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Meditation Dreams? weird dreams encounter

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hey guys since i have been meditating for a while now i start to understand more and more about it position and the concept that will receive through meditation i've experience personality changes and energy increase in my personal experience but the thing that got me to question is i meditate in my sleep also thought i get dreams more often now everitime i meditate in sleep is that normal ? ani idea? or discussion about dream ?

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hey guys since i have been meditating for a while now i start to understand more and more about it position and the concept that will receive through meditation i've experience personality changes and energy increase in my personal experience but the thing that got me to question is i meditate in my sleep also thought i get dreams more often
now everitime i meditate in sleep is that normal ? ani idea? or discussion about dream ?

are you a meditation expert? can please teach me how to meditate? i heard that meditation is great and it really removes stress please? i want to learn these things because of some sort of hmm a secret :lol:

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Honestly, how can you meditate when you are asleep?

Um did'nt you know you can meditate anytime anyplace any situation ? well i was told that you can do that so i meditate before i fall into a sleep it helps you with your sleep also
still the meditation still skeptical for me im try to understand and learn the truth

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are you a meditation expert? can please teach me how to meditate? i heard that meditation is great and it really removes stress please? i want to learn these things because of some sort of hmm a secret :lol:

Im not sorry im learning and researching as well so yea a little odd but the result is great
there's seem to be many expert here though

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But i think you cant meditate when your asleep, you are conscious when you are meditating but not when your asleep.

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RE: learning to meditate: Thats a whole new thread and subject! Search the internet, meditation is very easy and is essentially in its basic form a state of relaxation. RE: meditating in your sleep, i would say that is just out of habit or doing it in waking life. Its something your brain has learned to accept and schedule every day and as dreams are frequently a reflection of waking life the meditation is put in there too.It could also mean you are thinking a lot about meditation or think there is something you are missing or need to know or work out. In which case you need to identify what it is you are missing or searching for and find it or discard the need for it. Then, if this is the cause, these dreams will stop.

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But i think you cant meditate when your asleep, you are conscious when you are meditating but not when your asleep.

There are different meditation method you can meditate. When u sitting on the train or working and even sleeping has a position, From what i've heard from the the meditation master
i've not have not achieve to do that the method. its an acient method it apparently is dangerous a high stage of meditation is to meditate without thought and still know whats happening around you . Im pretty confused too but i guess meditation is beyond something belief until you actually see it for yourself thought these meditation wont be achieve if you haven complete your root chakra. These are not physical form of meditation. Sitting down with the legs and mudras position if the basic foundation but once you've achieve the calling of cosmo you can accomplish much more beyond...but do not take this into a count because im pretty skeptical myself.

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RE: learning to meditate:
Thats a whole new thread and subject! Search the internet, meditation is very easy and is essentially in its basic form a state of relaxation.

RE: meditating in your sleep, i would say that is just out of habit or doing it in waking life. Its something your brain has learned to accept and schedule every day and as dreams are frequently a reflection of waking life the meditation is put in there too.

It could also mean you are thinking a lot about meditation or think there is something you are missing or need to know or work out. In which case you need to identify what it is you are missing or searching for and find it or discard the need for it. Then, if this is the cause, these dreams will stop.

Thanks for the information. True i've do that most night thought i do, do councious meditation thought it much more relaxing if you do it before sleep .you wont fall asleep in it thats not very correct i say my appologies.thought before i fall asleep, counciously i know i need to stop the meditation neva fell asleep in it but its just a few second away.
the thing is i've encounter more dreams then i normally do much much more dont seem too relality random weird most likely nuttin scary

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OK guys... I've been doing a whole year of research on this topic, so I will tell you how it works. (Yeah, because it's part of the psychic phenomena niche that I'm just so extremely interested in.... :( :( :()Meditation is actually when you try to not think of anything. And when I say not think of anything, I mean you don't think of anything. This is the most basic form of meditation. Your hear, but you don't listen. You see, but you don't look. There are many types of meditation methods, and this is just one of them. Meditation actually relies on visualisation, and you can also imagine things to reduce your stress. For example, you can imagine that your whole body is made of (or contains) black smoke and when you breathe in, the air around you is golden good stuff, and so when you breath in, you breath in the golden liquid and when you breathe out you exhale the black negative stuff inside of you...:lol:That's one of my favourite meditations. There are many more, though I don't want to say it all out here so I can leave some for my blog when I set it up... :( And so I can force you guys and people to subscribe to my blog and get my feeds through RSS.... OK, yeah, I'm just plain evil. But I'm just scared that I'm not allowed to distribute my information onto my blog once that it's up on Xisto. That's the only main problem... but don't worry, the wordings will change. But anyway... :PYou can't meditate when you sleep. The point of meditation is to reach the waves of near sleep (delta) and reach a level above it (it's theta, I think), and stay there while you're still conscious. It's easy to go to sleep when you meditate, but that's not the point of meditation. The point of meditation is to stay awake and yet on the brink of falling to sleep.And you're conscious, but your subconscious is also awake...It's pretty hard to explain...God, I wish my blog is already set up... :( :( :(

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