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What Will Heaven Be Like? A place for new perspective

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From what the Bible Heaven will not be a place where we are forced to worship God, the worship will pour from us as we truly see and experience His awesomeness. The Bible also tells us that heaven is where we will learn the purpose for which God created us in the first place, which is for Him to continually and forever show His love to us. We will forever be the object of infinite love.

That's a very good paragraph. I like how it concisely describes not just how we worship but also what is our purpose. Thanks!

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It is stated in the Bible that God has created Earth in 6/7 days, but until now he is still constructing heaven, if Earth is already good for us, you cannot imagine what heaven would be.

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Mind you that depends who you speak to, hear in the Uk we tend to be more live and let live but in places like the usa, you say anything anti religion then be prepared for a riot

I know that,to tell you frankly that i'm in more trouble when i speak about science which torn-off faith/religion. So you've no clue how science people are treated in india cause here science needs to speak the language of almighty & spirtuality. Or else people simply isolate sciecne and science people and do more harm in your social life for favoring science. and that's not only for this country its applicable for every country. Highly religious people are scared when science torn-off their faith on galactus :)

i can see why they always say "if you want to keep your friends never talk about religion" and thats so true, you are either for it or against it, there never seems to be any middle ground.

In fact you can see highly religious people do manipulate science in favor of religion. We have many examples here. So matter of fact is there are three social section based on belief. Some are in favor of almighty as theists, some atheists, some stay agnostic.

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Maybe there is no heaven and hell, Its just stories made up like all other stories to blind us from the truth that we are going to die one day and there is nothing we can do about it.. We are cursed creatures being born with the ability of thought and to learn that we will eventually die and we can not do anything about it. All this promise of the after life is just to give false hope so we don't go insane and kill each other, committing horrific crimes just to for fill our every desires before we drop dead. Maybe its just a form of control for the masses? There is no absolute proof that after life exist and many will argue that the bible is proof but the reasons why they believe it is real is always the same. They already believe in it, they already have faith in something they cannot see. They will point out things in the world that they believe to be true as written by the bible but from non believers it does not make sense or seem logical. I don't believe in heaven, that does not mean I don't believe in the after life or something after death. Its pointless for me to try and vision it as it's beyond my understanding but I know that its better then this world or at least I hope. Why am I even hoping for? I can't know for sure right? maybe its the human nature of hope giving a false sense of everything's going to be fine after you die kick in again...

Edited by sonesay (see edit history)

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I agree, we have no evidence. Its natural for humans to hold onto unfounded belief's. I believe people operate under the illusion of heaven to comfort themselves from the possibility (or probability) that things don't make sense. That somehow we exist, cause a fuss, then drop dead and that is it for us. Personally i cant believe that a "ticket" is reserved for me in "heaven" or in "hell" as is conventionally imagined by those who believe in that. Why should we be so important in the overall scheme?. Do the bugs we squash have a reservation as well?. Why should they be considered lesser?

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