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Anyone Play Dwarf Fortress? Free game

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there is a sand zone?!? that is exactly what i need! i haven't even ventured to zones before but if it allows me to dump sand in a zone, that's the first thing i'm gonna do next!


i am going to copy the exact message about the cat thing because i can't make heads or tails of it. i also decided i am going to google it and see what pops up. one dwarf of mine has adopted all the cats. i thought that was funny. all the cats owners is just one guy!


i dunno if i want little dwarven kids running around haha it's bad enough with all the useless animals that i'm gonna kill and eat soon :P:P


i don't think i want an outside source to help me with the game or even the construction. i think it's cheating. i like playing these types of games in how it was originally created. maybe if i master the game in a year or two(i sure hope i'm not playing it in two years.) maybe i'll try to get as many of the addons as i can. the only thing i am tempted to do right now(which i wont) is to add better graphics to the game


did you find out when this game was created???


I don't think there's too much to zones. You can make a garbage dump zone which is just an area where they dump things you tell them to. There's a fishing zone that tells them where to fish. There's a sand collecting zone too, which sounds like what you need. I haven't even seen any sand. I never experienced any flooding that you mentioned earlier either.


I read somewhere that there are cave-ins that kill the dwarves, but haven't seen this yet. Dwarves can also become sensitive to the light if they spend too much time inside.. when they go outside they apparently will be slow and weak. If you have a military you don't want to keep them inside all the time, I guess. The guy who made this game seems to have thought of everything!


I guess the dwarves must have kids sometime because I read somewhere that even their babies need a drink to get through the day. Dwarves like to drink even at a young age. Most of my dwarves have that message in their info. And I have no idea why a wounded cat would prevent trading from happening :D


I hate that it pauses the game all the time too..


You mentioned earlier that you were going to plan your fortress before you build it. I saw this utility that helps you do that.




I don't think I'll be using it, but you might like it. It has a 3D preview though it's not very fancy.

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It was started in 2002, released in 2006, and it's still being created. Technically, the game is still in alpha status for some strange reason. I'm angry now, guess what just happened. A raccoon somehow stole my $15000 loin cloth and $20000 harp artifacts. They were worth much more than my entire fortress! I had no idea how to stop it from happening, you think someone would kill the damn raccoon, but they didn't. I probably won't play this fortress long enough to spend that much money anyway. I kind of want to start over, now that I have some idea what I'm doing. I have 43 -- nevermind, 42 dwarves now. One moron just drowned while fishing. Ah well, one less mouth to feed. I have two children dwarves, they can't do anything. Won't let me cook them for dinner, either.. My dwarves need meat. I don't have any animals to kill, do you have to click on each one and click ready to slaughter or something? The cats keep becoming pets and it won't let me slaughter them. I'd slaughter that damn raccoon if I knew how.. Hey, my dwarves organized a party in the dining room. They're walking around and drinking at the tables. Weird.Most of my dwarves are content (not overly happy), but there is one who is really depressed. Ironically, it's my sheriff, who I gave a nice office, a bedroom, and a personal dining room , out of nice material, with silver furniture and he has nothing to do but walk around and pick some plants in his spare time. I can't make him feel better, it didn't help when I drafted him to fight off goblins. He's going to go insane soon, I just know it. You just can't please some dwarves.

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It was started in 2002, released in 2006, and it's still being created. Technically, the game is still in alpha status for some strange reason.
I'm angry now, guess what just happened. A raccoon somehow stole my $15000 loin cloth and $20000 harp artifacts. They were worth much more than my entire fortress! I had no idea how to stop it from happening, you think someone would kill the damn raccoon, but they didn't. I probably won't play this fortress long enough to spend that much money anyway. I kind of want to start over, now that I have some idea what I'm doing.

I have 43 -- nevermind, 42 dwarves now. One moron just drowned while fishing. Ah well, one less mouth to feed. I have two children dwarves, they can't do anything. Won't let me cook them for dinner, either.. My dwarves need meat. I don't have any animals to kill, do you have to click on each one and click ready to slaughter or something? The cats keep becoming pets and it won't let me slaughter them. I'd slaughter that damn raccoon if I knew how..

Hey, my dwarves organized a party in the dining room. They're walking around and drinking at the tables. Weird.

Most of my dwarves are content (not overly happy), but there is one who is really depressed. Ironically, it's my sheriff, who I gave a nice office, a bedroom, and a personal dining room , out of nice material, with silver furniture and he has nothing to do but walk around and pick some plants in his spare time. I can't make him feel better, it didn't help when I drafted him to fight off goblins. He's going to go insane soon, I just know it. You just can't please some dwarves.

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Am I missing something? Your reply was just a quote of my post. Anyway, I started to experience some severe slowdowns in the game, with so much going on at once. Next time, I will limit the amount of animals I have running around I think. My fps dropping to around 20fps (normal is 100). I managed to speed it back up a little to 50 or 60 which is better than nothing by editing data/init/init.txt and changing something to PARTIAL:2 or some other number, I haven't figured out what the best number is. You might need to try this tweak soon. For a game with these graphics, it sure is CPU intensive!

Edited by rob86 (see edit history)

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yea, i know. i don't know what happened there with that quoted crap. i remember trying to post something but it didn't really turn out to be my post :P i thought screw it. i haven't seen any slowdowns at all in the game yet. if there has been, then they are ever so slight but i am ususlly good at pickup up on things like that. i have about as many dwarfs as you now too...but they really aren't doing much of anything. i keep swaying back and forth wether to reset or not. i know i will have to do it eventually again. i have set my military and patrols. i want to try my hand at an outside farm now before i reset too...and a couple more workshops maybe. i had my animals set to butcher but i didn't have a workshop. i guess you can't kill off your animals if you don't have a workshop to do that. i am getting frustrated because i have made a kennel, but nobody is willing to train the dogs. and now, i have a carpenter that is literally possessed, took control of the woodshop and is building something that i don't even know what the heck he is doing. he keeps mumbling to himself.

as far as the animals, i have way too much too. i tried to set the one owned by others to be butchered....and you are right. can't be done. i have baby horses, baby mules, a ton of cats and dogs, but still now kids. seems like my fortress is looking good since people still want to migrate there. some wrestler dude even migrated. if you have an abundance of cats, i would get rid of those first since you can tie up or cage your dogs in certain places where they wont be running around everywhere. train the to be war dogs, and i am sure some of them will die off trying to fight off others. i am finding it hard to even get a dog in to my kennel though. this is ridiculous...

Am I missing something? Your reply was just a quote of my post. Anyway, I started to experience some severe slowdowns in the game, with so much going on at once. Next time, I will limit the amount of animals I have running around I think. My fps dropping to around 20fps (normal is 100). I managed to speed it back up a little to 50 or 60 which is better than nothing by editing data/init/init.txt and changing something to PARTIAL:2 or some other number, I haven't figured out what the best number is. You might need to try this tweak soon. For a game with these graphics, it sure is CPU intensive!

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well, i did it. i started over. it was sad seeing my hard work go down the drain, but i feel with starting over, i can prepare better and even learn more in the first year. it turns out that i have a better spot now than all the other times i started. we will see what happens. hopefully i can remember all my mistakes from last time. i made many hahaoh. also, i was researching something about dwarf fortress on the internet and stumbled on a thread where some guy donated $50 to the author of the program. that's a pretty hefty donation for this type of game but i'm glad some people can afford it by supporting it in that way...

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I started over too, I didn't have to, but I wanted a change plus I wanted to try organizing things a bit better. It didn't work though, and my dwarves are organized just as chaotic as before. Almost as soon as I started the game, my fisherdwarf sustained serious injuries, and he has a mangled (red in the info) leg. I was hoping he would heal, but he never did, and he's just a waste of space. I had a hard time surviving as I didn't have any booze and I have no idea how to build a well.Interestingly, my area is completely different than the last one. There is hardly any stone, and there seems to be a lot of sandy stuff. I found a useful vein of copper though, it's pretty long. Last time, I didn't have much metal to work with.I think I saw that thread, at least I saw one about donations. It is a hefty amount, but I guess some of the people donating that much are probably getting a lot of play time out of the game. I know I've played it a lot longer than the popular World of Goo indie game already and that's not even freeware. On one of the wiki pages about bedrooms, it talked about designing bedrooms. Some of the bedroom designs, the fractal ones on there look like they took a LONG time to make. Personally, I would never get _that_ obsessed with the game, but some people do. I guess that's who feels it's worth $50.

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after i started over, some update rebooted my computer and everything was LOST! what a *BLEEP*. anyway, i dug down as far as a could go i don't have all the resources, but i did strike something that contains diamonds. i had to start over after the reboot, but everything seems to be the same. now i have to remind myself to save often. i haven't even begun to fish. how does one get injured fishing?!?!? i just make sure there is enough drink, meat(from trading), and vegies so i can concentrate on the more important things. after starting over, i got robbed three time, but now i have my war dogs trained so i hope that will help with the defenses. i know half the stuff already to survive....now i just have to learn the other half :P

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I was wondering if my dwarf was injured by the dreaded Carp fish http://dwarffortresswiki.net/Carp/ , but I don't think he would have survived at all had he encountered that. I'm not sure how he was injured, but I wish I could kill him off somehow. He's taking up a bed, he's taking food and my other dwarves have to bring him water, but he doesn't do anything but Rest Rest Rest.

You can chain war dogs to the front of your fortress with a chain, apparently it's supposed to keep them guarding against thieves.

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Haven't been playing this much lately, as it gets kind of slow and un-enjoyable when I have around 40 dwarfs. I'm hoping to get a new PC soon, and will try it out on that. I hope it runs faster. I wasn't done with the game! I wanted to see what other nobles would come along and play with magma. I haven't even seen a siege yet!

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Huh? whos this saying graphical tilesets are hard to install?

They are easier than getting the real thing itself(Some)just google Maydays Dwarf fortress and you got yourself a nice tileset(To what I like anyway) and it comes with latest fixes.

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