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Political Crisis In Honduras A technical coup dEtat against President Zelaya

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Next Sunday there will be a popular consultation -which has no binding character- among Honduran people in order to know their opinion on whether or not a referendum should be held next November for the installation of a National Constituent Assembly.


President Zelaya support this popular consultation. The point of the Constituent Assembly is to be able to change the political Constitution of the country, in order to, among other things, change current election rules which bid re-election. However, Zelaya has claimed that he will finish his administration in 2010 (that is, he won't run for re-election). This occasion, in which the people will give their opinion regarding this sensitive topic, was declared "unconstitutional" by the National Congress of Honduras, dominated by the opposition to Zelaya, and also ordered the Armed Forces no to distribute electoral material.


Nevertheless, this consultation has a large popular support behind, since more than 400.000 signatures of Honduarn citizens aiding the cause have been collected.


Armed Forces


On the eve, the head of the Joint Staff, Romeo Vasquez, was dismissed for disobeying the order of President Zelaya, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, to distribute the ballot boxes to conduct a popular consultation. [1]

The Supreme Court of Justice, adopted the decision to return to its post to Vazquez, in spite of the President's order.


With the adopted decision, the court of justice takes away the power from the legitimately elected president to command the Armed Forces, said Zelaya, and found that with it is taken back Honduras to the time of the dictatorship. "We are facing a technical coup d'etat (...) a sting to the Honduran democracy," he said. [2]


[1] - Radio Nacional de Venezuela

[2] - Ibid.

BBC News


I'd like everyone to give more info, updates and specially, their opinions.

Also, I'd like to add that it was hard to get some info from news sources in English. Most of the media seems to be so worried about other topics, like Michael Jackson death, and give little to nothing attention to much important things like this.

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Thanks my friend I was open a similar topic a few hours ago, but you were faster.


At first, I am Honduran this is my country, I am not foreign. OK.


The popular consultation of the Sunday is totally illegal. The "Cuarta Urna" that is its name is a strategy directed by Venezuela to help Zelaya stay in the power.


Zelaya is not a popular president. He had made a national division: The rich and the poor.


He said that the politics don?t respect the Constitution, but...He is a politic too and that?s not all he is the PRESIDENT...


He said that is necessary to reform the Constitution to help to the poor, but I?m poor and I?m not rich and this president had made the same things that the past presidents made. HE IS A GREAT DEMAGOGIC.


He want to follow the Hugo Chavez?s steps but Honduras is not like Venezuela or Bolivia. The honduran people hate the Socialism or Comunism.


The consultation team had lied to the people. They bring people that lives in the village telling them that "this is a fight to restore the national values and to steal the riches?s money". That?s totally ridiculous. Manuel Zelaya said that he is a modern Robin Hood, but he is the owner of thousands of kilometers and mountains in Olancho where he lives.




Nevertheless, this consultation has a large popular support behind, since more than 400.000 signatures of Honduarn citizens aiding the cause have been collected.

Popular support? You must be kidding right? Don?t read the Venezuelan news only, read the honduran.


Honduras have a population of Eight million (8.000.000 people).


400.000 is the 1/16 part of the people. This consultation is not popular. Popular is the problems that this consultation will have.


I will be updating this topic with hot news...

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I'm glad you answered, specially because you live there.


However, I can't agree with you. Your point of view is clear: asking the people whether a National Constituent Assembly must be installed or not is illegal? The president can't ask that to the people? What is illegal? Participative democracy?

My opinion is that nobody can ban a popular consultation, people rules. Even more when it's not binding. You have all the right to disagree.


But when you're reporting news, stick to the facts. Things like


seem fairly impossible to prove.


Also, I've been collecting signatures (for other causes, of course), and I can tell you that 400.000 signatures collected in a couple months IS a big number. :(

If it's popular or not, we'll see next Sunday.

Edited by andresf91 (see edit history)

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I am understand your point of viem. I presume that your are a "Chavista" or "Socialista" or "Revolucionario".Look, the consultation is illegal because it is written in the actual Constitution, ok. The Actual Constitution says that only the Elections are legal. But the disagree is not with the consultation, no, It?s the proposite of this consultation, that the people is disagree.The propossite is that Manuel Zelaya wants to continue in the goverment more than the 4 years that the law stablish.Can you refute me this? The internal elections in the most popular politic parties were done last year.Elvin Ernesto Santos won the elections in the Partido Liberal, party which Manuel Zelaya is joined.Porfirio Lobo won the elections in the Partido Nacional.Zelaya wan to steal the elections in November.And you know what? This consultation is the same that were used in Ecuador, Venezuela, Nicaragua to recover and mantain the power. The ALBA governors are all the same thing: dictators. They close TV Chanels and Radio Stations to be lying to the people.All this characters: Fidel Castro, Daniel Ortega, Evo Morales, Hugo Chavez have their countries in the misery.They are all liers. You think that in Cuba Fidel eat the same food that his people and lives in the same houses like his people????....Then what?s the socialism?If you are part of these groups your live is empty. Believe me when you will older you will refloxionate it.Regards, Hugo :angel::(

Edited by fermin25 (see edit history)

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Troops in Honduras have ousted the president and flown him out of the country after a power struggle over plans to change the constitution. After arriving in Costa Rica, deposed President Manuel Zelaya said he had been kidnapped by soldiers in a "coup".

Check this video with the rest of the article of BBC. Also, many images right from Honduras, with the people resisting! UPDATE ON MONDAY 29: No nation has publicly declared support for the Honduran military's actions or for the new acting President Roberto Micheletti, with the exception of Honduras itself. All Latin American nations, as well as supranational organizations and other countries have publicly condemned the forced removal of Zelaya as undemocratic and most have labelled it as a coup d'�tat. As of 30/06 0:00 UTC these organizations and countries have reacted in such a way: United Nations, Organization of American States, Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas, Association of Caribbean States, Mercosur, Rio Group, Unasur, European Union, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Germany, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Norway, Paragua, Peru, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela. (Source: Wikipedia) According to BBC (check the video), illegal president Roberto Micheletti imposed a curfew overnight to have people out of streets, on Sunday and Monday, running from 2100 (0300 GMT) to 0600 (1200 GMT) on each night. AFP [via Yahoo! News] reports however that Zelaya supporters are resisting, building makeshift barricades.

Violence flared in Honduras Monday as demonstrators clashed with police and soldiers in the aftermath of President Manuel Zelaya's ouster, with international pressure mounting for him to be restored to power. Defying a government curfew, hundreds of angry Zelaya supporters erected barricades near the presidential palace, threw rocks and beat at shield-bearing riot police with sticks and metal bars, with security forces cracking down on the protesters with tear gas and gunfire, an AFP photographer said. The violence, the most serious unrest in years in this Central American country, left several demonstrators and security forces wounded.

Also, many latinamerican news agencies as well as Reporters Sans Fronti�res, report a news blackout in Honduras:

Reporters Without Borders is very worried about the impact of yesterday�s military coup d��tat on press freedom. President Manuel Zelaya�s ouster was followed by a curfew during which the broadcasts of several radio and TV stations were suspended. �We condemn a coup against a democratically-elected president on principle, especially as it raises concern about respect for basic freedoms including press freedom,� Reporters Without Borders said. �The suspension or closure of local and international broadcast media indicates that the coup leaders want to hide what is happening. The Organisation of American States and the international community must insist that this news blackout is lifted.�

Reporters from TelesurTV who were covering the demonstrations on the streets at Tegucigalpa were kidnapped and mistreated by the Army before being released, due to the pressure of the ambassador of Venezuela in Honduras, Armando Laguna Laguna, who called a general of the Armed Forces to know the whereabouts of the group later released. [source: Juventud Rebelde (Cuba)] On the other hand, AlbaTV is currently reporting the news, expressed by Rafael Alegr�a, peasant leader of Via Campesina Internacional, that an infantry battalion is rising up against the de facto government (audio on link). �ngel Alvarado informed via phone (the only mean of communication that is not blocked now) to Radio Nacional de Venezuela that both the 4th battalion of infantry, in the district of Tela Atlantida, and the 10th battalion of infantry, in the district of La Ceiba Atlanta, have uprisen against Micheletti and the military authorities. There are lots of other news related to this crisis, as well as several demonstrations of solidarity with the Honduran people and its legitimate government elected by the people, now on exile, but I don't have enough time to report them all. Try to check Telesur for updates, using Google translator may be a good idea.

Edited by OpaQue (see edit history)

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Honduras Libre!!!Political Crisis In Honduras

First of all, the opinions offered by the ones supporting Zelaya are obviously not the opinions of all the Hondurans. Zelaya did want to follow the steps of Chavez and he is violating the Honduran constitution, twisting it with "certain legal" procedure which has the "intervention" of foreign presidents and that does not make it right. The actions of the military were necessary to keep "FREEDOM" in Honduras. Through history we have seen the people suffer because no one with power backs up the constitution or these so called foreign helpers want to sink their claws into the heart of the nation and manipulate the Honduran law to their benefit. The Honduran congress made Zelaya's actions illegal, who are all you foreign countries so interested in solving this issue? where will you be when this Zelaya character takes the same actions as the others who are controlling his strings? Will you come to the rescue when he starts shutting down democracy by closing down newspapers, radio stations and all of those who oppose to his illegal actions? Hypocrats! stop all this nonsense. Imagine if USA had this kind of president and the congress and the other powers our so called fathers of the nation, created to prevent Tiranny as it was done years ago, could not impeach because other governments have to come to MAKE us by force accept what they do not accept as they see fit, no matter what the constitution of this country dictates. Let's ammend it to Zelaya's benefit as he sees fit? who ammends the constitution in other countries? the Loco presidente? and his followers and foreign supporters? Come on! OEA ONU ALBA bunch of hypocrats trying to impose resolutions, we can see where this president was leading his country... You may try to maskarade the truth but there is only one radio station which in my 43 years of age I never even heard of. There are many more than those and they would not be quiet on this issue. Clearly the foreign hairy claws of Chavez and his puppets are in Honduras trying to, as a drawning man would, desperately striking in all directions without care for the peoples' well being but their own. Blood suckers that will not rest untill they consume with hate more countries "missery loves company" so they live by it and try to call for more followers. Stop the real threat to democracy and Honduras has done that in the past when all these government were being taken over by the Russian intervention during cold war with their so called Guerrillas "el pueblo unido jamas sera vencido" idiots in other countries followed and look where they went and what their countries had to endure to come out of that so called "lucha por la libertad" and Hondurans never followed and aided so many refugees from all countries that fleed to Honduras due to their countries' revolutions... Hondurans are different and they were then and they are now, ethnic? Honduras has so many ethnics black, asians, european, westerns, africans, etc you find them in all colors and shapes and have been taken into the country for all reasons. Stop the true enemy of the Hondurans. Zelaya is not to come back and let history continue its curse as we now there is no military take over. The present president is temporary and will not stay as the elections are coming and free elections will happen again. Let the people vote then.

-reply by Alan Gonzalez

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Many of the constitutions of other countries have been written using the master copy of the USA constitution and in USA the following has happened and no foreign country has been called to intervene: 

"Two United States presidents have been impeached. The U.S. House of Representatives impeached President Andrew Johnson in 1868 and President Bill Clinton in 1998. President Richard Nixon resigned in 1974 as impeachment proceedings were under way.

The United States SenateHas held full impeachment trials 14 other times in American history.Twelve federal judges have been tried, and seven were convicted. TheSenate acquitted four judges, and one resigned before the trial wasComplete. The Senate also tried and acquitted William W. Belknap, secretary of war during the administration of President Ulysses S. Grant.

Impeachment,Process by which a legislative body can remove public officials fromOffice. Impeachment comprises both the act of formulating an accusationOr indictment against an official and the subsequent trial. In theUnited States, impeached officials who are convicted are removed fromOffice, and may be subject to further criminal prosecution. Most otherNations do not have impeachment processes."

 I am pretty sure the congress in Honduras know what they are doing... Thank you very much!

-reply by Alan Gonzalez

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What Honduras NeededPolitical Crisis In Honduras

The world is in a tizzy over the,Coup d'etat that was organized against president Zelaya but, the truth is it was a, preemptive strike against a corrupt leader. Sure, it was an illegal maneuver to pull him out in his Jami's and take him away to Costa Rica but, it was  necessary. The Honduran people that have been living under the corrupt circus of Mel Zelaya for 4 years, are more than relieved to have him out. He is a man who has been lining his pockets and growing fat on the needs of the people. There have been more and more Venezuelan "DRUG RUNNERS" and their aircrafts flying in and out of Honduras for as long as, Zelaya has been in power. He has been in bed with Chavez and the rest of the Leftists of this side of the world than any other president Honduras has had. 

 He had his ego bruised when he thought everything was going his way. He was/is becoming a tyrant and was twisting the Constitution to suit his needs in the same way that Castro and Chavez did with their countries. The Honduran people have suffered with corruption and violence for many years under the command of Mel Zelaya and have suffered it TEN FOLD in the last two years due to this man's greed. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing who wants to cry, "Did you see what they did top me!?" while Honduras and its people want the world to know that WE are better without him and his leftist regime. The time has come for the people of the world to study in depth, their leaders because, Like Zelaya, there are villains in heads of state.

-reply by firewlker

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first of all it was not a coup against  EX... President ZELAYA.

YES IT WAS ILLEGAL,not supervised by any authority at all,most and biggest of all,behind rhis were other interests,like YES. The chavez game,it could not happen.There are other facrors here before you call it a coup and wrong doing.Get with the experts,check our laws,our constitution,get inside info.Come to honduras,the the experts can explain,show and prove.Besides,you talk about 400,000honduran signatures?real deal is another. WE SAY NO TO CHAVISMO...WE ARE ALIVE AND AWAKE.ITS NO THAT EASY,WE ARE NOT AS IGNORANT AS SOME MAY THINK.

-reply by pahc

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Zelaya and his minister are criminals. When he abandon the country, out to the ligth some serious crime like bribe to the anchiest Hondutel manager, Alberto Chimirri, who is acused to receive $350,000 from a phone company in the United States.Chavez is a garbage. Go to Venezuela "Chavista". Stop make your dirty opinion about my country. I know that you cry in the nigths because The Revolucion doesnt work in Honduras.HONDURAS IS DEMOCRATIC, WE ARE NOT "GOLPISTAS" AND CHAVEZ WAS OUT MY COUNTRY FOREVER.MAKE YOUR "REVOLUCIONES" IN YOUR COUNTRIES NOT IN MY COUNTRY.DESTROY YOUR PEOPLE BUT THE HONDURAN PEOPLE NEVER WILL FALL IN THAT DIRTY TRAPS.ARE YOU CRYING? I AM SORRY BUT IT IS THE TRUTH.

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Zelaya is a foolPolitical Crisis In Honduras

Zelaya committed at crime, yes the exile might have gone over board, but hey Chavez is getting involve. Honduras cant afford as a country to have a president that looks for nothing but trouble agains bigger and more powerfull countries just to make Chavez and Castro happy.

And I met Zelaya personally when I used to live in Honduras and truth to be told he got where he is now using questionable methods, he stole a lot money from the country and poor farmers that where foolish enough to believe in his lies, my ex-stepfather got paid a lot money from him to spreed lies about the other people that where running for zelaya. So the question is why every country is getting involved in the scum coming back to power that he obviously didnt know how to handle

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I have translated this piece of news (it's actually opinion) from a very accurate analysis by PhD Jaime Alegr�a, who teaches at the University. This analysis was posted in Rebelion. It starts:

We agree that there isn't any Constitution that may endorse a military coup, no matter whether it is a right or left winged. Getting to the Honduran case, those Barbarians in the economic power and the high hierarchy of the Church in that country argue that the army complied decisions which were conferred from the Supreme Court of Justice to kick out -through a military coup d'Etat- the Constitutional President Manuel Zelaya because of infringing the constitution. This kind of twisted, hackneyed rethoric only fits in criminal and perverse minds. What is more, they intend to justify this couping aberration with "the phantom of Hugo Ch�vez", promoter of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas (ALBA). By the way, the people of Honduras for decades have not left the third place among the poorest countries of the Americas, whose extreme poverty includes almost the 70% of its population and this without help from Ch�vez. No wonder that the poverty levels correspond to the most retrograde and deplorable right in Latin America; they have no shame nor moral. The coup d'etat planned by the group of economic and business power, perpetrated by the armed forces has been nothing but contempt for the law, the institutions and the Honduran people.

And finishes:

The armed forces traditionally defenders and protectors of an oligarchy with roots in full mastery of all branches of government, is now facing a social force historically marginalized and abused, ready to fight to the bitter end, knowing that it has nothing to lose because life does not deserve to be lived in current conditions of critical poverty.

If you want to read the rest, you can check Google automatic translation here.

Edited by OpaQue (see edit history)

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Yeah Zelaya is a fool. Honduras is in Peace now when the crisis look like will be returned to our country. 22th September Zelaya returns Honduras in secrete, when this happened I think that some international institutions like the OEA or UNO are going to put Zelaya in the power again. But that was a "fools strategy", I until feel bad for Zelaya. How can you think that you, aloned and exiled without power could defeat a stablished goverment? Zelaya only returns to increase the political crisis in Honduras since the Brazilian embassy. He made a call to the people insurrection and that mean attacks to business locals, malls, and public building of his followers. But Zelaya commited a great mistake in the night of last sunday when he received to the presidential candidates. One particullary Elvin Santos is a Zelaya?s enemy but in TV their appears sharing a hug, like old friends. And this get mad to all the Zelaya?s followers and aparently the half of them abandon him that nigth.Zelaya was was defeated the sunday night.To suspend the curfew the goverment alterate the constitution and delete a lot of constitutional rigths for 45 days. I didn?t support this. Because is bad to deny to the people have a meetting without the goverment permission.But that is the end of history. Hugo Chavez failed in Honduras. Maybe a good portion of the country support Zelaya before 28th June but some terrible mistakes in the planeation of the "Cuarta Urna" made the destiny he is experimenting rigth now.

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