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Hey From Nz little lost lamb

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Hey all,I humbly come to your doors after the wonderful people over at zendfree forgot to pay their bills and their (/my) website totally disappeared. Unluckily for me this website is on all my cv's and business cards and so I'm a little bit pee'd off... You guys wouldn't do that would you? :PSo, a little about me.I'm 20, I live in Auckland, I'm going to AUT for my degree, I love my motorbike and my mini, and I spend many of my nights partying at whatever bar, rave or club is making the most noise.I also have a strong interest in photography, graphic design, travel and quite alot of other stuff that I would spend more time doing if my remaining funds weren't being poured into alcohol research. I like the range of topics your forum covers so thats pretty much why I'm here! Asides from the aforementioned flakey webhost of course.That's me I guess, cheers and I'll see you round.J.

Edited by novoAlias (see edit history)

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First of all a warm welcome from a fellow Xisto member. And I can, from my long stay here, can assure you that no such thing  would happen here. Was your previous host a paid or free one? You might have noticed the amount of features being offered here for free. Hope you know all the stuff and rules here. Wishing your website a speedy renovation.


PS: Here might might be an elder friend of yours at AUT: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

Edited by pasten (see edit history)

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welcome to Xisto we talked a little yesterday. I know you will enjoy your time here at Xisto greatly. A bunch of good and helpful people and a very large foru, Enjoy.

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Cheers guys!Pasten: The last one was actually pretty awesome feature and uptime-wise, except for the not existing anymore part... Zendfree.com. This time I plan to take out a .com domain though so I can swap hosts if it happens again!Echo: I see you fixed the spelling :D Thanks for the welcome :PSonesay: Yeah for sure! I'm pretty good at Flash/AS3 so I look forward to helping out... Are you any good at back end systems by any chance? I've been meaning to learn MySQL etc. for-freaking-ever!

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Cheers guys!
Pasten: The last one was actually pretty awesome feature and uptime-wise, except for the not existing anymore part... Zendfree.com. This time I plan to take out a .com domain though so I can swap hosts if it happens again!

Echo: I see you fixed the spelling :D Thanks for the welcome :P

Sonesay: Yeah for sure! I'm pretty good at Flash/AS3 so I look forward to helping out... Are you any good at back end systems by any chance? I've been meaning to learn MySQL etc. for-freaking-ever!

Yeah I've been working with MySQL for a while. Done 3 database papers at AUT. I'm not an expert but I know enough to get by. Still learning as I go. Pretty cool you know FLash and AS3. I would like to learn that eventually.

Have you got any work live online? Would be interested to see what you have so far.

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Welcome to Xisto mate.I joined last month and my saty here has been very pleasant. Had a few problems with mycents but the folks quickly helped and im back to what i do best!Good luck with the services that you want here!Have a nice time. Laters

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