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Reality T.v. Shows - Huh?! Whats the appeal of them?

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T.V. shows like American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance are taking over the world. My aunts and uncles who I've never seen get excited about anything hang up posters around their homes proclaiming their support for a dancer or singer. American Idol and ... Dance results are literally headlines on the front page of our local newspapers. My father, who's a self proclaimed techno-hater, who rarely uses a computer or television, asked me to help him set up his pvr to record Dancing with the stars every episode. I didn't even know he LIKED dancing let alone wanted to cherish the episodes forever. Clips from the shows are Headline news on the local T.V. channels. I honestly do not understand the appeal of television shows like this, let alone how they could become so famous that the results of a competition completely overshadow important world events in the media. Why do people become so obsessed with these shows? Why do people even like them? I don't get it!

Edited by rob86 (see edit history)

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In my opinion, the earliest reality shows were pretty good - they had no script, the concept was new, and luckily, it clicked.The audience were curious by this new kind of entertainment, where they knew that no one on screen was acting, but those things were actually happening in real life. And so the addiction bug bit them.


But these days most reality shows (not all of them) have become too dramatic, with no sense of meaning at all. It appears as if everything is planned before to make it more interesting. These days its all about the money and the producers will do anything to make sure the audience is getting entertained.


You can't really call this entertainment" but some shows do appeal to more people and that's why they're still going on and people are thrilled by watching them.

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I saw this and had to kind of laugh. Reality shows have taken over the TV of late but they have been around for a long long time, just revamped. Some of you might remember Star Search, the American Idol of the 80's. Then going way back. The Gong show. Now I am really dating my age. These so called Reality show's have gone way overboard I feel. Take MTV? you go there to see some music videos and what do you get? some show of some guy or gal trying to get a date. Bad thing is 99% of it if not 100% are nothing but a fake joke. I feel though where all this really started is with 1 person. Jerry Springer. Some of you may like his show. God help ya if you do. but He I feel is the one to blame for TV today.

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