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Targeted Marketing With Gps

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We friend have this idea that to introduce Trageted marketing through GPS. For example When some eneters to the specific area, advertise shows about that areas etc.

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We friend have this idea that to introduce Trageted marketing through GPS. For example When some eneters to the specific area, advertise shows about that areas etc.

That's not a bad idea at all. The following is the main issue: We don't own the GPS companies (Garmin, Tomtom etc.), nor is any of there software open source. The trick would be to find a way to pitch it to them, such that they need you and won't just steal it and cut you out of the picture entirely.'

The way that Garmin currently works is that it will in fact list all points of interest under a category with regard to your proximity. They also have an option to purchase Zaggat ratings for all restaurants in the US etc. It wouldn't be too far fetched for them to also implement a system where certain companies pay to have their logos pop up on the map as you pass them. The questions is once again, where would you fit into the picture? What service could you provide to Garmin/other that they cannot either do themselves or do not have the capital set aside to implement? :)

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This is a great idea. As for the "we don't own the GPS companies" statement, as far as I know the satellites are free-reign (meaning you are able to write your own programs to interface with them). I could definitely be wrong on this but that's my understanding. Otherwise wouldn't it be the government who owns them? (since NASA is the only one with the ability to send up rockets)Of course this requires the knowledge of *how* to interpret the interfacing and how to implement it, but regardless it is a great idea.The target audience would be travelers. I think it would be much helpful as you go around because there are a lot of places you will miss if you don't research ahead of time and if you are unable to find the "travel booklets" some places give away.

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This is actually a lot closer than you think. Last year there was an android developer working on an application that would popup with coupons and offers depending on GPS coordinates.For example, if you were within a mile of a mcdonalds it would pop up with a coupon for it, or if you were near a store that was having a sale if would popup and let you know of the deals going on with that store. The only problem that they ran into was getting the businesses and retailers to participate and update their specials and items.

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Well the targeted marketing with gps is close to the reality... First to it is the targeted marketing using the IP for the internet companies... If you maybe invent a program that works like the ip with some registers and filters maybe this type of marketing maybe can be developed in a short time...But the satellite companies maybe will monopolize this business... So the only way to develop this technology is having a satellite to make the connections between the personal device which will reproduce the ads and the satellite... Having this technology the economy will grow and maybe the turist will grow because you will can travel to any country and you dont have to worry about the places to eat or hotels or fun places because the device with the marketing will show to you where you can go and satisfy your needs...The idea is excellente... But remember a idea without the realization only have the prize of $0.12...

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One problem I see with this idea is the fact that most people probably won't want to pay for a device that's going to shove advertisements in their face. Not to mention that most people use their GPS systems in their vehicles, meaning that advertising could lead (easily) to distracted drivers.

A better idea would be to use subtle advertising that doesn't just "show" when they enter a new area. An example of this would be "preferred points of interest" that appear above others or offer more detailed information when you're specifically looking for a POI.

We friend have this idea that to introduce Trageted marketing through GPS. For example When some eneters to the specific area, advertise shows about that areas etc.

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We friend have this idea that to introduce Trageted marketing through GPS. For example When some eneters to the specific area, advertise shows about that areas etc.

That's not such a bad idea..... If you're near a bakery or something and you're hungry, you could print off a coupon or whatever and eat at the place. The problem is most people don't have a GPS either in their car or a handheld, such as a Garmin or cell phone with data service. It would be a good idea to begin investing a decent amount of cash once this kind of technology becomes cheap. If there was targeted advertising on my phone, I'd definately take it into account. It IS a good idea.

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