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A Bold Way To Fight Music Piracy - Have You Seen Something Similar?

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Everyone knows how much music piracy affects the industry as a whole. There are have various ways to fight this menace before, but not many have been successful. Recently, a film production company has tried a new way to curb the piracy menace and it's really interesting, although no one knows whether it'll work out or not...Bollywood - the industry that makes movies in Hindi got the name "inspired" from Hollywood :P "Inspired" from that, the industry which makes films in my state's regional language (Telugu) is called "Tollywood" :lol: Anyway that's not the point here. Tollywood churns out a huge number of movies every year and each movie releases its own soundtrack, and these albums are downloaded like crazy on the internet (Most of them are crap but the rare jewels surprise many). So thanks to piracy, the producers got worried. Then some of them tried new ways to curb piracy. Well they're "new" in this part of the world and I don' know if they were tried earlier before. Some movies offered free downloads of the soundtrack online, so there was no need of searching for illegal downloads. The interested people could then choose to buy the soundtrack in stores or not. This technique didn't work out too well because the sites which offered legal and free downloads were hard to find so people still continued their illegal pursuits! Then recently came another bold technique - the audio cassette of a new film (yeah many people still use those things known as cassettes!), which is usually priced between Rs.30-60(~$1-1.5) was priced at a mere Rs.10 (~0.10). And that's not where it ended - with the purchase of each cassette a free lifetime SIM card was offered, to everyone! This seems like a desperate attempt by the producers to earn more revenue out of the music, but it seems so new and interesting! There's nothing special about the SIM card offer, since every service provider is now offering lifetime sim cards at crazy prices such as Rs.5, 10, 20, etc.That's the story of the anti-piracy squad! Has anyone else heard about such attempts? And have they been successful?!!!

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Wow its a really nice attempt followed by music companies.....I have heard of 1 such incident in which a music company was offering 3 years membership of there online music store to who ever purchase the original cassette.It was really a nice offer and there site was also amazing. I really enjoyed listening music there. It was very cool site easy to use and really web 2.0 concept.I would say that steps like these are really affecting people's mind. People are drifting away from piracy by these steps.I am really happy for music industry and wish them best of luck for future.

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Hey that's a cool offer but has it been effective so far? Most producers do not reveal the result of such experiments :P I would support such an experiment even if the music is bad, because by encouraging such moves we can get the rates of music to come down drastically and then piracy can be eradicated slowly. This is indeed a really brilliant idea. Could you tell me the name of the film so that I can support it? (I'm from India too so I can buy it :lol: )

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Nothing will work to end piracy. The whole point behind pirates and their reasoning for allowing people to download things they crack is that things should be free. Whether it's 1 cent or $10 million doesn't matter. "Information should not be charged for" is the view. Therefore, as long as there are still charges, there will always be pirates.Not to mention it's funny how free things always end up better than paid versions. Open source allows the *smart* people to work on creating and implementing features. There are a *lot* of free open source projects that are starting to take over mainstream markets now.

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I am personally against all efforts to end piracy. It is going to happen anyway, so why try to put these measures out? It is just going to give pirates a "Challenge" to crack the system, and the company will be back to step one.I buy a great amount of my music that I can (keep in mind that some of my music is hard, if not impossible to find online, so physical copies rarely exist), but don't see anything wrong with piracy. If you want to get stuff ilegally, you will.

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