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50% Faster Mozilla Firefox The newest version of Firefox 3 Hacked

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Okay, you must know the Firefox 3 Hacked : 30x / 10x Time Faster Edition (If you don't google a bit :)). This is the latest version of the editions, and we're just happy to announce it. It's so fast, stable, and it's awesome! You just have to try it your self and comment.

Operative System : Windows XP / Vista / 7[NEW!]
Processor : 1 GHz
Memory : 256MB
Hard Disc : 1GB Free to run perfectly
And no previous version of Firefox 3 Hacked Version installed.

New Features
-WOT Security System
-KFLEX Engine

First you must create a folder in your local disc named Firefox or whatever you want. After that put setup-firefox-en-us-50x.exe in it, and open it. Click letter A on the keyboard and wait about 1-5 minutes depending on the computer speed. After that you should see a new folder named ff3hack. Sometimes you can locate it in the Desktop, but sometimes on the same folder. Open the folder and locate, and run Firefox.exe. Don't touch anything else!

Download it from

~Thanks and please comment.

Link up!

Edited by Coolzrock (see edit history)

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use kmeleon, there are tons of gecko based browsers out there.. but closes one to firefox is kmeleon.. im not really sure if it supports all firefox extensions though..the only reason im using firefox is firebug and some validators..other than that its pure bloat.. :)

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that link doesn't work for me either... anyway I was wondering what do we mean by "fast" when talking about a browser? does it run faster on the local computer (i.e. memory, disk usage) or does it use the available bandwidth more effectively so that our pages can be displayed faster? I suppose it is a combination of both, but then why don't the Mozilla guys do it in that way in the first place? any potential pitfall?

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i think there is an extension that makes mozilla browsing faster.. yes there is a downside on tweaking browsers to be faster, they ask more request from the server, which in turn adds additional load to the server. am i correct?I think the guy who started this topic meant faster, which is lighter on resources, starts up faster and such..

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I personally think firefox is faster when its just raw...not hacked and stuff.I am happy with the way its runs for me and these funny programs most of the time have got stupid malware and other viruses that coould harm your computer later on.

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The best way for programs to run faster is to set up and use a RAM Drive, which can be set up by specific programs or scripts, and my best choice would be virtual hard drive pro or extra drive creator pro, as for scripts to do it, which could be set up, would be in c, c++ or perhaps dos commands, like a batch script.I know that information because i wanted to increase the speed and performance of my most important applications on my pc, and i searched for this information, and at the extra drive creator pro website, i realized it and put in practise, which happened to be a fact after i set up the RAM drive.A RAM drive is a drive like the drive c, which is created using the hard drive space of your c hard drive, all with a program for that purpose of course, and once you have it, programs can use that memory which is pretty much 400% faster then to use your actual ram on your motherboard.Thanks for your method, i will try it out to test.

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A RAM drive is a drive like the drive c, which is created using the hard drive space of your c hard drive, all with a program for that purpose of course, and once you have it, programs can use that memory which is pretty much 400% faster then to use your actual ram on your motherboard.

I thought a RAM Drive worked the other way round, that is using the RAM (physical fast access memory on the motherboard) as if it were a hard disk. In this way a program, like Firefox, can be started "from the RAM" and thus run much faster, provided there is enough RAM available.

Nevertheless what you report is a useful tip to run programs faster.

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FireFox as a browser can go faster but it cannot make your internet connection better. FireFox by it self is always going to be better than any hacked version. Also you have a dead link...

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FireFox as a browser can go faster but it cannot make your internet connection better. FireFox by it self is always going to be better than any hacked version. Also you have a dead link...

Some of this is true. Plus i have some problems with my hosting provider. Hope they will be fixed.

~The version is not hacked like hacked... It's just named like that. So we actually removed some registry things so it's faster, and also we edited and made our own engine. I use it every day... You can still add themes, add-ons, and all the same features (options)...

~only faster.

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