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Peru: Gang Members Arrested For Allegedly Commit Mass Murder To Collect Body Fat For Cosmetics Very disturbing news..

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I didn't read much details of this news, but I found it highly disturbing. Apparently, some gang members lured approximately 60 people by telling them they could have a job, then murdered them and sold their body fat to European cosmetic laboratories. The Peruvian police intercepted a shipment of human body fat and tissue. They say the going price for human fat is around $4200/Litre in Europe. Very disturbing and disgusting...I'm sure you can find more information on Google, I might have the details wrong as I only briefly overheard this news.PS: Sorry about the bad grammar in the title! It didn't really fit so I had to improvise.

Edited by rob86 (see edit history)

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Ahgg... that is disgusting. Companies don't care about anything to get their raw material... even less if they come from the poor countries of the world.By the way, when I first read it, it reminded me of that scene in Guy Ritchie's Fight club when they use human fat to make soap. It was true after all...

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Disturbing is certainly an excellent way to describe this incedent! And on so may levels! It's certainly bad enough that these people were killed for their body fat, but the fact that human body fat is used in cosmetics is something I also find pretty disturbing! Who wold want to use something on themselves that was made from fat from another human??? Yuck!!!You would think there are enough fat people out there getting lypo suction to keep enough fat available for what I would think would be the few fools that wanted people fat products.

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the truely sad part is that women feel a need for their cosmetics. if the demand wasn't there, then there wouldn't be any reason to murder people. i guess a life is the price to look pretty and feel more secure. i personally feel THAT is the shamefull part of it all as there are more women that will use the products and support it than there are people who will directly kill for money....because people killing for money is OLD NEWS. so i say let's not be distracted by those who kill for money. let's concentrate on those who use the product enough to where there is a demand to kill a life

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the truely sad part is that women feel a need for their cosmetics. if the demand wasn't there, then there wouldn't be any reason to murder people.

I have to agree completely with you. But it is hard to believe though that there are that many woman that would knowingly use some sort of cosmetic that was made from human body fat. The really disturbing part of this is that there would be more of an uproar about this subject if it was about the fact that they test cosmetics on animals, people get more upset and riot more over that than they would humans being murdered. Now that's disturbing.

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at first, i thought this whole thing was a joke or there was a misunderstanding. i mean come one....murdering someone just for fat? if it was in such demand, take it off those who are already dead. oh! they were doing this too btw. stealing bodies to steal fat. this wasn't mentioned but later found this out.it's really an unusual case. but i still don't think there is anything unusual about someone killing for money. it's been happening before i was born and will happen after i pass on.well, some of the people were arrested. i think it's best to target the research labs that are buying peoples lives and shut them down. wether they had knowledge or not shouldn't matter. from the source i read, human fat has been collected in past centuries not just for cosmetic purposed but for medicinal purposes as well. they also go on to say they found someone carrying 17 liters on a bus which was estimated to be worth $255,000. that's $15k per liter!my question is why is the demand so high? people can give their fat as they do their organs. or as part of the article stated, take it from prisoners after their death who have no rights....or what about operations which it's sole purpose is to extract fat from humans?sounds to me that there are plenty of sources to get the fat already, but some compainies wanted to save a buck and accept fat from lower class countries where maybe an alternative would be to take a life and not asking questions.i was exagerating when i was putting a lot of the blame on women....but after reading what i read, i do hope that women become more aware. i guess this can include men too but on a lower level of needing the fat.now i am reading where the murders are helping investigors solve missing persons cases. i hope no plea bargain is being made for their lives!

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I didn't read much details of this news, but I found it highly disturbing. Apparently, some gang members lured approximately 60 people by telling them they could have a job, then murdered them and sold their body fat to European cosmetic laboratories. The Peruvian police intercepted a shipment of human body fat and tissue. They say the going price for human fat is around $4200/Litre in Europe. Very disturbing and disgusting...
I'm sure you can find more information on Google, I might have the details wrong as I only briefly overheard this news.

PS: Sorry about the bad grammar in the title! It didn't really fit so I had to improvise.

has the human mentality has become so ill that just for cosmetics they are killing a living creature.how disgusting????
some dollars have made human beings so hungry that they are killing the creatures like them.can you say me,what is the name of company that was purchasing this human fat and tissue????

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the truely sad part is that women feel a need for their cosmetics. if the demand wasn't there, then there wouldn't be any reason to murder people. i guess a life is the price to look pretty and feel more secure. i personally feel THAT is the shamefull part of it all as there are more women that will use the products and support it than there are people who will directly kill for money....because people killing for money is OLD NEWS. so i say let's not be distracted by those who kill for money. let's concentrate on those who use the product enough to where there is a demand to kill a life

that is kind of unfair.. I'm not a feminist in any way and definitely not that vain, but you couldn't possibly put the blame on women. 99.9 percent of the population of women who use cosmetics probably dont have a clue as to what ingredients make up the stuff they put on their faces... because if you look at the packaging, it won't be written "contains human fat" or something, it would probably be in some medical or scientific stuff most of us wouldnt understand, right?

Here's another story I heard about disturbing stuff like these...

Allegedly, some oriental country (I won't mentain the name because this might not be true) use human hair for their soysauce production.

I'm sure you've used soy sauce before... So? should we put the blame on the people who use soy sauce, thus making the demands high enough for some factories to use human hair? :)

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Hair in soy sauce? Is there something to making soy sauce that I don't know about? I thought it was just fermented beans that allegedly smell like diarrhea. I don't think women can be blamed for this. I doubt many women even consider that their cosmetics contain something like human fat let alone the fat of a murder victim. Plus, it's not like buying cosmetics are illegal. People should be allowed to buy anything they want without having to wonder whether or not someone was murdered for it. People shouldn't have to worry about whether they're eating cheese burgers or cats either. There have been a lot of pet cats going missing in a nearby city lately, and people are starting to suspect the local oriental restaurant owners... :)

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I didn't read much details of this news, but I found it highly disturbing. Apparently, some gang members lured approximately 60 people by telling them they could have a job, then murdered them and sold their body fat to European cosmetic laboratories. The Peruvian police intercepted a shipment of human body fat and tissue. They say the going price for human fat is around $4200/Litre in Europe. Very disturbing and disgusting...
I'm sure you can find more information on Google, I might have the details wrong as I only briefly overheard this news.

PS: Sorry about the bad grammar in the title! It didn't really fit so I had to improvise.

This is kind of like the thing in Africa........They're killing people who are albino, because they believe the body parts are so called "good luck". Its all very disgusting. Imagine putting on cosmetics with human fat in it..........Utterly disgusting. Those guys are creeps.

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why not. does ignorance take away responsibility? does not knowing any better a good thing in your eyes then? ofcourse women are partly to blame. where do you think the demand comes from? hahah open your eyes. let's put it another way. no women on this planet means less demand for human fat. less demand for human fat means these murders would have never taken place for human fat. BUT that's an extreme example. i just really wanted to show that if women weren't so concerned with their looks, then there would be less demand.

and what's this excuse about ignorance? i think all women know when doing cosmetic surgery, sometimes they take the fat from your own rear. i thought this was common knowlegdge

that is kind of unfair.. I'm not a feminist in any way and definitely not that vain, but you couldn't possibly put the blame on women. 99.9 percent of the population of women who use cosmetics probably dont have a clue as to what ingredients make up the stuff they put on their faces... because if you look at the packaging, it won't be written "contains human fat" or something, it would probably be in some medical or scientific stuff most of us wouldnt understand, right?
Here's another story I heard about disturbing stuff like these...

Allegedly, some oriental country (I won't mentain the name because this might not be true) use human hair for their soysauce production.

I'm sure you've used soy sauce before... So? should we put the blame on the people who use soy sauce, thus making the demands high enough for some factories to use human hair? :P

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