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Realitly Tv Show's which do you watch?

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With all the Realitly TV Show's on now a day's I was curious as to which ones you watch and why?Some of them I have found to be just down right stupid. Mainly the ones from VH-1 and MTV. It's the same show's for god's sake just differnt players.Myself I like the one's dealing with dangerous things such as the one's from the discovery channel, like stormchasers. The old Cops was good too.

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I like some reality shows such as MTV Roadies, indian idol, and some more. But the main thing is that they are all pre planned that who is going to win the game. What is going to happen today n who is going to slap who n all that but then also it is fun to watch them fighting around what do you say

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I try to watch as little as possible of those TV shows because quite frankly they have ruined TV and destroyed many shows that could have become good. The only reality TV show I watch is anything with Gordan Ramsey, that dude is my Idol :P, takes no crap from anyone and a great chef too.

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I try to watch as little as possible of those TV shows because quite frankly they have ruined TV and destroyed many shows that could have become good.

Oh yes, I have to agree with you there! I still haven't figured out how on earth they get off calling these things "reality." Who in reality would move into a house filled with stupid, back biting, annoying strangers on purpose? Or go live in the jungle or an island with the same afore mentioned group of annoying humans?????

Now, as to Gordan Ramsey, is he the guy from Hells Kitchen? ( I don't watch enough of that stuff to know for sure who is who these days.) If that's who you are refering too, I swear, if anybody treated me like that will all the swearing, screaming, name calling, cursing, I'd knock his *BLEEP* in the dirt for treating me that way.

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now man vs wild is pretty good but only thing I dont like of the show is Bear Grills. Who in there right mind would do the things he does. also too. Bear? that can not be his real first name.

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Reality Shows, hmm interesting sometimes and irritating as well. I watch reality shows from various channels on my sattelite TV.


The apprentice: Selling point is what i wanted to see in this show. I learned a lot from this show. Trumps dialogue of "You're fired" Sucks big time though.


Top Designer: I like artistic things, so i'm watching this show these days as it is fun and less annoying than other reality shows.


Other than Above we've MTV Roadies here in India. Interesting show for teenagers and youth but it sucks big time when they show debates and fights. Oh i missed American Idol Review, i hate to say this but the contestants sing like they're asked to sing group song in high school.Another show "Biggest Looser:Couples" is all time sucker.

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With all the Realitly TV Show's on now a day's I was curious as to which ones you watch and why?
Some of them I have found to be just down right stupid. Mainly the ones from VH-1 and MTV. It's the same show's for god's sake just differnt players.

Myself I like the one's dealing with dangerous things such as the one's from the discovery channel, like stormchasers.
The old Cops was good too.

I like reality shows but as I am a classical dancer so I personally prefer to watch shows related to dances etc. Obviously adventure is also my passion so the second preference is for shows related to adventures and third type of shows which I like is somewhat like "Be a millionaire" type of shows. 

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