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Please Help. I feel so lost.

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I feel so lost, down and depressed. I'm only 16. I feel like I have so many problems. I have no job, so I can't do much for me and my girlfriend. My girlfriend treats me like *BLEEP*. We argue everyday. I don't do good in school. I have no clue where i'm going in life. I've lost so many good friends, I don't have anyone to go to anymore. I'm crying everyday, nothing ever seems right. My parents got divorced 2 years ago, and now me and my dad have completely quit talking. It hurts to have lost so many people and not having anyone to go to and being treated like *BLEEP*. The only time i'm happy anymore is when i'm drugged up on marijuana. I need help.

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r.kenneth,I appreciate that you are having difficulties right now, but things usually work out. Don't despair. Take the opportunity to discuss your life events with a qualified Counselor, maybe there is one at your school. Or a Doctor or a Nurse you know. Lots of teenagers go through lots of things during the period of adolescence and need support from someone. It is not uncommon.I urge you to take some steps in a positive, pro-active direction. Open a channel for communicating your issues with a Counselor is the very first thing you need to do. And getting loaded up on the MJ (or alcohol) is not a good thing during these stressful times. Lay off the weed until (at least) you get the problems cleared up. It may not be an easy thing to do, but it will pay-off long-term.All the best to you.

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r.kenneth,I appreciate that you are having difficulties right now, but things usually work out. Don't despair. Take the opportunity to discuss your life events with a qualified Counselor, maybe there is one at your school. Or a Doctor or a Nurse you know. Lots of teenagers go through lots of things during the period of adolescence and need support from someone. It is not uncommon.
I urge you to take some steps in a positive, pro-active direction. Open a channel for communicating your issues with a Counselor is the very first thing you need to do. And getting loaded up on the MJ (or alcohol) is not a good thing during these stressful times. Lay off the weed until (at least) you get the problems cleared up. It may not be an easy thing to do, but it will pay-off long-term.
All the best to you.

I really do have to agree with the above. as for someone who is a recovering addic and alcoholic, things like this are not helping your problems bro. all it is doing is hurting you more.

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Open Up a Door of Mircales

Please Help.


Dear Ophra,

Please go to http://stemcellofamerica.com and read Brians Miracle. I need this miracle. My son's car was hit by city ambulance. That accident took my mothers life and left my son in a semi-coma state. You can help me bring him back. At the same time you can bring this to others here, Michael J. Fox is one person that I thought of and was unable to obtain a way to contact him, not for his help but for him to help himself. I do not think of you as a bank, I believe in you because of joy you have brought to others. I would like for you to investigate this web site and tell me what you think. I can not bring my mother back, but with your help you can bring my son back to me. I have no other children. I leave this message in Gods hands and hope that it will reach you. Continue to be the blessing that you have been to so many. And, if you can not and do not help me, I will not think less of you. God bless you, your health, your finances and above all may God grant to you His Peace in your life. Thank you


-question by Linda

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Why do you seek to fill yourself with smoke and not God? Place your burdens on God, for it is written:

The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him

and again,

The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.

Therefore take up Christ's yoke, for he says,

28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

How much can a counselor do for you? Will they be with you always? Can they provide you with a job? Can they convert the mindset of your girlfriend? How can you pay to visit one when you lack the funds? God can do all these things and you don't even have to pull out money from your pocket. Even if you did go see a counselor, in the end you'll be returning back to your reality, where the present will become a burden to you again. But let me inform you about those who place all their trust in God:

40 His speech persuaded them. They called the apostles in and had them flogged. Then they ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go. 41 The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.

22 The crowd joined in the attack against Paul and Silas, and the magistrates ordered them to be stripped and beaten with rods. 23 After they had been severely flogged, they were thrown into prison, and the jailer was commanded to guard them carefully. 24 When he received these orders, he put them in the inner cell and fastened their feet in the stocks. 25 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.

Hated, flogged, and tossed in prison; they had every reason to mourn for the situations they have been through. But the present didn't bring them down, and they sang and rejoiced, for their trust was in God.

Jesus replied, "What is impossible with human beings is possible with God."

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Helping family member in abusive relationship Please Help.

My niece was (is) involved in an abusive relationship.  The guy has gone to jail twice for beatingHer up (and beat her up several more times he didn't go to jail for), andSeveral times for beating up previous girlfriends.  Two years ago, she said she was ready to get out of theRelationship with him.  She got a job,Her own apartment, and started taking care of herself and her baby.  I talked to her and told her I would be willingTo help her by watching the baby while she worked, as long as she was trying toDo what is right by the baby, and staying away from the creep.

When the baby was not quite a year old, she announced sheWas pregnant again, by the same guy. She says she saw him only one time, the night before he had to go toJail he came by to see his baby one last time (one of 4 by various girlfriends,None of whom get child support).  I didVerify he was back in jail, I can't say that I believe her it was only one timeStory.  However, my niece has continuedWorking and getting promotions.  She hadThe second baby, and now I am watching both babies.

Last week a friend told me she saw my niece and the creep atThe grocery store in the middle of the day, while I was watching her kids.  Several days went by, my niece said nothingTo me about meeting with him.  When I finallyAsked, she said he just got out of jail and they met for lunch, but she is notGoing to continue to date him.  However,They do talk on the phone every day because he is so concerned about hisDaughters (he now has 6 kids, no job, does not pay child support).

I feel very used right now. I believe my niece is in a relationship again with the creep,Again.  While she is an adult, and canBe in any relationship she wants to, I do not want to support her continued badDecision. 

Because she has no daycare expenses, she has a little extraMoney right now.  In the past, she hasSupported the creep by giving him cash and gifts (like a car).

I'm retired, and getting older now; watching 2 babies leavesMe worn out, but I love watching them. Still, I don't want to work to (in effect) support the creep.

So now to my question: Do I continue watching the babies for her?


-reply by aunt

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