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Windows 7 - A Promising Os From Microsoft Windows 7 thoughts

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Windows 7... One week after the public release of build 7000, it has gotten some pretty strong opinions for and against it. I personally am for it. It truly is a great operating system. It is a huge step up from Vista, and a great alternative to XP. I say alternative because it will easily surpass the Vista market share and most people would be upgrading from XP to Windows 7. One thing that truly guarantees its greatness is XP wont be sold shortly after Windows 7s release. It is about time that XP is cut out of sales, even though it is a great operating system, but it is just getting old. Windows 7, however, is a big breath of fresh air.

When you first put in your Windows 7 disc to install, it is a lot like Vistas installer. This is not a bad thing. Vistas installer is very user friendly with a nice graphical interface, unlike XP. The setup is rather simple; you pretty much go through whether you are upgrading or doing a clean install, where you are installing it to, and youre done with the first part. It installs very quickly. On my desktop I did it in about 17-18 minutes, while my friend installed it on his laptop in about 40 minutes. After it restarts and loads for the first time, you setup your account, create your HomeGroup, and customize a few other aspects.

So after about 20 minutes on almost any computer, you should be just about ready to being using Windows 7. If you dont have any drivers for your hardware, just go in Windows Update and it should find them for you. It will most likely detect your internet connection so it is usable when first booted up with no drivers. Once you have your drivers installed it is smooth sailing from there.

Overall, the placement of things hasnt changed. However, you will notice the new taskbar, one of the biggest UI changes, right away. The taskbar works great. You can pin programs that you use often to it, and it groups programs together by default in an elegant way. To me, it is a hybrid - like a dock and a taskbar just had a baby.

Of course there are other differences, like the completely redone Windows Explorer, or the all Aero Glass UI. But it still has many similarities, in a good way, to Vista.

One thing that is quite different than Vista, though, is the stability. I am not saying Vista is an unstable OS, but when you compare it to Windows 7, it sure looks shaky. For being a beta build, this is very promising. I cant wait for the upcoming builds. Windows 7 is for sure going to be a hit.

I see many people bashing Windows 7 even though they have not tried it yet. That is just wrong. Just because Vista was a failure, it doesnt mean Windows 7 will blow too. In fact, it is the exact opposite in this case. Windows 7 is going to be one of the best operating systems on the market when it releases at the end of this year. I have been saying this since the early builds that I have used in its pre-beta stage.

The bottom line is Windows 7 is something to check out. It is substantially better than Vista, and a great competitor for XP. There is definitely an promising future for Windows 7.

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Windows 7... One week after the public release of build 7000, it has gotten some pretty strong opinions for and against it. I personally am for it. It truly is a great operating system. It is a huge step up from Vista, and a great alternative to XP. I say alternative because it will easily surpass the Vista market share and most people would be upgrading from XP to Windows 7. One thing that truly guarantees its greatness is XP wont be sold shortly after Windows 7s release. It is about time that XP is cut out of sales, even though it is a great operating system, but it is just getting old. Windows 7, however, is a big breath of fresh air.
When you first put in your Windows 7 disc to install, it is a lot like Vistas installer. This is not a bad thing. Vistas installer is very user friendly with a nice graphical interface, unlike XP. The setup is rather simple; you pretty much go through whether you are upgrading or doing a clean install, where you are installing it to, and youre done with the first part. It installs very quickly. On my desktop I did it in about 17-18 minutes, while my friend installed it on his laptop in about 40 minutes. After it restarts and loads for the first time, you setup your account, create your HomeGroup, and customize a few other aspects.

So after about 20 minutes on almost any computer, you should be just about ready to being using Windows 7. If you dont have any drivers for your hardware, just go in Windows Update and it should find them for you. It will most likely detect your internet connection so it is usable when first booted up with no drivers. Once you have your drivers installed it is smooth sailing from there.

Overall, the placement of things hasnt changed. However, you will notice the new taskbar, one of the biggest UI changes, right away. The taskbar works great. You can pin programs that you use often to it, and it groups programs together by default in an elegant way. To me, it is a hybrid - like a dock and a taskbar just had a baby.

Of course there are other differences, like the completely redone Windows Explorer, or the all Aero Glass UI. But it still has many similarities, in a good way, to Vista.

One thing that is quite different than Vista, though, is the stability. I am not saying Vista is an unstable OS, but when you compare it to Windows 7, it sure looks shaky. For being a beta build, this is very promising. I cant wait for the upcoming builds. Windows 7 is for sure going to be a hit.

I see many people bashing Windows 7 even though they have not tried it yet. That is just wrong. Just because Vista was a failure, it doesnt mean Windows 7 will blow too. In fact, it is the exact opposite in this case. Windows 7 is going to be one of the best operating systems on the market when it releases at the end of this year. I have been saying this since the early builds that I have used in its pre-beta stage.

The bottom line is Windows 7 is something to check out. It is substantially better than Vista, and a great competitor for XP. There is definitely an promising future for Windows 7.

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I said it once I will say it again. It may look good now. but after it is relesed it may be like vista. Window-7 is still being worked and tweeked so until it is done and the 1st SP comes out and they have all the drivers and everything. nobody really knows how stable or goood it is.

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Showing that the operating system is this stable as a beta already kind of says that it will most likely only improve, not go down hill.I didn't even install ANY drivers when I installed it, and I have not yet. I have run into zero problems.You should try it yourself, it works so much better than vista I have it as my primary operating system.

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Time will tell. I wonder if one would be allowed to upgrade directly from windows xp rather than Vista? As far as I'm concerned Windows Xp is a fine operating sytem andsuits all of my needs. I don't play many games so I don't need much.If it's not broken then don't fix it.I wish Microsoft truly believed this.

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If it's not broken then don't fix it.I wish Microsoft truly believed this.

If it's not broken, give the choice for users to have an upgrade on more up to date.

If you ever had/have children, and you move out of your house for more space.. your house isn't broken is it? You just need an upgrade.

Windows 7 is giving the upgrade option to many users, until windows XP is not supported anymore. It is not like it was "broken" but there were some things taht could be improved upon or fixed.

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