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Are Our Troops The Best And Brightest

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I have seen many members across the media (especially Bill O'Riley) saying "Our troops are the best and brightest our country has to offer". Do you agree with this statement?I would say they might be the most patriotic, toughest and dedicated. But I would reserve the best and brightest for the folks in NASA, MIT or Stanford etc. Because "A gun is mightier than a sword :P ". Technology is the key in success.

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Firstly, "our" troops are only as bright as the culture creators our Public Fool system have allowed them to be, meaning, today's youth have been systematically compromised and dumbed-downed by design. Read, "The Deliberate Dumbing-Down of America" for more on this sad state of affairs - that is, if you can still read a book from cover to cover without being distracted by a video game or that large propaganda machine in your living room. Secondly, "our" troops are not fighting for the common man, but for a very powerful, very wealthy banking elite who have historically created war and conflict for their own selfish benefit. But you don't know your history, because the Public Fool system has kept you in the dark. And thus, you are condemned to repeat history till you wake up. In the meantime, good men will continue to die in the name of patriotism and love of country, not realizing they are merely cogs in the wheel of this un-godly machine of lies and deception.

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Your darn right they are, if anyone tells you differnt odd's are they was one kicked out of the armed services or a terroriest.

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:P Misanthrope: Awesome. You sound like a firm believer of what was explained in the literature you've been exposed to. I'll have to take a gander at that piece... it probably holds a lot of truth as to what really is going on, but I'm almost sure that the truth is stretched and exaggerated to fit some sort of propagandist scheme or aim that the author was striving for. :D OP: The military has been slandered with the accusation that they take anyone... from high school dropouts to ex-convicts to anything of the sort. They also preach in their advertisements about schooling its members, enticing them into recruitment with college benefits and other educational incentives. And then there are the officers of the military, where education is a requirement before becoming commissioned. There are all sorts of people in the military... don't be fooled by what people tell you.In my eyes, members of the military are people... just like everyone else. We're smart. We're dumb. We lack common sense. We have the best judgment. You will meet members of the military that are intelligent as well as the not-so-intelligent. And then there are the green boys and the hardened veterans. We have seasoned members in the higher ranks, and ironically enough, our junior commissioned officers that lead our platoons and make the decisions are inexperienced and generally viewed as useless until they can actually prove their worth on the battlefield.You might associate the best and the brightest with the people at NASA, MIT, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and whatnot. Anyone can see why... but you also have to take into account the hidden gems all over the world that never make it to being prominent in society because of any number of hindrances, like financial problems, family or social issues that take priority, or whatever you can think of. There is potential in each and every single person... and then there are the extraordinary. Think of August Rush, a movie about a boy from an orphanage who journeys to seek his parents. He was a prodigy, a musical genius, having a talent for music that no one knew about. In the movie, he was living on the streets. During the course of his story, he found his way to Juilliard and became the top of his classes and consequently, of the school. (To put it into perspective, a boy was teaching adults about the sound of music.) But no one would have known about his wonderful gift if the events of his life took another, less-fortunate turn. Catch my drift? :P I'm a member of the U.S. Army and I've seen quite a variety of folk in my time in the military. There are a ton of good guys out there who you would never think to acknowledge, and there are some brilliant ones, but we're not without our idiots. Just keep in mind that we have for the most part (or at least like to think so) the best and brightest calling the shots, and the best and most seasoned boots on the ground leading our idiots like me. :P

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Secondly, "our" troops are not fighting for the common man, but for a very powerful, very wealthy banking elite who have historically created war and conflict for their own selfish benefit. But you don't know your history, because the Public Fool system has kept you in the dark. And thus, you are condemned to repeat history till you wake up. In the meantime, good men will continue to die in the name of patriotism and love of country, not realizing they are merely cogs in the wheel of this un-godly machine of lies and deception.

This has always been the case.As Sir Winston churchill said, "Never have so few given for so many", when in actuality it's so many giving for so few.

I agree completely with the War in Afghanistan though.Obviously terrorism must be

stopped.Iraq is a completely different story.Totally Unnescecary.

Wars have always been fought to help the rich and powerfull.It sounds naive

but true.

There is no bigger crime than war,yet those who win the wars are never the

criiminals.Those who win the wars get to rewrite the history in they're favour.

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Rayzoredge, how can I possibly retort your brilliant statement? I am in total agreement with the jest of your statement, 'cause when all is said and done, it really all comes down to the individual. It's when we lose sight of this poignant truth that we run in to trouble. God speed, my friend.

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OH OH OH I want to reply to this one since I am a been there and done that person with my veteran status both of the forums and of the military. I will say ignorance is bliss especially for the youth who do get lied to about joining the military and trust me they are, but lets not forget the Military is now using video games and simulators to fool the youth even more in order to believe that they will go out and blow and shoot stuff up. Now granted when I sign up various events happen and I found myself in boot camp, even though I knew the dangers of being in the military but I hope I would get lucky and get through my enlistment with no problems. Then September 11th happen and so we spent the rest time getting ready, well we missed Afghanistan but we got sent to Iraq instead and for the most part I was lucky that nothing physically happen to me (except the herniated disc), but mentally well I am still working on it after 4 years of being out of the military.

Now on that note, through out our wonderful history, we had some of the brightest military minds in the world, Washington. MacArthur, Grant people like that, and sure we get a few lucky grunts like Audie Murphy. Now we haven't seen people like this in quite a long time, not even Norman Swartzkoff or Colin Powell where that great. The only reason we have been lucky is the trillions of dollars we sunk into the military to give us the best technology in the world to make people think twice about trying to invade the US. Actually one person I know that was damn smart was my Company Commander, heck I think he would have done well at NASA or MIT because he was freakishly smart, and last I know is that he is working in the R&D for the military.

With me, I went with the college money and I putting it to good use so far, and most people know I am not a genius, Misa :P, but I get by with what I know and how I do it. Now we all know Bush screwed us all and no one is going to forget it either, but hopefully Obama will get our troops home because after these two wars it will take years for us to recover. Even Misa cannot deny that without the military we could be worse off and the world could have been a bit different, maybe even controlled by the Nazi's, but still it will take years and trillions more to repair the losses our military has suffered and I wouldn't be surprise if the military goes back to 1 million active service members from every single military branch. Besides with the economy as the way it is the military would be a safe bet, I get paid, I get living quarters and get to eat as well.

I am not saying that is my first option though, but with all the stuff going on now I would be taking a hard look at signing up again, and sadly I been thinking about it and not for myself but for the family. However, due to my back that isn't an option for me and so I have to struggle like everyone else, but I will say one thing though is once your out of the Army the government could care less about you. I had a writing assignment that covers this fact and you can check it out here about how bad the government has treated its veterans and if you go back about 100-115 years, the Civil War veterans had it worse off then we do now. Nonetheless, the suicide and military related murders are up, homeless veterans is up as well because battle exposure and PTSD is to difficult to handle sometimes.

I would recommend reading my experiences and thoughts about my year in Iraqi as it tell you a lot about what soldiers really deal with.

Article #1

Article #2

To end though, those who died in battle should be honor regardless of your beliefs, because without them dying you wouldn't be able to do half the stuff your doing now, granted it seems we are losing those freedoms but that is because of crooked politicians and what not. I find it rather disgusting that some people like those church people calling soldiers *BLEEP* and thank god for dead soliders, that personally pisses me off and I would spend time in jail and beat the living hell out those people from Kansas for spouting their hate and of course taking their freedoms for granted by dishonoring a soldier is being laid to rest because he or she died so you can live on and be ignorant, hateful people who ae just a bunch of religious fanatics and what not.

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Yes, yes. The youth of every generation, especially this one, are targeted more than other age groups for ready indoctrination and mind control. The powerful elite knows that when they control the youth of any given generation, they control that sector for the rest of their miserable lives. Get ?em while they?re young, right? And the youth, unfortunately, are naively open to utopian causes that appeal to their idealistic sensibilities. Our resident Veteran and Archangel (Saint Michael himself), aptly points out the video games currently in use to prepare future soldiers for the thrill of blowing away the ?bad guys.? And he more than any of us would know, having born personal witness to the horrors of such treachery first hand. But who are the bad guys we?ve been conditioned to hate to the point of wanting to invade their sovereign countries and blow them sky high? Usually, they are common folk like the rest of us, but they happen to have a different skin tone, religion, or creed?.you get the point. Or, maybe they look like you or me but have been chosen by the elite to make an example for the rest of us. The point I?m trying to get at is this: The entities who create war for profit and self- interest must create an ?enemy? to rile the troops to battle. After all, you can?t have war without an enemy. Usually, these war-mongering elite fund both sides of the conflict to create a more lucrative venture. Remember how the US initially funded Sadam?s escapades? Well, he is only one in a long line of fall guys used to deliberately create conflict for profit. And we, the common folk, die in the battlefield or waste away in veteran?s hospitals while the elite get richer and richer. And thus it has always been, and will continue to be until the masses wake from their stupor. Still, I can?t blame anyone for wanting to enlist during this manufactured economic collapse that offers little in the way of options. I have two nieces with criminal justice degrees who, for reasons unknown, decided to enlist instead of going in as officers. Now, of course, they regret it terribly. And they now understand, as Saint Michael does, the military does not give a flying crap about them. One recently had a baby (yuck!) and the Army won?t let her go to take care of her own child. The other fractured a pelvis in boot camp and suffers in silence for fear of retaliation. Have you ever been to a VA hospital? It?s shameful how our so-called government treats our fine veterans. The government used them as experimental guinea pigs during their enlistment, and continues to ply them with dangerous pharmeseuticals as their health diminishes. We die and languish so the richer than rich may prosper. If had had my druthers after my schooling, I would have gone in as an officer and had an exciting career traveling the world. Instead, I traveled the world without getting paid (much) and now have no medical benefits. So much for genius. My primary concern for new enlistees are the mandatory vaccines, which are now so vile and toxic they subject the recruit to health hazards previously unrealized. Were it not for this health hazard, I'd say, go ahead and enlist, but GO IN WITH EYES WIDE OPEN.

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