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New Or Sub Domain which would be better

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for the last few days I have been thinking and wondering of maybe adding a subdomain to my site or just buying another package. I really do not post as much to really pay for both though. Also, If I was to buy another domain name. would I be able to redirect it to this sub domain? stupid question I know.

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You can create a subdomain if you would like, then add files to it and it really just works like a normal domain. You could also buy a domain and have it direct to that subdomain, too. Or treat it as a whole separate hosting account, but still on the same plan. I can explain more on msn, I will be on in a sec.

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I would go with the subdomain with a domain forwarding to it idea. Not only would it be cheaper, but it is also more efficient. You can use your master login to get into both accounts, for example. To me it's a lot better than having multiple logins for different domains.As far as I know, a subdomain, even if it's like subdomain.yourdomain.com, is treated like a whole different domain when it comes to search engine rankings and everything.

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I think that you can contact support and they can set up to the subdomain to forward to the main domain site (a permanent redirect), so when you move the site from the subdomain to the domain, the old one still works and you still get the SEO the old one gives to you (if you set up a sitemap and is older ofcourse) :P

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All you have to do is create an addon domain, then set it to work for the subdomain. That way both URLs work, you use the same hosting, and you keep it very simple. It even includes separate ftp access, if you want to use it.

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If you are really short of time to post a lot then i would also suggest you a sub-domain that to from your own main domain as it is easy cheap(lol cost nothing) and realiable .... You don't have to maintain 2 domains at a time......

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