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Yet Another New Face

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Hello! I am yet another new face here, though Xisto may not be quite as new to me. I've been hearing a lot about Xisto in my search for a free web host, but due to the required forum posting, I've been very hesitant to join. However, after trying out a ton of free hosts, I've finally decided to give Xisto a shot, since being an active forum member is a small price to pay for quality hosting. ;)It's nice to meet you all, and hopefully I'll be more active as I find my way around the forum!

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Welcome xuan to Xisto. Thanks for your time in registering on this great forum. Phoenix.Illusion & SpiderVV have done a great job of getting you started with the links you will need to know on how to start earning money for a domain or a type of hosting package provided by Xisto (Xisto - Web Hosting).I hope you enjoy your time here as much as I did when I was new. Make sure in your post's that you do not do one liners! This is one of the biggest mistakes a new or old member makes. All post's have to be a good length and be a good standard of quality if you fail to do such a thing then a member of staff will warn you :/.


Enjoy & Welcome,


- Ash.

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Hello xuan,Glad that you've decided to join after all!!! It's not that hard to post... once or twice a week is enough, as long as you can get enough money to host your site...And I'm glad that you've been seeing Xisto everywhere in your search for a free hosting site too!!! This means that our attempts to broaden our subjects and everything to attract members from everywhere IS working after all!!!I'm sure you will find that Xisto.com has a lot of friendly members willing to help you as you build your website, and I think we do learn from each other (or more of me learning from the more advanced web programmer and coders on this site).I see that you still haven't gotten your myCENTS thing under your name... you should go and subscribe at Xisto's Support and Billing System first (first things first!), so you can have your own Client Area. If you don't sign up, you will not be able to get your free hosting, as we will not be able to record your posts and give you money and myCENTS in return for it!!! When you sign up, you will have a myCENTS thing under your name (like under mine) as well as an Earned thing under your name too, but only you can see your Earned amount (apart from moderators and admins)Once your registration order has been processed (takes around a few hours), you can get started!You will be able to see a myCENTS thing under your name on the forums of Xisto once your order has been processed, like what most of the members and posters here have (I have one under my name too, so you can see what I mean). Every 100 myCENTS is equivalent to one USD (US dollar). To earn myCENTS, all you have to do is to post on this forums.The bigger and longer your thread or post is, the more you earn. So, basically, it is a free service would otherwise be NOT free (paid) that only requires you to post here every so often. And it doesn't have to be a lot. Just once or twice a day would be fine.Remember to read the forum rules though, as you can get negative myCENTS if your thread is edited, moved or deleted by staff, but that's rare.Anyhow, feel free to browse around and learn more about this site. It is an easy way to learn more money while learning to build your own site!!!Hope you will come to like and love this site as much as I do,Nameless_But anyway, I'm very glad that you have joined!!! Good luck and enjoy your free hosting!!!

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Hey there xuan welcome to the forums. Glad you could make it here. Being an active forum member isn't a tough job to do and when it pays out in such an excellent way then why hesitate from jumping into the boat? ;) Some of the members have already explained (a bit too elaborately!) what to do so I will skip all those details and just say, "Have a good time!"

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