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Windows-7 Incredibly Stable, Intel Expert Says

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Found this a little bit ago and was shocked in many ways.

Full story here.

What I find so shocking is this

It has only been out on beta for less than a week How can anyone say it is stable in such a short time.
Myself I would have waited atleast a month to say this. Give it more time, than just a week. Sounds to me as Mircsoft could be saying this only to make the public feel better after the Vista Fubber dubber upper.

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When I was looking for information about Windows 7, I came across others who also said that Windows 7 is pretty stable even in its beta stage. I also saw one who said that at its current state, it can well be released already.

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I've been saying it was stable since the early pre-beta builds. Windows 7 is on the track for greatness. Build 6801 was the first one I thought was truly the most stable. Now with build 7000, the current build, it is super stable, with all the new features implemented. It needs a bit better app support, but, of course, no apps have actually been developed FOR Windows 7.

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I've been saying it was stable since the early pre-beta builds. Windows 7 is on the track for greatness. Build 6801 was the first one I thought was truly the most stable. Now with build 7000, the current build, it is super stable, with all the new features implemented. It needs a bit better app support, but, of course, no apps have actually been developed FOR Windows 7.

Still will have to see. Wouldnt be windows without some sort of bug now wouldnt it. They really have not had a really good and stable OS since what 3.1? Found a old copy of it today and loaded it into a very old PC I had laying around. wow what a differance

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Haha, yea. After 98 they just went down hill. Win2k, ME, and all those crap holes didn't turn out very well. Windows 7 is a drastic improvement. However, you won't truly see how good or bad it is until it hits main stream and programs and drivers are developed for it.

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Haha, yea. After 98 they just went down hill. Win2k, ME, and all those crap holes didn't turn out very well. Windows 7 is a drastic improvement. However, you won't truly see how good or bad it is until it hits main stream and programs and drivers are developed for it.

Windows 2000 is actually a great OS from Microsoft. I personally think that's even better than XP, but people didn't use it because it was expensive and XP came out relatively (when compared with Vista and Windows7) shortly after.


As for Win7, I haven't tried it and won't try it. I don't want to touch any Microsoft manufactured OS anymore on any computer I own unless completely necessarry. One of the biggest reasons why I hate Microsoft is because they don't follow standards that are already there. They make their own and force others to follow them because of their monopoly. But, people are getting revived. They are and they will continue to switch to Mac or Linux constantly in the future.

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They are and they will continue to switch to Mac or Linux constantly in the future.

I also would like to change to Mac or Linux, but my main concerns are that mac and linux cannot run some of the programs I use and that Macs are a bit expensive. Also, majority of the games/applications/programs that are being sold here in my country are those for Windows. So sad.

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You could get a Mac then run a VM of Windows or just use Boot Camp and install Windows on a separate partition. Either way works. But that is if you want to get a Mac.

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The last thing needed is yet another version of windows that doesn't work with everything. I would love to learn/switch to linux, but then the same problem is presented. Something you have to have a VM to use anything. I guess I just don't have the patience to switch. But then I said the same about Xp so who knows...

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I would of switched to a free operating system awhile ago if some of my essential applications were compatible with it. 3d Modeling, some program engines, this and that. As it is, I'm hoping Windows 7 is a big success and does great for itself. I personally can't use Vista because it's like Windows ME all over again, but if 7 proves to be as good as what people are saying about it, then it can be my personal successor to XP.

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Haha, yea. After 98 they just went down hill. Win2k, ME, and all those crap holes didn't turn out very well. Windows 7 is a drastic improvement. However, you won't truly see how good or bad it is until it hits main stream and programs and drivers are developed for it.

So true. thats why I said in the 1st place how can anyone say it is so stable this soon. But from what I have been hearing and reading from other people tonight all around the net. they all do agree that window-7 is most likely the best OS to come out of mirosoft since 3.1 or 98. We will just have to see, but I bet my last mycent that the SP1 will be a biggy

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Looks like Windows 7 is getting the debut that Microsoft needs to recover from its slump with Vista.I wonder what people mean when they say that the operating system is "stable," exactly. (No more BSODs as a fault of the OS?) Apparently usability is a plus in W7 too, and the endorsement from Intel is sure to raise an eyebrow from a lot of skeptical folk like me. We'll see what happens when W7 releases an RC. Let the general public sweep the "final" product before the die-hard XP fans adopt a "new" Windows OS, eh? :P

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Looks like Windows 7 is getting the debut that Microsoft needs to recover from its slump with Vista.
I wonder what people mean when they say that the operating system is "stable," exactly. (No more BSODs as a fault of the OS?) Apparently usability is a plus in W7 too, and the endorsement from Intel is sure to raise an eyebrow from a lot of skeptical folk like me. We'll see what happens when W7 releases an RC. Let the general public sweep the "final" product before the die-hard XP fans adopt a "new" Windows OS, eh? :P

Stable means that everything works how it should, with no big bugs, BSoDs, or major incompatibility issues. While no OS is perfect, Windows 7 is quite close. I haven't run into any major problems, just a few minor bugs with the taskbar and Windows Explorer. I have yet to BSoD. I have run into an error with some hardware, but I have been getting that error since I got the computer on every operating system I have used, so it isn't abnormal.

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. They plan on releasing it at the end of this year. They have about 11.5 months to do the beta builds, take care of bugs, and release 2 (that's usually how many they do) release candidates. They will probably be pushing the out pretty quickly, which is not bad in this case. There are only minor bugs to take care of, from my experience.

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Tramposch, you make Windows 7 seem pretty promising. I'll take your word for it that it's pretty damn good for a new Windows OS... guess they really did an overhaul on Vista code to make Windows 7 work as well as everyone's deeming it to be.

It will be nice to have a way to upgrade from XP as it fades away like Windows 98 SE as the last stable Windows platform. :P

For those of you who are wondering what Windows 7 will bring to the table, Paul Thurrott provides a great list of things to look forward to. I broke down and actually looked at what Windows 7 will feature, and as much as I'm impressed with what the future brings, I'm also skeptical (again) because I felt the same way with being swallowed by the eye candy and the stability and usability that Vista was supposed to offer during Microsoft's sales pitch for the OS a few years ago.

If people are actually liking it now, there's room for hope for the software giant. :P

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