isn't true anyways, so who cares if they copied?

many people will deny the true God, many will not believe in him (Atheist).

Well, show me some logical reasons and I will, I promise. Good luck.

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Leave it to unbelievers to ruin a harmless topic. If you're going to speak against the topic, at least talk about what was mentioned by the topic starter. Likewise have the decency to back up any statements that require evidence (which many were mentioned, though mostly off topic), whether upon request or when writing out your post/response. And as a personal request, when asking rhetorical questions (or simply making general statements), make sure they are at least logically sound.

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Leave it to unbelievers to ruin a harmless topic. If you're going to speak against the topic, at least talk about what was mentioned by the topic starter. Likewise have the decency to back up any statements that require evidence (which many were mentioned, though mostly off topic), whether upon request or when writing out your post/response. And as a personal request, when asking rhetorical questions (or simply making general statements), make sure they are at least logically sound.

ahh... I didn't start it. I was just telling shadowx that other people might be interested in the topic even tho he seems to hate christianity. No need for you to say how "unbelievers" ruined a 'harmless' topic. It smells like bad attitude. About the other things, I agree. But why aren't you writing something relevant to the topic? :)

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Too true... My post does actually address the original post, only apparently that got neglected...What irritates me about this preaching is that Christians will preach preach preach and tell me that if i dont listen im going to hell and all this crap and then their leader is a nazi and all over the place kids are being sexually abused by priests and what not which is a) homosexual, so according to most christians that is grounds for going to hell, and b.) just wrong, especially considering the "do unto others" speach, add in the fact that christianity is basically paganism and other ancient religions rebranded (note, i am not trying to suggest to you that witchcraft, magick, voodoo etc.. work, that is something you must work out for yourself, which you seem to have done) and then the fact that anyone who isnt a christian is a sinner i just cant stand to have these hypocritical views preached to me surrounded in a nice pillow of lies! Seriously, believe what you want, but dont come preaching to me and trying to convert me, which is essentially what the OP is, and its not the first either. Preach preach preach.

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Hi nirmaldaniel, I think I can relate to what you are trying to say.. i.e. everything happens for a reason. I just broke my right hand elbow pretty badly and its not even been a month. However, I never criticized God for what happened to me.. infact, I prayed to him for he kept me safe even in that dangerous accident when a lot Bad could have happened.

Anyway, coming to this topic. I used to be quite impatient by nature/personality and I feel I still am. I am trying to change and be more patient, getting less frustrated over little annoying things and I repeat to myself "Go with the flow..".

From my experience, I also got some personal beliefs... here they are:-

1. Nothing comes from Rushing and Hurrying.
2. Decisions made with an Angry mind lead to your own destruction.

And the best quote which matches my experience is :-

Learn the art of patience. Apply discipline to your thoughts when they become anxious over the outcome of a goal. Impatience breeds anxiety, fear, discouragement and failure. Patience creates confidence, decisiveness, and a rational outlook, which eventually leads to success.

Some people may call this God's work, Divine plan etc. For most of my life, I never felt that God actually was taking care of me, nor I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth as we poor. But as I grew up, I felt that my own understanding about the myself was too limited. Many a times, my parents were much much right about me and the decisions I was to take. They did their job of guiding me but always left the final decision to me. Many things happened in my life and soon I realized that there is something which is guiding all of us and its best to leave most of our "will" in its hands. I started changing and people around me saw a noticeable change. I was more peaceful, less complaining and more of all.. happy. I am still a kid to be talking about Life and God, but now I use my free will only on my duty, as for the rest i still go with the flow :-)

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please dont read this if you are easily upset or take offence because This is something i strongly feel and i believe christians arent as open minded or as loving thy neighbour as their religion teaches. Christians are the best religion in terms of the principles and law laid down by the word of God but I think they tend to be strange people themselves. When you go to school you go to learn and as a teacher you then prepare to be questioned by students from all angles because one student can have seen a similar thing being explained differently elsewhere and need clarification but with christians they tend to wanna teach with out any questions except one they have prepared for, If you raise a valid question with evidence as to why you think their belief or their teaching/ preaching is wrong they get very defensive and accusing suddenly is as if you are the devil incarnate or demon possessed and suddenly its a spirituall war and they hammer at you and get very angry. Why cant they validate and explain things so we can see what they are teaching clearly as opposed to getting all weird and angry. Basically so far I see in this topic someone says God cares and nother says he doesn't and everyone suddenly lays into the one who isnt a believer saying this and that. None of you have really said how and why he cares or tried to explain things with out complicating the situation. WHat you gus need to realise is that people don't just become anti christian for no reason there is probably an issue that happened in life to suggest GOd Dont really care and by being accusinga nd hostile you ain't doing no good but just proving that Christianity is a selfish religion that says if you dare question me YOU are risking my Wrath how different is that from a president who is a dictator like Mugabe or Saddam. Only that Christians dont have the power to get rid of you but I bet if christians had that power there would be alot of people who by now would have been got rid off. I know this is probably completely off topic but all Im tryna do is help because I have seen this problem happening everywhere. I am one of those people who believe God doesn't give a Damn, maybe for you he cares but not for me and oviously im not the only who feels this way because I do look at my own life i was Christian for 20 years and was those serious christians who believed gods word and lived a clean life but there came a time when a miracle was needed in my life and trust me I had more faith then a mustard seed or the highest mountain but did god come through. No. I wondered why and ofcourse christians will say you didnt have faith and yes this is just a way for justifying Gods failure's by blaming myself yet be honest with yourselves when things are hard you have more faith than the pope (if i can use him as an example - this is figuratively so dont start saying the pope is this or that cause its just a way of saying as the holliest person known whoever he or she is be it Jesus Himself. ) The bible says if you have faith the size of a mustard seed you'd move mountains but everytime things dont work out when GOD is supposed to step in and provide a miracle its said you didnt have enough faith. What a Crock of Shite lolAnother excuse is that God has a plan, what plan?? that those who believe him should be the lowest of the lowest. Yes ther are chrisitans all over the world but I dont know about you but No Community is more god fearing than the Afrcan community. Go to SOuthern Africa and see how much chrisitans they are but loook around you they are third worl countries with war and hunger and famine. If god is trully a king why does he let them suffer and die like dogs in war a stuff. I think we have a wrong impression of what GOD is if he even exists but then I dont say this because I want to convince you to stop believeing but Im saying it cause that my opinion based on my experience and as christians with the calling to teach. DOnt get irate and slander or have a go at me. Help me see sence not with ambiguous statements that we so often hear (GOD has a masterplan). If you have no clue better say so than to be vague lol. As TEachers in Christs Kingdom the bible says God will give you wisdom so heres where you should use that wisdom to explain things to those of us who dont trully believe that GOD doesnt care, just like how scientists will give evidence as to why they believe dinosaurs existed they put more effort that Christians into proving what they say. Dont tell us about a freind of your pastors who stood up and rose from the dead because your pastor couold have lied I would love to hear about your own situations which prove GOD trully cares. just remeber not to sin by lying so you convince me because what shall it profit a man to gain the world and loose his own soul. What we are looking for is to have our eyes opened so we see his mercy and care if it exisits not to be castrated and accused of being evil or bad so we start to feel we have to conform otherwise we will be labelled this and that by christians.DOes that make any sense?

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When you go to school you go to learn and as a teacher you then prepare to be questioned by students from all angles because one student can have seen a similar thing being explained differently elsewhere and need clarification but with christians they tend to wanna teach with out any questions except one they have prepared for, If you raise a valid question with evidence as to why you think their belief or their teaching/ preaching is wrong they get very defensive and accusing suddenly is as if you are the devil incarnate or demon possessed and suddenly its a spirituall war and they hammer at you and get very angry. Why cant they validate and explain things so we can see what they are teaching clearly as opposed to getting all weird and angry.

I don't get offended, or at least i don't feel any emotion that i would label as being offended. But you should also take note that it could be how these questions were asked. From my experience when listening to and debating with unbelievers, they generally don't ask questions; rather, they assume from the beginning that we are stupid and make statements that show their assumption clearly. Whether it is because of actual Christians or because of atheistic rhetoric from unbelievers is beyond me, but have you ever seen these unbelievers discuss Christianity with Christians who could properly address their concerns? Do you think we would see unbelievers talking down Christians if they sought those who were more qualified?
Being reminded of your topic, the one that claims that religious people are unfair, i would request that until your count of how many instances you have come across incompetent Christians surpasses how many fingers you have, to leave out making statements from hasty generalization. For you are again placing every Christian on a level of incompetence. But i should mention that even if we properly address a matter, it does not mean that an unbeliever would accept it and move on. I don't remember how many times i've addressed the same issues that unbelievers have brought up. Sure, a new person to the faith of disbelief, a new instance of the same issue that needs to be addressed, but there seriously cannot be so little sources that have not properly addressed the issue.

Basically so far I see in this topic someone says God cares and nother says he doesn't and everyone suddenly lays into the one who isnt a believer saying this and that. None of you have really said how and why he cares or tried to explain things with out complicating the situation. WHat you gus need to realise is that people don't just become anti christian for no reason there is probably an issue that happened in life to suggest GOd Dont really care and by being accusinga nd hostile you ain't doing no good but just proving that Christianity is a selfish religion that says if you dare question me YOU are risking my Wrath how different is that from a president who is a dictator like Mugabe or Saddam. Only that Christians dont have the power to get rid of you but I bet if christians had that power there would be alot of people who by now would have been got rid off.

This is merely an example of what can follow the questions you say unbelievers ask. It is one thing to ask a question, but it is another to follow with statements that any other person would find insulting. If you are going to request for evidence from us, then i request that you do not back down when we request evidence for your statements. Calling things selfish, a dictatorship, et cetera, does not make things easy for anyone, and you should not be surprised by Christians if they react in a way that you find insulting. Don't you find it odd to make statements that can potentially insult someone and after them confronting you for it telling them, "What happened to loving your neighbor?"? Indeed, what happened to it?
As for explaining why God loves us, there are many things that don't need explaining, for these things are either obvious or the source of the explanation is obvious. Why does God love us? For someone who claims they used to be a Christian, you are quick at forgetting basic Biblical knowledge. But it is not surprising that you would forget. I have seen the same from other unbelievers, for example from Dan Barker, who claim to have been devout Christians, yet today act like they have forgotten what they knew, or should have known, as a Christian. And if you ever did forget why God loves us, do you really need to go any further than Scripture itself? Why are you asking us when the answer is clear? Why is it no longer clear for you? Have you ever ask yourself this?

A lot of questions could be answered by unbelievers themselves, but a lot of them choose to just ask the question and forget that they even asked in the first place. I hope this is not the case with you, and i would have considered it improper for unbelievers to rely on us so much to answer their questions. While many times i have seen them improperly form a conclusion, i am sure they are capable of doing their own research and formulating an objective conclusion.

I know this is probably completely off topic but all Im tryna do is help because I have seen this problem happening everywhere. I am one of those people who believe God doesn't give a Damn, maybe for you he cares but not for me and oviously im not the only who feels this way because I do look at my own life i was Christian for 20 years and was those serious christians who believed gods word and lived a clean life but there came a time when a miracle was needed in my life and trust me I had more faith then a mustard seed or the highest mountain but did god come through. No. I wondered why and ofcourse christians will say you didnt have faith and yes this is just a way for justifying Gods failure's by blaming myself yet be honest with yourselves when things are hard you have more faith than the pope (if i can use him as an example - this is figuratively so dont start saying the pope is this or that cause its just a way of saying as the holliest person known whoever he or she is be it Jesus Himself. ) The bible says if you have faith the size of a mustard seed you'd move mountains but everytime things dont work out when GOD is supposed to step in and provide a miracle its said you didnt have enough faith. What a Crock of Shite lol

A lot of people do not understand the parable of the mustard seed or what is meant by faith that can move mountains. I will not say that i fully understand it, but there are a few things i understand about it. Why a mustard seed? Have you seen a mustard seed, how small those things are? Do you think people won't be insulted to hear that their faith is no bigger than a mustard seed? You who was quick to lose faith at a time of distress, do you really think your faith was bigger than a mustard seed, something that can move mountains? Do you really believe that your faith was unshakable? Why was it then shaken?
You should, however, note that God isn't controlled by your faith; it is He who makes the final decision. But i don't really see how at a time of distress one can claim to have more faith when their faith is shaking. You say "when God is supposed to step in," if He were imaginary, then it could be argued that He can be controlled by our desires and wishes. But to claim that God doesn't exist because He "failed" to do something you wanted Him to do is an appeal to consequences. I do not know why God chooses not to do things (obviously i'm not Him), but i have come to realize that making excuses for God is absurd.

And i always find it ironic at how quick people are at forgetting just how blessed they really are. It is unfortunate that it takes harsh times to remind us of it. But i guess it is hard to avoid being spoiled. We are never content with what we have, always wanting more than what we have, and when we don't reach a higher position, we often complain about it. But stop one day, forget about what you are doing and take a look at all that you have. Sure it would be nice to have more, but what is the point of having more sometimes? More often than not we chase after things that need not be chased after and take things for granted. How can one claim that they have it bad when it is obviously not the case for them?

But even if some calamity came your way, consider what Job said to his wife, for it should provide you with a lot of insight.

Another excuse is that God has a plan, what plan?? that those who believe him should be the lowest of the lowest. Yes ther are chrisitans all over the world but I dont know about you but No Community is more god fearing than the Afrcan community. Go to SOuthern Africa and see how much chrisitans they are but loook around you they are third worl countries with war and hunger and famine. If god is trully a king why does he let them suffer and die like dogs in war a stuff. I think we have a wrong impression of what GOD is if he even exists but then I dont say this because I want to convince you to stop believeing but Im saying it cause that my opinion based on my experience and as christians with the calling to teach. DOnt get irate and slander or have a go at me. Help me see sence not with ambiguous statements that we so often hear (GOD has a masterplan). If you have no clue better say so than to be vague lol.

I do not understand the "lol" at the end, but i will disregard it so i can continue to assume that you are taking this seriously. As mentioned before, it is foolish to make an excuse for God, and unless you ask God yourself you won't find an acceptable answer. However, why would an unbeliever ask God something if they don't believe in Him? But i would not be surprised if you had come across your answer once before but have forgotten about it. For even one who reads their Bible daily can forget what is written in it. As mentioned before, it is understandable why God would not answer someone if He has already done so in Scripture. Asking need not be limited to prayer.

As TEachers in Christs Kingdom the bible says God will give you wisdom so heres where you should use that wisdom to explain things to those of us who dont trully believe that GOD doesnt care, just like how scientists will give evidence as to why they believe dinosaurs existed they put more effort that Christians into proving what they say. Dont tell us about a freind of your pastors who stood up and rose from the dead because your pastor couold have lied I would love to hear about your own situations which prove GOD trully cares. just remeber not to sin by lying so you convince me because what shall it profit a man to gain the world and loose his own soul. What we are looking for is to have our eyes opened so we see his mercy and care if it exisits not to be castrated and accused of being evil or bad so we start to feel we have to conform otherwise we will be labelled this and that by christians.

I hope that you are not all talk here but will return to this topic and respond back, and i cannot say that you will have your eyes opened. But i don't refrain from discussing just because i feel i will not open anyone's mind. But how can you receive mercy if you have never done anything bad? To say that you want to see His mercy is the same as admitting that you are a sinner. Therefore it is illogical to complain about being labeled a sinner. But a Christian isn't a Christian because they thought they were a good person.

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Firstly let me say that I have been on both sides of the track and though this doenst mean I know it all Im just saying somethings I have enoough experience with.

Being reminded of your topic, the one that claims that religious people are unfair, i would request that until your count of how many instances you have come across incompetent Christians surpasses how many fingers you have, to leave out making statements from hasty generalization

For this statement I would Like to say maybe where you are this doesnt happen a lot but in my experience most christians I have spoken too have actually reacted quite badly in response to stuff like this. Notice I always say in my experience because I dont wanna cause anyone to stumble in their christian walk. When I say statement like I for example If I said I dont think god exists. I am not saying in your life or that mine is real gospel Im talking bout what I believe in my life and circumstances. I know most people tend to say YOU CHRISTIANS ARE LIARS BECAUSE GOD DONT EXIST or something like that. Lets not get too technicall on the exact statement but just a rough idea. This kind of talk is something which is wrong. One should speak about what is personal to them and say In my Life I dont see GOD exisitng. But then if i told many a christian that they would tell me I am a fool. This might probably be the right thing to say to me according to the bible. seeing as it says something like he that says the is no GOD is a fool or something along those lines I cant remember the exact term or phrase but do we realise that that actually telling someone that they are a fool because they dont believe GOd exists only comes out as hostility when challenged. when someone says that you are a fool according to how I was raised thats an insult and it would only bring resentment from me. Yes different people will have different understanding of statements like that but when two religions are trying to have a discussion that probably should lead to better understand of one anothers views surley there are less confrontational ways of getting this done.

A lot of questions could be answered by unbelievers themselves, but a lot of them choose to just ask the question and forget that they even asked in the first place.

I believe the reason we are unbelievers is cause we trully mis understand the answers we have. because if we still understood the unswers the same way christians understood then I doubt we would have left the faith. Because to be honest I dont really know why God Loves Us. Is it because we are his children. lets assume I have this correct so far, But then here is where my problem or rather the seed of my disbelief then comes in. If he loves me because I am his child, then why am I going through the things I am say why would he let my kids all die in a car accident all at once. Yes maybe to you it might be a simple answer but to the one going through it the answer might be clouded by pain and anger and hopeless ness and that feeling of god deserting us. and telling me simply that its god pla wont cut it becuase I will wonder why GODs plan would be so horrible. Cause remember its not easy to change a christians heart. So for something to have an impact it must have been something major I shoud think.

TO answer the bit where you ask

....You who was quick to lose faith at a time of distress, do you really think your faith was bigger than a mustard seed, something that can move mountains? Do you really believe that your faith was unshakable? Why was it then shaken?

I will respond and say my situation was not a 3month situation but a situation that lasted almost 5 years. I prayed, fasted, did everything that is required of me and even had my whole church praying for me for 3 of the years and I think God's decision was A No seing as you suggested that god makes the final decision. Now I then ask myself why would God take me on a wild goose chase telling me if I believe and pray and do this and that according to the word, what i ASK I WILL RECEIVE. yet at the end f the day it come down to a yes or no on his part he may as well not have wasted my time and i knew from the start that GOD might still say No after all this. MAybe if he'd done it that way my faith would not have been shaken. To be frank my faith in GOD used to be unshakeble. and before you call me a liar because the truth is at the end of the day my faith proved to be shakeable let me just remind you that in life or rather an example would be a marriage you vow till death do us part and 10 years down the line you catch them in bed with another. you may forgive and move on and stick to the vows but if it carries on happening again anad again we all know that at one point we would say I was blind but now I think it times to say enough is enough. Which is the same with what happened in my christian walk. I got to a time where I thought this isnt what I signed up for. I know i didn't become a christian to get stuff from GOd. But Hey im only human and at times just once in my life I wanted god to step in and do something supernatural that he wasnt doing for every one else eg letting me wake up alive in the morning because every other non christian including me right now is getting that same privilage. I just wanted help cause I was at the lost point I could be and I just needed a helping hand but GOd just ignored me or said NO.

...I do not understand the "lol" at the end,

The lol at the end or within my posts is to ensure that people do not get too serious cause I know that there are people who are calm and collected and objective when reading posts and there are some who take things a bit too serious or personally as if the post if a direct affliction to them. The lol is just my way if saying relax we just talking Im not getting upset and I still am smiling so please dont get to engrossed emotionally into the whole discussion or my point of view. I hope you can understand where Im coming from because when I post here I dont mean to offend I just say my opinion hoping other people can objectively read while distancing their emotiions and answer wiuthout getting frustrated as to why the heck dont i get the point if you know what I mean. Hope this clarifies things. I am not laughing at the religion just tryna say chill.

...But how can you receive mercy if you have never done anything bad?

One thing I grew up hearing from my mum was this spoonerism (hopefully i used the right word I know there another word I think tougne twisters but i cant remeber which is correct) SHe used to say Those who do not know, Do not know that they do not know. Like you ask How will I get mercy if I havent done anything wrong. I beleieve if I never where I was going wrong in my Chjristian faith and where I went wrong I wouldn't have had my faith Shaken. I dont ask the questions I ask because I am looking to argue I ask and say what I say because I am still searching for an answer and I dont wanna waste my time searching for an answer in GOD cause GOD doesnt speak back to me and he never did I had to find answers in the bible etc. So thats why I ask like in formum and through discussions because Im hoping I will get an answer that will open up my eyes without any doubt. Cause We dont really have any proof that CHristianity is the one true religion. We base everythign on TRusting GOd to be right or something like that. So all Im trying to achieve is make sure I am not wasting my time following a religion that turns out to be a waste of time.
So please don't assume my eyes will never be opend because I maybe angry that God didnt come through for me whe I thought I needed him most that doesnt mean I dont wanna have anythign to do with GOd again it just means I need answers as to why?

I dont know if i did the Quoting thing Correctly, I have never done it before so please bear with me if I did it wrongly.

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First of all I want to give some respects to the unbelievers and for the believers and that is the way to make my reply in this thread give peace into you, I am a christian I understand why others don't believe in him and why others got angry with him.Sometimes I also do backslide somewhere in my past I am full of doubt and I am an unbeliever also like you I am an anti-christin that time I have no God, I don't feel God, I hate Christ, I hate believers, I hate other persons and I hate everything that was writen in the book of holy bible and BTW I don't have fear in death.One day me and my family is going into a vacation (its summer time) so yea my father is driving the car and we are enjoying it and very excited, we are singing and talking with each other (They are all christians except me in that time) suddenly a bus go into our way and the brake of our car was broken so what do you think would happen? Our car did crash in a wall because my father turn the wheel left where there is a wall into it.I am not afraid of death but I am afraid to be alone :) I though all of us will die in that accident I have a minor injure only but all of them got some serius problems my dad in his head and others in their body so I am crying in that time I don't know where to go and who will I approach. Our relatives is a hundred miles away and our fone was lost there is a telephone but I don't know their number silly me.So suddenly a religious christian or a leader in a church came after me and approach me and said why am I crying?I said all what happen and you know? He is so good and treat me nice and help me everyday to guard my family.When he saw me crying again he said "Don't Cry just have faith in God" I said "Are you kidding? Will he supposed to help me? Then where is he? tell him that he must go come and see me " That was my word because I am an unbeliever :DBut many weeks have passed my father is still there in the hospital :D and I remember what the Religious leader told to me "God Cares for you even if you don't believe in him" So I think what if I approach him? well theres nothing to lose if I try it.So I tried to pray and go to church for the first time in history and you know what? when I am going to turn back and go back into the room of my father I saw my mom with someone in her side do you know who is that? That is my father and I ran fast and hug my father and cried and he just smiled at me :(Until now I think of this as Gods welcome for me, Gods gift and Gods miracle B).SO HEY I AM PROUD TO SAY THAT I AM A CHRISTIAN AND I KNOW THAT GOD CARES FOR ME :)

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