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Idea For Trap17 Forum Just a thought

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This may have been brought up many times before but had a thought of something that may bring in more members and help out a little. Has Xisto ever thought or even had a Arcade? just a few games and such. Top player could get say X amount added to there mycents or some other type of a prize? It may help in getting all these guests I see that are always signed in on to join up. Only a thought. but have always been told never hurts to ask.

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A long time ago we used to have the Army System installed. It didn't earn us any credits for raising levels, but it was fun. However, after an update to the Credit System occured (i think when version 2 was introduced), the Credit System and the Army System somehow conflicted with each other. This led to the removal of the Army System, and was better left for IPBGaming. I'm a bit neutral on the matter: i wouldn't mind an arcade, but the rewards should be boasting privileges—another thing for the Xisto awards.

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I hate you,Echo, lol.An arcade is what I just recently started implementing on my website.I'm not sure how well it's going to catch on or anything but at the minimum at least it will allow people to get on and play games while at school(Yes, I am a bad, bad person).But not sure how well it would catch on here. People here aren't visiting to play games. Most visit to get the information that they want and then leave.

Edited by rpgsearcherz (see edit history)

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Good ole Armysystem I love that game. but with the problems IPB has can't play it anymore. be great if they could somehow figure out a way to get it back here. Id never get offline lol

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Well I can already tell you the arcade system won't be happening because of the server load those flash games would put and of course all the database files that would be included. Besides there are ways to cheat those games and I don't think people want to play the same default games over and over again since not to many flash games would be added.

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Hey, I like this Arcade Idea. We could spend some more time at Xisto if we have an Arcade. And also, there would be some interesting competetion between us. I don't think it is possible for mycent rewards, because that would be very difficult to implement, and also people will tend to play games more to earn myCents rather than posting etc... But we can enjoy and relax if we have an arcade..and I don't think this arcade put lot of load on server. I had seen many biggest forums which are running arcades without having any problem. I think, our servers can handle this little amount of load. :P

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Hey, I like this Arcade Idea. We could spend some more time at Xisto if we have an Arcade. And also, there would be some interesting competetion between us. I don't think it is possible for mycent rewards, because that would be very difficult to implement, and also people will tend to play games more to earn myCents rather than posting etc...
But we can enjoy and relax if we have an arcade..and I don't think this arcade put lot of load on server. I had seen many biggest forums which are running arcades without having any problem. I think, our servers can handle this little amount of load. :P

Right. then and I understand with the mysents it would be hard to do, but that was just a thought of a prize but there other things. like just having your name on the site someplace. I know with me there times I have looked over the topics and there will be nothing that I could give any real good imput on and I just end up going to play poker someplace.

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Right. then and I understand with the mysents it would be hard to do, but that was just a thought of a prize but there other things. like just having your name on the site someplace. I know with me there times I have looked over the topics and there will be nothing that I could give any real good imput on and I just end up going to play poker someplace.

The number of people who would actually take part in the gaming would be very slim.

But in terms of prizes(just in case they ever did implement such a system) I would say that the best reward would be getting your banner shown on the forums.

Free publicity for your website. It would be a huge incentive, I would think.

Or it could be as such:

"For every 10,000 points, you get 100 banner impressions" and there could be a point system related to each game. Some would obviously be worth more than others.

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The number of people who would actually take part in the gaming would be very slim.
But in terms of prizes(just in case they ever did implement such a system) I would say that the best reward would be getting your banner shown on the forums.

Free publicity for your website. It would be a huge incentive, I would think.

Or it could be as such:

"For every 10,000 points, you get 100 banner impressions" and there could be a point system related to each game. Some would obviously be worth more than others.

your so right. and there a lot of really good games around that could be used not only armysystem. I hope the powers that be will be also readying this and give un there input. Myself I really feel as it would help Xisto 100times over.

Edited to add

After talking to a few other members here, who would we and how would we get Xisto to atleast think of this?
Edited by Echo_of_thunder (see edit history)

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