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Fallout 3 Review of Fallout 3

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I really, really was not looking forward to Fallout 3. I felt I had to buy it because the first 2 were some of the best games I had ever played but my expectations were very, very low. Needless to say, Fallout 3 is the best game I've played in the past few years.


This game captures the atmosphere, quests, characters, and humor of the first two games. I love how they've taken a lot of the 2D objects that we've come to know and love and transformed them into 3D. You can really tell that Bethesda did their research and are fans of the original games. People may complain that the game is brown, tan, brown, and some more brown but so were the first games. In my opinion the game should be brown, dirty, and dingy and it is. I don't imagine beautiful green grass and spring flowers following a nuclear apocalypse, sorry.


VATS exceeds my expectations as well. It feels like the old turn based system and improves on it in certain ways. I love how the game kicks into slow-motion and changes up what view you see as you go through combat. I'm trying to play the game strictly through VATS and feel that the pace of Action Points accruing and the more tactical feel is very, very cool. I'll duck behind a door, maybe throw a land mine in front of it, and sit tight while my Action Points regenerate.?


The NPCs feel like they have a personality which is a far cry over what the NPCs felt like in Morrowind and an improvement on the "main" NPCs in Oblivion. There are bad guys, there are good guys, and there are a lot of more generic NPCs that populate the isolated settlements and towns. All of the NPCs look significantly different and there have been a few that I was tempted to kill simply to steal their clothes. The quests have been different, fun, and full of the dark humor that made Fallout such a hit in my mind. I don't want to ruin anything but suffice it to say that many of the quests could have been pulled directly from the first game.


I think this game also strikes closer to home to me because I am from Bethesda, Maryland. I know many of these metro stops and locations that are found in the game (a lot of them are fictional) and was kinda spooked to find the metro stop that is next to my house. I love how they took D.C., the capital of the United States and symbol of freedom and utterly destroyed it. It really strikes home when you're wandering along dust strewn streets amidst dilapidated buildings and you hear patriotic music blaring form an Enclave robot.


The music in this game is excellent. It has that creepy, happy feel that we've come to associate with Fallout.


Whether you're a fan or not, I highly recommend this game. There are going to be people who hate it because it's not isometric, not turn based, and is developed by a company people hold a personal grudge against. To those people, I'd say broaden your mind and be receptive to new ideas. The old Fallout isn't going to come back, so take the plunge and head back into the wasteland again. You won't be disappointed.

With such a cool review, I think this game is going to make me busy for a few months. What about you?


Source: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

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Yeah I saw the trailer at Armageddon(NZ comic/games/amine event) last weekend it looked good. I'm not sure if I would by it or any new game for my PS3.. The prices are sky rocketing. OK new games usually cost around 99 dollars for PS2 games then when the PS3 came out it jumped slighlty to around 110 dollars. 110 dollars for a new PS3 game didn't seem too much as it was PS3 and a new release. Now the other day I went to a game store to broswe and to my suppiirse some games where going on sale for 150 dollars or even $159. I'm assuming the rise is because game companies are demandiing more to pay for their developers? I would not spend that much on a game unless it was ffxiii :).Is it like this overseas?

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I bought my copy while picking up Farcry 2. Geez, too many games to play now and have to slow down on the pace on playing :lol:. True, its amazing to see how they made a transition from 2D to 3D without leaving out any similarities from its former.

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Im planning on getting it, not 2day but when i get a chance to. and the money, tbh i am more excited about gears of war 2 which if it is better than the origional it will keep me playing it for the 8months or so the prequal did!!!

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Well I got the game, and I must say, I think it's an awesome game so far ^_^Great graphics, even on low settings, and even with my low-end pc I can still run it :lol:Also the story line is pretty good, and the leveling is OK.

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For some reason the game couldnt agree with my workstation. I suspect that it have serious issues with 64-bit OS as most of the threads posted in the support site for the game, many have Vista 64-bit installed while mine is Windows XP 64-bit. Freezing on loading, slowdown on auto-saving.

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Nice game i finished it long time ago, but i find it to short. The story that is cause if u explore and trie to find all the nice things that the devs hidden in the game world it's gonna last a while.

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Got this little gem for Christmas for the Xbox 360, and I'll have to say that so far I'm pretty impressed. The combat system is pretty well polished, in my mind, not to mention the sheer scale of immersion (think Oblivion-esque levels, although you can move pretty much anything). While I haven't got very far in to the game yet (played about 3 hours in, after a retry with a new character build), the first thing that hits me is the detail of the scenery.Sure, inside the Vault things start out bleak, but just wait until you step out in to the Wasteland for the first time...I first stepped out of there at around dawn, and the view was truly breathtaking. I can only imagine what the rest of the map looks like if things are kept to the same standard...My only mini-complaint so far is the surprising lack of...freedom? Yes, I suppose that's the word...anyway, freedom to choose what path you want. However you look at it, there really aren't occupations available to you that seem that obvious. Virtually everyone simply becomes a wasteland survivor, with a rifle in one hand and some other secondary skill in the other. Sure, my viewpoint is a little biased...especially after noticing that a lot of people carry much nicer gear than me...strange how it gradually works its way in to my hands by means of a well placed headshot...anyway, the game is rated 18 (or whatever the US equivalent is) for a reason. I couldn't help myself but laugh just a little manically at my first slow motion critical headshot...not a game for the weak stomached amongst us...Alas, though, for I fear that the PC version of the game would be substantially better, even if the graphics were toned down a little. Thoughts on that?

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I haven't played it on PS3, as I don't have a PS3, lol. I might get it on PC(I think I saw that it's out on PC as well) later. Not quite sure yet, due to school. I hate ending up addicted to things - causes grades to slip.As for what I've personally heard about the game, everyone I know of that has played it loved it, except one person. He didn't really explain *why* he didn't like it though, just that he didn't.So although I've never played it, I would say that it is probably worth getting, :P.

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Not a game for kids, my 11 year old is giving me a hard time because I refuse to allow him to play or watch this game.  I'm sure it has all these great features and story lines, but the whole point of the game is to kill, but not only to kill but to mutilate anyone and everyone you choose.  No wonder our children are not thinking twice about carrying a gun to school.  Children and a lot of adults have problems figuring out the difference between reality and fiction.  What good comes form this game?  What good things are in this game?  None that I can see or hear.  What about the people who walk around with the thoughts of hurting and killing people in their head already, this just plays out the fantasy of that and could potentially turn fiction into realty. 

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