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Relevance Of Vedic Astrology In Indian Society

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India Astrologers predict the future and past of a person, using the time, place and date of birth. India astrologers not only predict future, but also provide solutions to solve all the problems that can arise in a person's life.


Most of the Indian astrologers are well versed in Vedic Astrology. They always help people around the world to solve problems. Indian astrologers are engaged in holy prayers and chants, most of the time, and this power of prayer strengthens the accuracy of their predictions.


Indian astrology, also called Jyothisha, comprises of the subtle language of the cosmos, and is eternal. 'Jyothisha' is one of the exceptional and unique methods of getting the profound knowledge of the messages delivered by the celestial bodies. The astrologers gain the ability to predict, from their lifelong prayer and penance.


An Indian astrology prediction is instigated by the principles of Ancient Vedas, Upanishads and the other Vedic scriptures written, millions of years back. This is the main reason behind the importance of Vedas and scriptures in an Indian astrologer's library.


Indian astrology is extremely genuine and the forecasts that it makes are highly truthful and exact. This branch of science is immortal and widespread as it is based a specific collection of stars and planets,


'Jyothish' is the key structure of astrology presently followed in India. Another name for 'Jyothish', relevant among the Indians, is Vedic Astrology. Contemporary narrators of the science use this most of the time in their speeches. In Indian societies even the babies are named on the basis of the table prepared by the Vedic astrologers. This shows the importance of Astrology among the Indians.

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Thank you for sharing this website on the Vedic arts. I have long been fascinated by the SCIENCE of Astrology, and will add your worthy link to my growing lists of favorites. In the western tradition, it appears I was born on the cusp of Scorpio/Saggitarius, with Aquarius rising, moon in Libra, I think. I will not bore readers with further details that would be of interest only to me - suffice it say even a rudimentary chart can tell you far more than you care to know about a given individual. When investigating Chinese interpretations, emphasis appears to be placed on year of birth as opposed to month. And within that year, the elements of Water, Air, Earth, and I believe, Fire, are assigned. So they too cover all bases. A strange distribution to my western mind. Yet when I pour over the psychological analysis attributed to my birth date it makes sense. I remain sadly ignorant in the ways of Vedic Astrology, and look forward to further posts by the topic starter.

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I actually speaking dont believe in astrology because most of the websites which i find online do say that they predict our future and wen i did an year back, I found there happenend nothing like what was predicted.But still i would like to know are there any websites which can predict our future and are these websites genuine?

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It would seem folly to dismiss an entire discipline because of a few bogus websites - well, alright - countless bogus websites..:( Sadly, the field of esotericism is rife with con-artists, hustlers, wannabees, new age gurus posing as reincarnated masters and the like. This is due in part, I think, to the fact these arts are by their nature, unfathomable to the mass of society and remain a mystery to most, leaving them open to much "creative interpretation" by those of a less than savory nature. But one could say this of any discipline not readily understood by the masses, such as Law, or Medicine. Why do you think lawyers get away with charging such hideous fees and running outrageous legal scams? Because their knowledge is purposely kept a mystery to the mass of people either too stupid or lazy to interpret the law on their own. It is no wonder so many US presidents have been lawyers. They know how to dupe the dumbed-down public, who apparently enjoy being led about like so much cattle - for the most part. And so these arts remain hidden in the shadows to much of the public who have been programmed to believe they are mere hocus pocus, or worse yet, something evil. Nothing could be further from the truth, which is why the US military utilizes psychics, "remote viewers" and the like. And why great kings and queens of old had masters of divination in their advisement. There is nothing new under the sun. So the question to ask is not, "Is this for real," but rather, how do we use these arts to further our personal evolution?

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I'm getting a very strong vibe that Curiel41 is a spam bot. Not a very good representative of Vedic Astrology if that's true.. lol. I've never really been a believer in astrology, but I'm not a non believer either, I haven't gave it much thought. It's cool that you (Misanthrope) believe in it though. It reminds me of a funny The Honeymooners episode... :(

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Hey Rob, I'd not be surprised at all if your vibe is on right on target. And I admire your fine-tuned philosophy too, because man's "belief" appears to be disturbingly irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. I imagine the sun will rise on the 'morrow whether I "believe" it to be true or not. In the meantime, there's a certain Cazadores tequila with my silly name written all over it. Cheers,misanthrope

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Most people don't believe in Astrology because there are very few people these days who are actually well-versed in that art. Most of the predictions go wrong because the people who make them are just show-offs and they don't really understand the subtle mysteries behind astrology. Another drawback is that the information has to be provided correctly otherwise the charts will be misinterpreted and the predictions will go waste!


Ten years ago there used to be great pundits of astrology who predicted things with a 99% success-rate :( It's not possible these days because most astrologers themselves are not really interested in pursuing the art and are simply doing the job half-heartedly.


And we can forget the dream of having websites to predict our future!!! No amount of marvellous code written by the world's greatest programmers can match the skills required to read every individual's charts and correctly predict their future!

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Perhaps. And yet the individual who "believes" in his respective religion is no more versed in the subtle (esoteric) aspects of his tradition than the so-called infidel. My current theory is the masses are readily herded into this or that camp based on their respective programming. This is a mistake. I submit the individual must break free from his programming if he ever wishes to evolve into something more than an intelligent animal.

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