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Domain Parked Free? Is a domain that is parked free buyable?

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"Hello people,


"Welcome back to "Nameless_'s Stupid and Retarded Questions", and we are here once again to give Nameless_'s latest stupid and retarded questions to the Xisto community for help. This week, we will be asking YOU people to help Nameless_ figure out this new question:"


"Is a domain that is "Parked Free" by GoDaddy.com available, and why, or why not?"


"To answer this question, please post here on the Xisto forums. You can register as a member or post as a guest. All replies will be accepted."


"Thank you for your cooperation and all your help. See you in around a minutes's time for the next episode of "Nameless_'s Stupid and Retarded Questions", where Nameless_ will post the next stupid and retarded question that'll have come across the Nameless_ Mind!!!"


OK, no joking guys, I just thought that I should post a rather more interesting and funny (not to mention creative) thread to liven up the rather dull posts and threads on Xisto (yes, I'm an ego *BLEEP*... and no, please don't ban me).


I have stumbled, after going for domain searching, a rather perfect domain that I want: psionics . com


But it is "Parked Free" at GoDaddy's .com and I really don't know why it isn't available if no one is using it. I mean, I can't buy it off Xisto, and there's a Back Track thing at GoDaddy's...


Can anyone tell me why I can't access and buy this domain?

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The reason you can not buy the Domain is really very simple. Someone else already owns the Domain and they have it Parked at GoDaddy. End of story.
You can do a lookup on the Whois to see the information about who already owns the name and attempt to purchae it, but expect to pay a hefty price for that. I imagine that it is owned by a Domain squatter. someone who bought it and expects to sell it at a premium. Good luck with that.

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The reason you can not buy the Domain is really very simple. Someone else already owns the Domain and they have it Parked at GoDaddy. End of story. You can do a lookup on the Whois to see the information about who already owns the name and attempt to purchae it, but expect to pay a hefty price for that. I imagine that it is owned by a Domain squatter. someone who bought it and expects to sell it at a premium. Good luck with that.

Oh... a domain squatter. No wonder. I was so surprised that key word domain name was free myself. No wonder. But I think that a good domain name like that shouldn't be unused... it's just... such a waste!

Oh well... guess I can't do anything... :P:( :(

Thanks though. I'll see if I can give you a cookie for replying. :lol: I just noticed you have a cookie thing.

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people who buy a domain have every right to have it sit and wait for a return on their investment. with that said. some people are willing to creatively bargain their domain. one option is to lease it. although you don't own it, if traffic picks up, you can turn around and buy it with the money you're making if it's a keyword domain. another option is lease to buy. somewhat like an automobile or piece of real estate. you pay so much a month with an option to buy it after a year. if traffic hasn't picked up much, you can cut your losses without having to pay full price. lastly, if it's a real;ly good domain, you can purchase an option to buy for $25 or so for 3 months. what this does is give the owner limited useability while you have to to work on it and purchase it, or find a buyer that's willing to pay for it before the option expires.

sometimes, these people have so many domains that they are willing to give one off at a cheap deal if you tell them a good purpose for selling it. they'd still be in profit and they can sleep at night that it's being put to good use. there ARE people who are willing to help others in this world. you just have to try to soften these people up and have them warm up to ya.

remember...in this world, there is ALWAYS room to negotiate...

Oh... a domain squatter. No wonder. I was so surprised that key word domain name was free myself. No wonder. But I think that a good domain name like that shouldn't be unused... it's just... such a waste!
Oh well... guess I can't do anything... :P:( :(

Thanks though. I'll see if I can give you a cookie for replying. :lol: I just noticed you have a cookie thing.

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people who buy a domain have every right to have it sit and wait for a return on their investment. with that said. some people are willing to creatively bargain their domain. one option is to lease it. although you don't own it, if traffic picks up, you can turn around and buy it with the money you're making if it's a keyword domain. another option is lease to buy. somewhat like an automobile or piece of real estate. you pay so much a month with an option to buy it after a year. if traffic hasn't picked up much, you can cut your losses without having to pay full price. lastly, if it's a real;ly good domain, you can purchase an option to buy for $25 or so for 3 months. what this does is give the owner limited useability while you have to to work on it and purchase it, or find a buyer that's willing to pay for it before the option expires.
sometimes, these people have so many domains that they are willing to give one off at a cheap deal if you tell them a good purpose for selling it. they'd still be in profit and they can sleep at night that it's being put to good use. there ARE people who are willing to help others in this world. you just have to try to soften these people up and have them warm up to ya.

remember...in this world, there is ALWAYS room to negotiate...

Yeah well, after searching the who is for this domain, I couldn't find any information about the owner at all... I mean, I know that it was registered in 1997 and expires in 2010, and the registrar is something called "The Friendship Way" or something like that, but it's not telling me who the owner is, so I don't think I'll be able to use that.


Don't worry, I'll think of something.

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