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Self Medication- Beneficila Or Disastrous?

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Hi Guys!!!!!

Have you ever experimented self medication for your health problems? Did it work for you? Have you met an unpleasant consequence of domestic medication? Post your opinions and experiences?

Manpreet Kaur
E-Books Author

Edited by Manpreet (see edit history)

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In terms of trying home and/or natural remedies for health problems I've had a lot of success with curing problems...oftentimes there's a good reason why certain home remedies that might seem stupid are actually really good for your health or really beneficial in curing ailments.In terms of self-medicating for chemical medications and stuff, I haven't experimented too much, but I think as long as you know what you're doing you will be okay. Don't ever experiment with something you don't understand.

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Yes, I do it all the time. And since I am pretty old and have survived all my own medicating, I'd say I do a pretty good job of doctoring myself. Of course, the main reason I do it is lack of money/insurance. Being self employed means I have no health insurance, and things are complicated by the fact that I don't make enough money to afford my own insurance, and make too much money to be on welfare. Certain injuries if treated by a doctor, can cause you a great deal of grief, specifically dog bite injuries. In many cases, the physician is required to report the bite to the health department, and if they so desire, they can take your dog away from you and kill or quaranteen it to check it for rabies. Now if I am foolish enough to get any of my body parts in the way of 2 dogs that are having a dissagreement and I get bit in the process, I know darn good and well the dog isn't rabid, but you can't tell the health department that, so self medcation of those type injuries is of utmost importance. Then there was the time we spent the entire night in the ER with my better half having severe abdominal pain. In the end, the doctor prescribed metrodizonal and sent us home. When I had the perscription filled at the hospital pharmacy and figured out what he gave him, I looked at the pharmacist and said, "Well shoot, if I'd of known that was all they were going to do for him I could of just given him some of my puppy medicine and we could of stayed home." The pharmacist looked at me like I was nuts, but it was the truth, metro is something I always have on hand for the pups. Now, since then, when ever we get "the trots" I know exactly what to do. A few years ago, I was feeling really bad, and it kept dragging on and on so while doing some reasearch I found my symptoms were exactly those of someone with lymes disease. I did go to the health department, but they told me that the test alone for Lymes was going to be around $200! A bit more reasearch and I discovered the usually recomended treatment for Lymes is tetracycline. This is a common and very cheap antibiotic, on one of our trips to Mexico I had picked some up when they had it on sale, so 200 doses only cost $4. So, when the cure costs $1 but to test is $200.........well, you can guess what I did. And I saw an immediate improvement in my condition, so I'm quite sure that's what it was. If I had not improved, I might of eventually gone to the doctor, but that would of been a last resort. You do all realize that doctors review your sypmtoms and most often guess what may be wrong with you anyway. Why do you think they call it "practising" medicine? So if the doctor is most likely going to guess at what is wrong with me and charge me a whole lot of money to do it, why shouldn't I take my own best guess first? After all, who knows my symptoms better than I do?

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Dear friend I have never tried self medication and really hate medicines I should say like others. But I should say no one should practice as it might even be dangerous to your life even if effected adversely. So always consult a registered medical practitioner, a doctor before using or going for a medicine. Otherwise what should I say.?

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