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Technology good or bad...

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techno makes us dependant (collectively)



The problem with technology, is that it may make us Dependant from it. Once again, it's a matter of how to use it, but when some technology becomes a social standard, the social relationships may depend or be influenced by it. Also if you don't materially possess this technology, you may become marginalized.


So I believe the principle of technology itself isn't good nor bad, but that depends on how we all use it, not just individually.


Also, there are some bad technologies I think. Most armament technology I would qualify it as bad, as it's main purpose is to harm, kill or control others. But I suppose it depends on what you consider good or bad...


By the way, concerning the "similar topic" about technology, I'd say that technology IS probably the alienation itself. Aren't we all becoming aliens, little by little? The question is: what kind of aliens are we building today for tomorrow? good or bad?

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Yes I believe that technology can be good in some ways, because take for example back in the days it was different, we didn't have trains and buses then to get us where people needed to go but now times are made better then they used to be and we have better ways of making living more easier. But if we use technology in the wrong way there is a problem, thats why we should use techology for the good reasons not the bad.-reply by mizzluved

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too much use



I belive that we use technology way to much. I mean thats all we realy rely on. If people were to go back to omish days they would go crazy. Technology is the reason for all the crap thats going on in the world. Technology was dropped on heroshima. So all I'm saying is technology is BAD!


-reply by Brier53

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As mentioned before, Technology is amoral. Now it doesn't matter who uses it, because as said before, giving it to different types of people will inevtiably render different results. Technology is a tool to be used, it can't be avoided. Many people associate technology with dehumanization, saying that it takes away more and more of the things that makes us human.For example, now technology can be used to travel, where as before people walked to places, I'm not just talking about cars but carriages and chariots are all forms of technology. People believe that withe the coming of this tool, we are becoming more and more dependent upon it, thus losing more and more of what makes us who we are. But is that a bad thing? If it weren't for technology, we would be modern men walking around in what looked like the Australopithecus's age. What's the point in intellect and thought when we refuse to use it to our advantage? So technology is a tool, it can be used to make things easier, or make things a lot more complicated (Nuclear Bombs). A wrench is a wrench, I can use it to fix your car or hit you upon the head and steal your money, in the end I am responsible for m actions, not the wrench =)

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Technology is amoral IF your worldview holds to the notion that there is no Designer who has an opinion in the matter of our technology. But if your worldview, as mine does, holds to the notion that there is a Designer who has purposes behind all He has created then any technology that is launched without first consulting with the Designer is immoral because the purpose of the inventor of this Universe was not brought in at the beginning nor His thoughts consulted. Lets just take the automobile and the combustion engine that drives it. This innovation has killed millions and millions and maimed millions and millions more. No one who invented this technology gave thought to whether it was kin keeping with the Designer's will or purposes. So now we have a technology on which we depend (because our society was organized around gasoline engines) that kills millions, depends on oil and so is about to ruin our economies. What if someone had prayed and looked into the Designer's will and found out that we should be developing solar powered means of transport and invented that method way back then or perhaps whole communities rejected the auto (the old order Amish) and have never killed anyone with an automobile and are not dependent on oil). Nearly all technology is human ego driven, not driven by a desire to show God how grateful we are for His creation. Hence most technology is immoral at its inception and almost every innovation is inimical to the ultimate destiny of human beings and our welfare.-reply by karl kindt

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Techno makes us dependant (collectively)TechnologyThe problem with technology, is that it may make us Dependant from it. Once again, it's a matter of how to use it, but when some technology becomes a social standard, the social relationships may depend or be influenced by it. Also if you don't materially possess this technology, you may become marginalized.So I believe the principle of technology itself isn't good nor bad, but that depends on how we all use it, not just individually.Also, there are some bad technologies I think. Most armament technology I would qualify it as bad, as it's main purpose is to harm, kill or control others. But I suppose it depends on what you consider good or bad...By the way, concerning the "similar topic" about technology, I'd say that technology IS probably the alienation itself. Aren't we all becoming aliens, little by little? The question is: what kind of aliens are we building today for tomorrow? good or bad?-reply by omid


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are you RETARDED?Technology

Do you not realize that you are in fact Dependant on machine? Do you think that the loaf of bread you are spreading that jam on was made from scratch by actual people? Do you think that knife with the double edge was made by hand? Do you think that debit card you paid for both with or the microwave you cook your meat with wasn't made by machines? The fact of the matter is we are all nowadays Dependant on machines. You really need to think a little more before posting.

-reply by Jeremiah

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What Happened to The Way Things Were Intended?Technology

Technology has turned us into softies!We rely on it far too much, so much that we depend on it and can't survive without it!We can't be completely dependant on it or soon it'll rule us instead of the other way around. We've become less and less human. We are way too dependant on thechnology already. We've gotten farther and farther apart from nature, from the way things were meant to be. I think we'd be a lot less lazy if technology didn't advance. But that's just one man's opinion.

-reply by terry

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What about issues concerning cyber security...Follow @AdvIncubator (an incubator affiliated with bwtech@UMBC in Baltimore, MD) for information on all technology things good and bad!

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