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Hi, I'm Glad To Be Here. Just a quick background on sarajevl.

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Hello everyone, and I hope you are all having a great day!I am new to the whole forum concept so this is fun. I am setting up a tutoring business to pay my way through college and I need a web site to get the business off the ground. I have set up a web site before, but that was just for fun and it was almost two years ago. That time I hosted it off my home pc using no-ip.com. I don't have the 24 hour internet connection anymore so I am going with an online web host. I decided to try in here because I need SSL certificates and want my own domain. I can buy this stuff free with the MyCENT program, or that is how I understand it anyhow.I have been poking my nose around for about 2 hours though and this pace is so much better than just earning points. There are some really cool topics and not all about computers. I am going to have a blast going through everything with a login.Enough about the site though, ya'll want to know about me. I am in my 20's and have had an interesting adult life. I an a college drop-out, and divorced. I have been diagnosed with a minor but stil complicated mental illness. I am back in school now, and completely broke, a situation I haven't seen in about 5 years.I am christian, non-denominational, and I love all things Harry Potter. I read a lot of fan-fiction, and occasionally I even write a little of my own work. I sew and crochet. I think that is about it. Ask me anything. I might even answer you. :-D

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Welcome to the best forum community,sarajevl. You will have fun in Xisto forums. I see that you are christian and I want to congratulate you because of that. I think that your project will be successful...because the free web hosting service on Xisto.com is unique is like a paid hosting service.Harry Potter? I like that movie too...But the lastest movies are losing the Harry Potter?s esencie...It?s turning like a tennager movie...I don?t know if the theather adaptation is guilty or the author is writing the books like that now(I have not read any Harry Potter?s book yet...) But It?s still being fun and that?s important.Well you will be able to win your free web hosting very soon...You only have to make good post that help to the community and the site will reward you with a lot of MyCents....You are right the MyCents will can paid the hosting and a domain so Start to post right now...You will find that post on Xisto is not an obligation is A PLEASURE because you will have the opportunity to help and be helped in this forum...Well I wish you the best...Welcome again to Trap 17...Regards.

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Welcome, Sara, to the Trap! What a lovely, in-depth introduction! Haven't seen one like yours for a while. :)


I love your idea to start a tutoring business online! That's quite fantastic, really... I wish I'd thought of something like that; looking for a partner? :lol: Seriously, though, if you ever need help with anything, I and many others are always available to help you out.


You might also be interested in learning more about the Freelancer's Union idea that a few of us are getting off of the ground. We are, in a nutshell, like a literal web of world-wide talent; people working together and combining their skills to tackle projects that would typically require too much of a single person. If you're interested, please contact kimochitim for further details.




Your understanding of the MyCents 3.0 program is dead-on. I have personally earned over $15 in a little over a month here, and I currently contribute between 2 and 4 hours in the mornings, 5 days a week (and post at an average of 2.5 topics).


Due to circumstances beyond my control, I am waiting to actually buy my web hosting and get started with my own idea. Though, yes, you can buy anything with credit as long as you are willing to keep up the quality posts. From what I've seen here, though, that should be no difficult task for you!


On a personal note (I hope you don't mind!), I can deeply relate to the money issue, though... I've been scraping by on state assistance and the grace of my parents since mid of last year, and I'm stuck in a small town with the 4th highest unemployment rate in the state x.x. But, on the other hand, even with the difficulties of my current situation, my daughter is so much better off for having her grandparents around on a regular basis. It warms my heart so much to see her developing so well (and quickly!) in all the important aspects.


I am also in my 20's (27 very soon, actually), and looking into continuing my education (once I've established financial support of my daughter... she comes first in everything!). I occasionally find myself struggling with depression, and I am (reluctantly) beginning to admit to myself that I may have to quell my fears about non-natural assistance and start using medication. I have a "condition" (for lack of a better term) where there's A, B and C of a given situation, and my mind remembers A and C, and drops B out completely, but A and C act as a complete, unaltered memory. I've experienced this as long as I can remember... which is a bit ironic since I have so many holes in my memory (which I don't realize entirely until a family member tries to talk to me about something I have no recollection of x.x).


May I ask you what your condition is, if you don't mind sharing it?




My passion for stories is fully in the science fiction & fantasy genre, although I never did manage to get into the Harry Potter series. I did read a couple of the books, but I forgot to keep on top of it. What I did read, I enjoyed very much, though. I don't read fan fiction, but I do write poetry and stories with a passionate fervor. Though, given my mental status, a lot of my stuff tends to come out very twisted! Feel free to read my submissions in the Creativity Forum sometime, if you like. :P


Curiously enough, I also sew, knit and crochet (although I have little time for it these days, with a 2 year old running rampant). I don't know very many other people my age who delve into that realm of knowledge. I first learned how to crochet when I was 6 years old. :XD:


I am also a passionate artist (of both traditional and graphic media). I very much love Linux as an operating system far more than either Windows or Mac. I enjoy dabbling in coding and programming, although my knowledge remains rather basic in comparison to other users (especially around here)!




Anyhow! Now that I've blistered your eyes far more than necessary, as it were, here is some very useful reading content to get you started. It's no Harry Potter, but it'll help you feel more comfortable with jumping right in with us and having fun!


All right! Take care, then. I hope to see you around soon!

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