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The Simpleton

Is It Just Me, Or Is The Number Of New Threads Decreasing Daily?

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Of late, I've noticed that there the number of threads being created is decreasing daily, (except for the introductions and support threads). Is this just my wrong assumption or is everyone really running out of time/ideas to create new threads? :P I openly accept that I'm running a bit low on ideas for new threads - I simply am not finding the time to think about interesting topics to post daily, so I'm constantly on the hunt for new and interesting threads to reply to, but there seem to be fewer and fewer in number these days. Did everyone just switch off their creativity or what? :lol::(

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It sucks, but some of us are either busy, don't have much to share, or a lot of the newer posts in existing topics are being phased off of the Get New Posts page. I try to share more so that others can read my findings and contribute... I know how it is to try to hit up Xisto for some forum entertainment and then find only 2 pages of nothing worth noting. :lol:

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Yeah I have to agree to that as well, granted I am starting school again, but finding new topics to talk about is is a bit tricky, especially hen it comes to web design and other computer related things. Although I hope to incorporate my business classes into some topics as time goes on here and might get the creative juices flowing. Of course, with the new system in place that is when the posts started to slow down a bit, saying nothing is wrong with that but now people have several methods to get hosting on Xisto/xisto/Xisto - Web Hosting.Of course, this is the school season and usually that is when it starts slowing down as most of members are teens and what not. Usually the holidays we will see somewhat of a spike in terms of posts but it shouldn't really be a problem. My recommendation is start using websites such as digg to bring up topics of interest to start getting people to post and what not.

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One thing that I don't like about this forum is that the members are very temporary. On other forums, there seems to be some kind of community and people are around for a long time. People join other forums because they are interested in the theme or topic of the forum. People join here for the free hosting so they don't necessarily have a great desire to converse. From what I can tell, a lot of people (this isn't counting me) aren't satisfied with this forum. It's strange, because you see many people register and introduce themselves, lured in by the idea of free web hosting, but end up not staying around. I gave up greeting most people in the introduction thread because it seems like a waste of time greeting people that will never post again. I like this forum, but obviously there's something that's missing because from what I can see, more people come and go than come and stay. There just doesn't seem to be enough of a reason for most people to stay and post. I don't think free hosting is enough. I check out a few other forums every other day and they are almost always more active than Trap despite being about one certain theme and having less (in total) members . Trap should be immensely popular with all it's topics and the free hosting incentives, but it's not. Why do you (anyone) think that is? I don't know, it could be anything, the appearance of the site (I'm not overly fond of the look, but I live with it), the overwhelming broad selection of topics (some people don't like sorting through stuff they have no interest in). I'm not saying the owner should offer more MyCents or anything, but I think the forum could use an overhaul or something. One thing I noticed about this site is that it doesn't seem to have a real community feel to it. The name Xisto just doesn't inspire any kind of community feeling inside me, I don't even know what the name means. It's hard to feel like a part of something you don't really understand. I don't know who owns the site, I don't know who runs it, I hardly ever see moderators or even veteran members around with the exception of a few. On EVERY forum I've ever been on, there are always members with thousands of posts, like StMichael, and it's a reassuring feeling to know someone stuck around that long. On this forum, it seems like almost every active member is relatively new. It's got a real feeling of being a dead forum with a handful of active newbies who actually stick around for a few months, a forum past it's prime years.What's the focus of this site anyway? Web designing? Computers? I think it should have some central theme, so people get the impression it's actually organized. I'm not saying get rid of all the other topics, but I think it'd be good to make the site about something, instead of everything (and hence, nothing in particular)I'm not complaining about Trap, I personally think it's a fine forum, I like the wide range of topics because you never know what's going to be posted, but the fact is other people don't seem to be interested in it. I don't know why, I'm just considering possible reasons.. Plus, the website is always down lately, including right now, when I want to post my reply..... :lol:

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I guess the season has something to do with it, as SM said. Of course not all of our members are students; some of them are busy throughout the year! Life is more important than free hosting, after all, so I guess one shouldn't grumble much about it.But among the members who are regular visitors, I feel there should be a little more motivation to post good topics. I can shamelessly say that I'm not very motivated right now to think of good topics to post. I'm only on a hunt to find some topics and reply to them - that's all :lol: We do need some big change in order to get members to post well. They need not post a lot, but the little that they post should be meaningful and that's all one asks for!

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Rob86 is dead-on with a lot of his points.

As far as the name of Xisto goes, I believe it was the name of a Counterstrike server that Opaque used to play on for the longest time, which evolved into the name for this forum. (The history lesson is somewhere on this forum.) But yes, it's not exactly something that inspires community, not like MySpace ("your" space), FaceBook (online "yearbook" used to be restricted to students that just blossomed into what it is today), etc.

And the community itself does seem very temporal with a few regulars. Off the top of my head, I can probably name a few regulars that have been here for the longest time, like BuffaloHELP, Saint Michael, WaterMonkey, anwii, sheepdog, and a handful of others. Then there are the relatively-recent regulars, like Tramposch and Ash-Bash. And then there are frequent posters that appear and then disappear, for one reason or another, to include what Rob86 said about being initially drawn to the free hosting, then either they give up, forget about logging in, or find another way for their web hosting.

I've been on Xisto since 2004, I think, as my profile states... but I didn't really start posting until 2005/2006, because I lurked and found out that there wasn't much to really post about, plus I was busy with other things. Even now, I'm hesitant to post on a lot of topics because of what I was venting about before: not really contributing much to a thread, bringing up "necro-posts" (responding to threads that are a few years old, which mostly is the fault of our beloved "iGuest"), spamming, the jargon from non-English-speaking members, etc. It's just the nature of forums that you can't really avoid, especially with the added incentive of free hosting based on your participation on the forums. Kind of reminds me of a pay-to-post site I tried, where everyone was spamming garbage just to earn a few cents here and there.

As far as the site downtime, I talked about that in the other thread...

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Back when this site started, domain and hosting rates were out of reach for a lot of people, so if they found a site like Xisto, they readily clung to it, glad that they could get their own site for basically nothing! So they stayed on and did their best in staying active and putting up good posts. But as the years went by, website hosting and domains came within the budget of these people and hence they were ready to pay money and save time instead of posting here daily. That is the main reason why we have thousands of registered members and yet only a few active ones :PStill, it's up to the active members to stick to the site and do their best to keep it interesting for the others so that any new member won't get bored and run away without even starting! Let's do our best to keep this forum active at all time and brimming with interesting posts :lol:

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Rob86 is dead-on with a lot of his points.
As far as the name of Xisto goes, I believe it was the name of a Counterstrike server that Opaque used to play on for the longest time, which evolved into the name for this forum. (The history lesson is somewhere on this forum.) But yes, it's not exactly something that inspires community, not like MySpace ("your" space), FaceBook (online "yearbook" used to be restricted to students that just blossomed into what it is today), etc.

And the community itself does seem very temporal with a few regulars. Off the top of my head, I can probably name a few regulars that have been here for the longest time, like BuffaloHELP, Saint Michael, WaterMonkey, anwii, sheepdog, and a handful of others. Then there are the relatively-recent regulars, like Tramposch and Ash-Bash. And then there are frequent posters that appear and then disappear, for one reason or another, to include what Rob86 said about being initially drawn to the free hosting, then either they give up, forget about logging in, or find another way for their web hosting.

I've been on Xisto since 2004, I think, as my profile states... but I didn't really start posting until 2005/2006, because I lurked and found out that there wasn't much to really post about, plus I was busy with other things. Even now, I'm hesitant to post on a lot of topics because of what I was venting about before: not really contributing much to a thread, bringing up "necro-posts" (responding to threads that are a few years old, which mostly is the fault of our beloved "iGuest"), spamming, the jargon from non-English-speaking members, etc. It's just the nature of forums that you can't really avoid, especially with the added incentive of free hosting based on your participation on the forums. Kind of reminds me of a pay-to-post site I tried, where everyone was spamming garbage just to earn a few cents here and there.

As far as the site downtime, I talked about that in the other thread...

Two words: I agree.

Actually make that more than two words, because it's just not right to post a short less than one line post four words with the first two words saying what the other two words are.

But I agree. Xisto is like a dread to me... and I wish that did go for a name change, because the numbers 17 makes them hard to type and therefore gets less visitors, unless they don't want to let Google index their site all over again, that is...

And the topics are boring for some reason. Most people are willing to post on the forums for nothing, but the only main reason why people post here is to get free hosting, and many more find better free hosting somewhere without all the hassle of posting and everything at all...

And that's not very good... I must agree that most of our fellow Xisto members are quite young and busy (like me), but only a few stays, the rest leaves, and of course there are always a few loyal members in this forum.... but then the not-so-new new members leave as well!!!

So yeah... I really don't know why Xisto is the way it is... like me now, my fingers are just moving but my brain isn't even into the thread. I somethings post and fall asleep (literally) in front of my computer with half a post still hanging there (or maybe that's just because I sleep late at night posting on Xisto...)

But yeah.

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hmm I reallt don't feel Xisto is such a bad name - it's just...different, that's all. And I think it's going through a rough patch right now and there's nothing more to that. There sure are a less number of threads daily, but only time will tell whether this situation is gonna change or not. A lot of things keep running in the background so we can't really predict what will happen at what moment. Just wait and see..... :lol:

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hmm I reallt don't feel Xisto is such a bad name - it's just...different, that's all. And I think it's going through a rough patch right now and there's nothing more to that. There sure are a less number of threads daily, but only time will tell whether this situation is gonna change or not. A lot of things keep running in the background so we can't really predict what will happen at what moment. Just wait and see..... :lol:

The Simpleton... if you really want me to, I can create some threads on some burning questions that I've had for some time, but that wouldn't contribute to anything in the Xisto community (like my other threads) because I am only merely asking questions and giving opportunities for other members to reply to them and help me.
And they'll either be similar but not the same as the blogging thread and something completely different. What do you think???

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The Simpleton... if you really want me to, I can create some threads on some burning questions that I've had for some time, but that wouldn't contribute to anything in the Xisto community (like my other threads) because I am only merely asking questions and giving opportunities for other members to reply to them and help me.


And they'll either be similar but not the same as the blogging thread and something completely different. What do you think???

All I can say to that is - this forum is [/i[ called Open Discussion so you're free to discuss whatever you like with the members. But for that sake be sure not to create threads that are meaningful to others and you as well. If you're creating a thread just to attract a whole lot of replies, well there's no real harm but there's no real meaning in that...hope you're getting my point. The trouble is, it's been quite a while without interesting threads that I've forgot the meaning of what interesting means! :lol:

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