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Would You Buy The Flying Car?

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As some of you may/may not know, experiments are going on to launch the world's first flying car although there's no particular estimation when the day will come where everyone owns such a car! It's nothing like the flying cars shown in movies, cartoons, etc where you can take off, land and drive as you please. This one requires that you have an airport to take off and land, and also have a pilot's license along with a driver's license! Now I wonder how popular that's gonna be.


Then there's the high cost of it involved. I think for the first ten years after it is introduced, the price will be out of the range of the common man. Maybe after that it will slowly come int everyone's budget. Anyway, would you buy such a car if you could? Would you really be interested in such a contraption? :lol:

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As some of you may/may not know, experiments are going on to launch the world's first flying car although there's no particular estimation when the day will come where everyone owns such a car! It's nothing like the flying cars shown in movies, cartoons, etc where you can take off, land and drive as you please. This one requires that you have an airport to take off and land, and also have a pilot's license along with a driver's license! Now I wonder how popular that's gonna be.


Then there's the high cost of it involved. I think for the first ten years after it is introduced, the price will be out of the range of the common man. Maybe after that it will slowly come int everyone's budget. Anyway, would you buy such a car if you could? Would you really be interested in such a contraption? :lol:

Of course I would buy that if I could! Can you imagine all the amazing things you could do with such a car? It would seriously cut back on the morning (and evening, for that matter) commute. You could drive to any nearby island you wanted. It would be truly amazing. Unfortunately, I don't have the funds for such a car, and I probably won't for a rather long time. But hey, one can dream. :P

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The Taylor Aerocar got there first. After 60 years we're not all driving/flying them around because they're just not practical for most people. The fuel efficiency would be prohibitive with costs over £1 per litre, and according to James May, the handling is awful. Plus, the legal requirements are also a problem for most: driving licence, pilot's licence, registration as a car, registration as an aircraft, medical exam for a pilot, etc. The skies are also fairly busy as they are, and are currently populated by skilled pilots. If it was to be practical, getting a pilot's licence would have to become easier, and it would inevitably lead to plenty of mid-air collisions.


However, from an engineering-physics-y point of view, it would be great to own one and use one :lol:

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would be helicopter way more better since it can land anywhere with a medium size flat landscapeedit: unless that flying car can run in the main road after landing :lol:. if not what hell those guys thinking since parking area is already a pain in *bottom*;P

Edited by eurobeat (see edit history)

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Like rvalkass said, it would be cool if you owned one, but I really see no point in owning owning one anyway, so now thanks, The Simpleton. I mean, with all the maintenance costs and all that, as well as the robbery robbers and criminals targeting you, is it really worth it?I'm sorry, but I'm rather "mental" here... I like things to be plain and simple and empty. This means that I think that the less stuff you have to better. Sometimes I have a a urge and I feel like throwing everything out of my incredibly messy and dirty room except for my bed (and my computer and wire, of course) because I really don't see the need of having so much.Simplicity is the path to leading a good life, I think.So why would I buy an extra car (even if it's a flying one) when I have so much stuff already?

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A flying car would be a fancy item, but one may never know when the need will rise for such a thing. And anyway I don't think most people have the skill or will it takes to learn flying so on a large scale these cars won't sell much. Only the creamy layer of the society will find any use for these, employing pilots instead of chauffeurs!

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