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Wierd Space Odities

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NASA recently found a object in space orbiting a sun that was hotter then the sun but did not fit in any known dwarf star size. And the weird part is it has the density of Styrofoam. Makes you really wonder what else could be out there. A moon made of cheese maybe? :) Also makes me laugh at people who don't think there is other life out there as well.

Edited by Zagubadu? (see edit history)

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And the weird part is it has the density of Styrofoam.

Please, people: dispose of your waste responsibly! Don't take your packaging materials, strap them to a rocket and launch them into the inner solar system at high velocity into a solar orbit.


Makes you really wonder what else could be out there. A moon made of cheese maybe? :) Also makes me laugh at people who don't think there is other life out there as well.



(My only complaint with that article being that according to Americans, Warwick is near London when it is in fact near Birmingham...)

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NASA recently found a object in space orbiting a sun that was hotter then the sun but did not fit in any known dwarf star size. And the weird part is it has the density of Styrofoam. Makes you really wonder what else could be out there. A moon made of cheese maybe? :) Also makes me laugh at people who don't think there is other life out there as well.

How do they know for sure how hot it was? Did they actually have it in their hands?
There will be all kinds of things floating around in outer space, it would probably boggle the mind.

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How do they know for sure how hot it was? Did they actually have it in their hands?There will be all kinds of things floating around in outer space, it would probably boggle the mind.

Theres a special telescope that can measure all of that. ( Temperature, density, size. ) You know whats scary to think about obviously we have had encounter with aliens. ( Theres just to much out there no way could they all be hoaxes. ) So why does the government want to keep it a secret? Do they want war, our planet? Kind of freaks me out :)

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When they say the density of styrofoam they basically mean that its size to weight ratio is the same as styrofoam. eg if 1 cubic meter of Styrofoam weighs 1kg then if you cut a 1 cubic meter chunk out of this object it would also weigh 1kg. That isnt to say it feels or looks like styrofoam, it could in fact be a gas, solid or liquid or even some sort of plasma.I would imagine it is a failed star that is heated due to its proximty to its parent star and its own nuclear activity. It may just not have a critical mass of certain elements to produce the intense reactions it needs to be recognized as a star, or it may simply not have the right density.

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