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My "submit Ticket" Form Not Working

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Hi. I've tried submitting a ticket, but it requires my name and email. And I cannot even click or type anything in them fields... :(My support issue:I've had 3 overdue invoices now because my mycents is not even updating at all. I only have $1 in my Account Credit Balance, and if I miss this last invoice my package gets suspended. My account was suppose to get atleast $5 from my posts, but never even updated. It's been like this for a few weeks. :/Why?

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The xistop support site has been given a new design and a lot of people have been having problems with this design....I wasn't able to see my account balance for a lot of days though now it has been corrected. I think you're facing the same problem as well. I recommend that you send a direct mail regarding your problem. The address from which support tickets are answered is support@Xisto - Domains.com so sending a mail to that may help. I hope you get a solution soon!

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Yes this is also happening for me. I think that Xisto should put there old skin back up while they fix the new one from all the bugs and glitches that are contained in it...

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That's just great....my package is suspended. How nice.. :(Why is my MyCENTs not updating? Why do I ONLY have $1? I should now have $7.... I am getting annoyed at this now!

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I was able to submit a support ticket. Try now to see if you are able to now. If you still can't submit one, try changing browsers. I've just tested the support ticket script with Opera 10 Beta and it worked for me.

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i guess they have a lot of catching up to do. they still havn't changed my email address in their system. something that can take 2 seconds. 2 weeks ago, i would get one or two answers a day to my past problem. now it's once every three to four days.

i hope it's just a personal website for sky. otherwise, this is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE.

even if people go on the basis on the webhosting being "free", mycents is still converted to dollars to be used as credit for products/services.

i think it's also unacceptable when xisto leaves it's customers in the dark and not explain that there may be technical difficulties. i mean, come on. they should at least tell people publically here or at the xisto main page. it would illiminate at least SOME of the qondering and question some people have rather than piss 'm off with no informaton at all about their personal acounts and website.

my advice to sky is - don't stress over it right now. there is nothing ou can do and all the stress may just cause unneeded arguing which probably wont help either. keep sending them emails and see if the support tickets are working now. if very little damage occured, maybe they are still willing to compensate you for your troubles. so....don't stress bud. just keep posting as usual and get your mycents up there. you can continue to work on your website offline until it's back up again. don't stress, but continue trying to comunicate with them. the squeeky wheel gets the grease. stressing about things you can't control personally though doesn't help the situation. i feel for ya though. i hope your problem gets resolved sooner than later

I was able to submit a support ticket. Try now to see if you are able to now. If you still can't submit one, try changing browsers. I've just tested the support ticket script with Opera 10 Beta and it worked for me.

Edited by anwiii (see edit history)

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