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The Midlife Crisis Is A Myth?sort Of A Pshychological effect

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Many believe that men go through a midlife crisis when they are in middle age. Not quite. Many middle-aged men do go through midlife crises, but it's not because they are middle-aged. It's because their wives are. From the evolutionary psychological perspective, a man's midlife crisis is precipitated by his wife's imminent menopause and end of her reproductive career, and thus his renewed need to attract younger women. Accordingly, a 50-year-old man married to a 25-year-old woman would not go through a midlife crisis, while a 25-year-old man married to a 50-year-old woman would, just like a more typical 50-year-old man married to a 50-year-old woman. It's not his midlife that matters; it's hers. When he buys a shiny-red sports car, he's not trying to regain his youth; he's trying to attract young women to replace his menopausal wife by trumpeting his flash and cash.

Notice from truefusion:

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Many believe that men go through a midlife crisis when they are in middle age. Not quite. Many middle-aged men do go through midlife crises, but it's not because they are middle-aged. It's because their wives are. From the evolutionary psychological perspective, a man's midlife crisis is precipitated by his wife's imminent menopause and end of her reproductive career, and thus his renewed need to attract younger women. Accordingly, a 50-year-old man married to a 25-year-old woman would not go through a midlife crisis, while a 25-year-old man married to a 50-year-old woman would, just like a more typical 50-year-old man married to a 50-year-old woman. It's not his midlife that matters; it's hers. When he buys a shiny-red sports car, he's not trying to regain his youth; he's trying to attract young women to replace his menopausal wife by trumpeting his flash and cash.

being 47 and not married I tend to disagree with the wife bit. Bit I know when I hit the big 40 I did feel a little sorry for myself and did some things that only a younger man should be doing. But thats only speaking for myself.

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I don't think men go through a midlife crises because their wife is middle aged. I think it's because the man is middle aged and suddenly realizes that he might not be as attractive to women any more, regardless of whether the woman is older or younger. He wants to know that he's still atractive to good looking women regardless of their age.You're making the assumption that middle aged women are not attractive and that's wrong.

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You're making the assumption that middle aged women are not attractive and that's wrong.

got phone numbers to go with that??? :P


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Spot onThe Midlife Crisis Is A Myth?sort Of

This may be one of the most insightful things I've read about midlife crisis today.

 I'm deep in it, I think, and it is largely tied to reproduction. My wife is 39 this year, we have no children (although she has a 19-year-old son of her own) and I feel like she's been putting me off for most of our marriage - wanting to hold on to me without having the children I told her I wanted.

 Due to her age, my age and her health issues I see my "children window" slamming shut and it's just killing me.

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