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911 Operator Aids Womans Right To Shoot Intruder During A 911 Call from my cold, dead hands. - C. Heston (Ex-President of the N

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Donna, aged 57 - found herself as a victim of a break-in at her home in Oklahoma on December 9 2009.


She did what any other sane citizen of the USA would do, and dialed 911 before clutching to her shotgun just-in-case! The man used a 'chair' and 'patio' table in attempt to break through her door, whilst Donna watched and insisted to the operator that she is reluctant to shoot,


"I don't want to have to kill this man, but I'll kill him graveyard dead, ma'am."


The operator replies: "I understand."


Ms Jackson continues: "He's walking back and forth on the porch. He looks to be an older man, I don't want to kill him.

In the 911 call, the operator can be heard confirming to Donna, that she is able to use her shotgun to protect her property, and has the appropriate means to fulfill her rights if the man (Billy Riley, 53) broke in to her home, posing as a threat.


Donna can be heard in the call claiming her intruder could be drunk;


"I think he's drunk. He doesn't know where his pick-up's at. God, I don't want to kill this man."

After ten agonising minutes, the man broke in. That's when Donna Jackson made a decision, put her phone down with the operator still on the other end, and shot dead Billy Riley.


The Local District claims that Donna will face no charges, as the operator confirmed her decision to defend her home. It is clear from the sound of her voice, that she did not intend on killing the intruder, but was left with very little choice.


For more information or to hear the phone call - visit http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/



What are your comments?

Do you agree with US Arms/Gun Control Law(s)?

Are you a member of the NRA?

Edited by filmdesire (see edit history)

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seems like there is a lot of story missing from this story. sounded like she knew the guy. so the real question now is....can you kill someone for breaking and entering and tresspassing?if the d.a. doesn't prosecute, case over. BUT! if the man didn't have a lethal weapon when breaking and entering, then i believe the the d.a. has no choice but to prosecute the woman and let a court decide the outcome based on the evidence and facts that can be gathered.it really sounded like she knew this guy. she supposedly said he was drunk and looking for his truck? how would she know any of this when inside talking to the dispatcher?you are allowed to defend your life and home, yes, but you what if it was a child and not an adult....would it still be ok to kill him? something is fishy about this story. sounds like premeditated murder to me. at the very least, manslaughter since the man didn't have a deadly weaponwhile on the 911 call, the lady didn't even attempt to talk to the guy through the door. she didn't mention she has dispatched the police or anything. i am curious how this will turn out. i will bet my life savings though that she knew the man.

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After ten agonising minutes, the man broke in.

Just curious why the 911 dispatcher didn't send a cruiser in this time frame. 10 minutes is a long time to be threatened by this fellow before shooting them dead.
Did she warn the guy that she was on the phone to the Emergency Services?
Was he aware that the Police were en route?
No warning shot to scare them off?

I think this should be sent to trial and let a Jury decide the outcome, otherwise the shooting of people becomes rampant, but then again, I don't live in the USA. We are much more civilised in Canada...

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Just curious why the 911 dispatcher didn't send a cruiser in this time frame. 10 minutes is a long time to be threatened by this fellow before shooting them dead. Did she warn the guy that she was on the phone to the Emergency Services?
Was he aware that the Police were en route?
No warning shot to scare them off?

I think this should be sent to trial and let a Jury decide the outcome, otherwise the shooting of people becomes rampant, but then again, I don't live in the USA. We are much more civilised in Canada...

I agree with the fact that it should at least go to trial, but as the phone call suggests it sounds like she was left with little choice. The man was supposedly posing a threat to her,

ALSO in regards to Anwii - She didn't know him, and she only knew that he might have been drunk because she could see him - the intruder was behaving unusually.

Regards to GUN rights, i think that CANADA loves guns just as much as Americans probably do, the only difference maybe their mentality regards to defence and shooting for sport. After-al I personally think everyone sane with a spotless criminal record should have a right to owning arms - but you have to have a responsible community to maintain that balance, which Canada may be more advanced in.

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Did news of the N.B. chainsaw murderer make it to where you live jlhaslip? The young man who went berserk and decapitated his elderly neighbours a few years ago? It was big news here, after he murdered the couple, he successfully crossed the border into Maine with a bunch of weapons, and a bloody chainsaw. I'm not sure what happened to him, he faded out of the news, I think they found him mentally insane. What about the man who decapitated another man on a bus in Manitoba? I can think of two other recent 'random' attacks in N.B., I think one African young man was paralyzed in a racist assault, another man severely beaten for his money. I used to think Canadians were civilized, that life-threatening crime wasn't a major concern here, but apparently we have a lot of violent psychopaths running around too. I'm starting to worry I'm too careless about my safety, having lived in a what I thought was a safe area for so long, I've never really feared for my life, or worried about someone stabbing beating me up for my money, I think if I ever visited New Yawk, or Los Angeles, or Detroit or something, I would be murdered the first day due to my naivety. Lovely evening for a stroll in the back alleys carrying $2000 of cash in my pocket, eh? I did watch Rumble in the Bronx a couple times, so hopefully I have some self defense skills.

Edited by rob86 (see edit history)

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News to me about the chainsaw dude, and that Bus guy was found not competent to stand trial. I note also that he was Chinese, not Canadian. Mentally disturbed people aside, I think we in Canada are less likely to become violent. It might be due to there being less guns around and a generally less tolerant attitude towards gun ownership in general.

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prove it. also, if she could see him, then he could see her. he then also noticed she was on the phone? and also had a shotgun? no no no....something is definately fishy about the story and just going by the 911 call to determine anything....

also, i guess crazies don't like the cold. maybe that's why i hate the cold :P but i don't think anyone told jack from the shining. he seemed to like it

hmm, i just watched the other video. it states oklahoma has some sort of doctrine making it legal to protect your home be lethal means. this is also supported when someone saw two people breaking in to a neighbors home. when they were fleeing by foot, the neighbor shot them both in the back. he wasn't charged with any crime.

i think if anyone shoots and kills someone, there should be checks and balances and it should be up to a court of law to determine ALL the facts of the case and possible extenuating circumstances that could make a killing unjustified.

this is sending a clear message to people who live in oklahoma and this sort of law makes it easier to set someone up if you don't like them. all you really have to do is lure them to your front door.

i hope cases like this eventually go to the supreme court so there is some sort of conformaty within the united states. i am pretty knowledgable where the law is concerned. you CAN shoot and kill a fleeing felon...but breaking and entering isn't a felony. nor is tresspassing also, there is a rule to the esculated use of violence to protect ones self. if someone isn't using deadly force against you, you are not allowed to use deadly force against THEM.

then we have the dispatcher who is giving legal advice over the phone saying it's within the woman's right to protect her home. this was a blanket statement. the guy hadn't even broken in to her home yet and the dispatcher literally gave you advice that she can kill the man when he hasn't even entered her home yet? it's illegal to give legal advice. only attorneys can give legal advice. even court clerks are trained NOT to give any legal advice because it can get them and the court in trouble.

nowhere in the article or video did it state he was drunk or looking for his truck. he was knocking very loud though. this gives away the ellimate of surprise. he kept knocking and trying to get the lady's attention because he probably knew she was home. this leads me to the conclusion that the two knew eachother because a criminal wont go banging on peoples doors and act erratic like that. they are stealthy and don't want to be heard. so now we illiminate the possibility of theft or burglary. doesn't sound to me that this was some random house where the two people didn't know eachother

now i grew up in a big city where things are handled pretty fair. it was 6 or so years ago when i finally moved from los angeles to small towns in missouri and i quickly realized how different the police and court systems are in these small hick towns. something is definately VERY VERY fishy about this case and it definately SHOULD NEVER be determined just by a 911 recording!

where did this guy live? what was he doing before he was on this lady's property? why was he there making all sorts of commotion? was he drinking or on drugs? where is his family? did he have any friends? maybe we will never know these answers. if it went to court we would. something is being hidden. i personally don't trust the law in small hick towns. they can do pretty much whatever they want even if it IS illegal. i've seen people get away with alot of illegal crap just because they are friendly with the law enforcement. this leaves other people to suffer because they don't have that relationship. so i do think these people knew eachother, and i think things are being covered up and something shady is definately occuring in this case.

i remember one day when my cousin was drinking and pretty much drunk. he had a friend of his living in a trailer on his property. well, they were arguing, my cousin took an axe and started breaking the trailer door down. it was said that my cousin, after he broke the door down, continues to walk toward this guy inside his trailer with the axe. his friend shot him down dead. although i had many thoughts of revenge my own self on this guy who killed my cousin, at least i know in this situation he was at least justified for taking a life when there was a deadly weapon involved. it was either him or my cousin and this guy defended himself.

what also troubles me though is that they are making it legal to defend your home. does it even mention defending your own self or can you just go on the basis of defending just your home. i hate the laws that limit us to carry weapons, but i also don't want any irrisponsible person carrying and owning guns. i would like to see less gun control, but more training for those who own guns. the training should include the laws in the state and when it is and isn't legal to use a gun or branish one for that matter.

there is a lot of talk about how justified the woman was in killing someone....and all they have to go by is the 911 recording. it's pretty sad where people are so quick to judge in a situation like this when a human life was taken. was she justified? maybe...but i certainly wont go by a 911 recording when there are so many unanswered questions.

ALSO in regards to Anwii - She didn't know him, and she only knew that he might have been drunk because she could see him - the intruder was behaving unusually.

Edited by anwiii (see edit history)

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It's called the Castle doctrine, based on "a man's home is his castle" and says he has the right to defend with deadly force if need be his "castle." We have it in Missouri too, fortunatly. I personally think it's a great law. I didn't work my rear off to have what little I do have to sit shivering in a corner while somebody steals what is mine.

what also troubles me though is that they are making it legal to defend your home. does it even mention defending your own self or can you just go on the basis of defending just your home.

It actually covers you not only in your home, but also in your car. And pretty much in any situation where you believe your own life is being threatened.

Granted, there are some things about this story that seem odd, but it is difficult to get the whole picture just from the 911 call. Since the call more or less seemed to end when he actually entered the house, from what I gather just from reading the posts, we don't know if he displayed a weapon, or threatened the woman in some way. Even without a weapon, a larger strong man can be a great danger to a woman. As the saying goes, God created all men, but Colt made them equal.

I don't see much point in dragging every single one of these cases threw the court system. If you do that, it is the victum who will suffer, huge attourney fee's and possibly the ruination of thier lifes savings threw no fault of their own.

i personally don't trust the law in small hick towns. they can do pretty much whatever they want even if it IS illegal.

Well, I sure won't argue that point with you! LOL, I live in one of those hick Missouri towns too. The good old boy network is in full force here for sure!

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